Tuesday, September 03, 2019

1979 Family Letter -July 10

Tuesday --
July 10, 1979
Dearest Family --

This letter is late mainly for one reason -- the UMW picnic scheduled for Hilda Williams pond had to be held here this afternoon instead as the weather has rally been damp -- too much so to have it out there where it is so beautiful when dry but skiddish and bad when wet.  Anyway we had about 17 total but not all were here at the same time.  So many are on vacation (Wilma and Mrs. Thornburg, Georgialia Hannah) others were sick (Opal Nussbaum) or had sickness in their family (Mrs. Walter Drake, Carolyn Thornburg) or had to work (Melba Fawley) who are the most regular of the regular members.  So all in all we had a good group.  Of course Mother Uible was away too and she was a co-hostess but there was so little to do except get the house ready.  There was quite a bit of food left and so many wanted to leave something here so we shouldn't have to do alot of cooking for tonight and maybe tomorrow too.

Sure enjoyed talking to Serena on the phone Saturday but so sorry that she had to wait at a pay phone so long -- had we known we would have called her right back but thought Dad might want to talk too and knew he'd be in shortly.

We did enjoy having John and Carol here from Monday until Sunday though the time really went fast.  John wasn't feeling too well and hope that he is felling much better by now.  He seemed to have alot of stomach pains which has been going around but sure didn't want to let it go thinking it would clear up like we did with Mary Virginia.  After having the same symptoms since a week ago Saturday -- Carol and I talked him into going to the emergency room of the hospital Tuesday night for we just couldn't see letting it go until Thursday.  They gave him some medicine and thought he should be better or see his doctor (does it sound familiar?).  He took it easy on Wednesday, the Fourth, and did get an appointment with Dr. Bath on Friday but didn't really find out any more but seemed to be feeling a little better by Sunday.  If not better Monday, Carol was going to get him to a doctor of hers.  Just seemed to feel badly after eating.

Ann Wolfrom was quite disturbed Sunday and wanted information on the status of taking dried food into CANADA.  If you can find out any details on the food restrictions as to imports let us know, Roberta.  July 21st is the schedule day for departure on the "Northern expedition."

M.V. has been on the lawnmower this week and seems fully recuperated from her bout at the hospital.  This has been a mixed up week at the shop with about a half crew there -- the others have two weeks or more vacation . . . in the office there are always reports to be done, tho we hope that the computer will help make the job easier.

[Lots of love, etc.]

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