Thursday, November 19, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letters -Nov.20



Thursday Morning

Dear Family,

Just got in from giving the walnuts a second coat of red spray paint.  I know the neighbors must be wondering about us -- having the walnuts hanging from the make-shift clothes line out front.  It's really gotten cool here -- but I'd like to wait till December 1st to put on the heat!!!

Wanted to let you al know that Grayce's husband did die on Sunday afternoon -- he had really suffered the last two weeks.  The funeral was yesterday and there were alot of people there from work.  I was glad of that -- because other than the family there was only about 8 other people there.  The pallbearers all came from the center.  They ranged in age from 62 to 89 years old.  

Today out at the center someone from Rio Salado College is coming to speak -- something about TV commercials and how they manipulate us -- should be very good.  Next week we are one of the locations in the county for the free flu shots -- thats on Tuesday -- and I'm really dreading that -- will no doubt be a very busy day!!!  Wednesday is the Thanksgiving Day party -- about 20 people have rally been working on it -- party favors for all etc.

Haven't gotten the beads or strings yet -- should be arriving soon.  Marion and I went over to the wholesalers in Phoenix this last week -- bought alot of beads, etc.  They have been making Christmas bells, dogs, etc. out of beads out at the center.  I just hope all this stuff sells.


* * * * *

Dear Grandma,

You should be here now -- both extremes of weather like you had here -- except all in the same day.  Very cold in the morning and then nice and warm with the sun out during the day and cold again at night!!!

Yesterday we had all the neighbors coming over to see what we were doing.  We had the big sep ladder out in the front yard.  Then two jump ropes tied between the step ladder and the tree.  At one time we had 72 walnuts hanging from the jump ropes -- used paper clips to hang them by.  We were spraying them all red for one of our newest arts and crafts project.

It's about time for you to begin packing for Florida.  It was just about a week -- no a month ago that you were leaving here.  You and Mrs. Moore will have to plan to come out again next year.

Do write and let me know when you get down to Florida what is new with Rob -- along with Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill.  I bet Uncle Bill will be busy all this winter doing yard work and such.  (ho, hum!!!)

Grandma I will offer you the same deal that I'm offering Mother -- would you like to buy any of the things that the senior citizens are making for the church bazaar???  I could really send you some neat stuff -- plus you would be helping out two good causes -- the Senior Citizens and the Church!!!   Let me know -- I could send to mother anything you wanted.

Got to get going -- lots of stuff todo . . . .


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