Saturday, November 28, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Dec.2


Tuesday --
December 2, 1980
Dearest Family --

The week really rolls around quickly and its time for another letter to be on its way.  We did enjoy our visit with John and Carol last weekend.  They have a really nice house and fixed it up so cozy.  We had had quite a time that day losing Pauline Simkins at the Dayton airport but she and G'ma finally got together and were on their way -- none too soon as far as time or weather were concerned.  We did have snow that morning -- mostly flurries around New Vienna and Dayton but had stuck more toward Newark.

The fire in the fireplace John had ready to go was really a welcome sight.  After Carol's delicious meal we sat around and talked in front of the fire.  Carol has so many pretty plants all over the house -- all thriving due to her green thumb(s).  They also have up a number of hand made wreaths that put us in a Christmas mood.  (Their cards are already finished and on their way which really puts me to shame!)

It was good talking to all of you -- Serena a couple of times -- sorry that she took cold and wasn't able to surprise us as planned at Thanksgiving but hopefully has recuperated by now.  Also enjoyed our talks with Roberta and Catherine.  Wish that we could have all been together for we had a big turkey -- enough for all.

Also talked to the Hortons and G'ma on Sunday evening and G'ma and Pauline had arrived safely.  They had taken a plane from Dayton that went straight through to West Palm Beach so it wasn't necessary to change in Atlanta.  Marianne is to come to Florida around the 12th of December.  Rob is thinking of coming to Newark so may be here for Christmas with us when John and Carol come down Christmas eve.  Wish that John got off Friday too but glad at least they will get down for a short time.  We'd like to get down to see Cris'es new place that he has been so busy fixing up this fall -- perhaps it will work out eventually for us to get there.

Was surprised to read of the death of John James (Roberta worked with him at the donut shop -- J-W Restaurant.)  Tom McMillan of New Vienna also passed away having had cancer for about a year.  He is the husband of Mary McMillan who did have the Snow Hill Beauty Shop.

I think we told John but don't think we wrote in the last letter that Marvin Beam has a cancer similar to his father's and also has had to have his leg amputated.  He is in a hospital in Cleveland -- same one where Catherine was born.

There was a fire at the back of the Marathon offices in New Vienna -- rather suspicious as Fibber Knauff (Homer Williams's son-in-law) is about bankrupt.  It was so close to the Stanley Johnson property and the Marathon itself - quite dangerous.

The Lions Club Ladies Night was last night and was held at Ginny's Restaurant -- well filled with 57 of us there but we had a very good meal and it looked more attractive than usual.  Wish that they would be open on Sundays with a similar menu.  They had a salad bar across the front counter and then served two pork chops, broccoli with cheese sauce, corn -- thank goodness no usual green beans!  And no potatoes.  Cherry or chocolate tarts for dessert.

Tonight is the annual Clinton County Banker's Dinner at the Elks Club.  Mary Virginia and Bill Kincaid and Vicki Butler are putting on the program at the New Vienna Junior Mothers Club.  We no doubt shouldn't miss the weekly square dance lesson but will have to forgo that.  It is also the night of the first of the Artist Series -- the Cincinnati Symphony is at Herman Court, Wilmington College.  So we will miss that too.

They changed the Lions Club to Monday night because the Christmas program at the school was scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 3 -- the Lions regular meeting night.

[Love, etc.]

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