Wednesday, June 24, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -June 24

June 24, 1975
Dear Family –

Hi!  Nice talking to you all last night – though this Insurance stuff has really got me messed up.  That letter I got was really official looking.

I'm really getting a work out here – we are responsible for setting the tables – getting the food out – also for the desert & 1st course. (which is either soup or juice)  Can you imagine (inserted) last night at supper making melon balls – for 100 people.  Believe me it's a job.  Every morning O.J. has to me made – grapefruit has to be cut.  Also the senior citizens really go in for prunes so they have to be cooked the night before & dished out in the morning.

The counselors here are from all over – though the majority of them are from "the Guild" in NYC.  One of the boys is from Nashville, Tenn.

Surprisingly alot of the people that come here are pretty well-to-do.  Two women came in one of those big black limousines (sp?).  I was talking to a woman last night who has been overseas every year since 1963 – when her husband died.  She was the one that said that the Indian people are the friendliest people she has ever met.  She is going to give me some addresses of Indian people over there.  she too has eaten at Gaylord's in NYC.  By the way Gaylord's is written up in both Fodor's & India on $5 & $10 dollars a day – as a place to go if you feel like a splurge.

I've been doing alot of reading – so far Southern India sounds the most interesting to me.  Also the weather there would agree w/me the most.

Got to go –


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