Thursday, November 05, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -Nov.7


Friday Morning
7:00 A.M.

Dear Family,

This will have to be a shorty but did want you all to know that I still think of you all lots!!!!!  The last two weeks have sure been busy.  Grayce -- the full time aide out at work has been gone 8 out of the last ten days.  Her father died about two weeks ago in Ogden, Utah so she was off for a week going up there for the funeral.  Her dad was 98 years old and had been in good health until this last summer.  Then the day after she got back her husband went in the hospital with congestive heart failure.  He has had heart trouble for the last 12 years -- now all sorts of complications have set in.  

So that leaves myself and Judy (who can only work 20 hours a week -- she's paid out of Older Americans Act) out at work.  We have really been bombarded with new people -- lots of pushy winter visitors.  Because we are limited as to how many meals we can serve -- it makes it very bad.

I called up John election night and enjoyed talking with him.  He mentioned the possibility of them getting a foster child -- has this come about by now?  Mary Virginia we were sure happy to get your letter.  I'm glad to see that you can still write!!!

Marion traded her bike in for one like mine -- except its a little smaller.  The honda was a 50cc and this one is a 100cc -- so its top speed would be about 50.  It is the scotter type like mine.  Where the honda did not have any gears -- this one has three.  So far she is having lots of trouble shifting gears -- done by the left hand.  But, she can't seem to shift with just the one hand.  I sure like my bike.  I've been thinking about investing in a ski outfit -- perhaps the one piece outfits -- they cost alot but it would be nice for wearing on the bike -- especially in the mornings -- I'm already freezing now that the temps ae down in the 60's in the AM.  Last year I bought the ski gloves -- they were right around $40 -- but sure warmer than anything else!!!!!

Mother, when is the Christmas bazaar at the Church?  Wish you all could see all the stuff that has been made out at the center.  We are planning a combined effort sale with the Senior Center in town -- also the B.D. Dalton Bookstore is donating lots of books and calling it a "Book-a-Thon".  One of Dalton's boys -- about my age lives here in Mesa and manages the Dalton bookstore at Fiesta Mall.  He is on the Mesa Senior Center Executive Board.  Our sale is scheduled for December 6th -- hopefully it will be a success!!!!!

Now Saturday morning -- want to get this off before I leave for work.  Its funny, I've gone over to the flower shop three different times -- one being this last Wednesday to tell Harry I'm quitting, but then I don't do it.  This last time I just asked for the 6th off -- for our art sale.

Had something weird happen to me last night.  I had left my bike at Vera's house yesterday afternoon and had driven her into town -- in her '52 Mercury -- to have supper with us.  Last night about ten o'clock I drove her back and when I went to get on my bike I felt like something wasn't just right.  I didn't mention it to her.  About two miles later I went over a bump and just about lost my windshield -- so I stopped real fast to look over the situation.  Someone had undone all the way three out of the four screws that holds the windshield on.  They were gone completely.  So I had to take it nice and easy all the way home -- about 8 miles.  I figure that whoever it was must have got scarred away when we came up in the car.  Marion and  Sally had gone to the football game.  We had supper with them -- then we stopped at the hospital, the grocery, and then got to Vera's about ten.

We ate at the LUNT AVENUE MARBLE CLUB -- its in Tempe -- really a neat place.  You all would enjoy it the next time you come.  When you order a sandwich you get a piece of cantaloupe, bunch of grapes, etc.

Got your letter yesterday -- thanks alot.  Really enjoyed reading the letter Mary Virginia had written to the editor of the News Journal.  Sounds like you all are your usual busy selves.  And I can relate to that.


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