Sunday, November 06, 2011

November 7, 1989-99

Working Outdoors

 HH's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Tuesday 1989 - Put peat moss around evergreens at NVUMC.  Jean has Prayer fellowship here with Ann Bailey and Evie Johnson.  GG invited me to speak to Jr. Mothers Club about Cross Country Bike Ride.  The ½ hour went by quickly.

Wednesday 1990 - Got haircut, $4.  Rod Lane, Clinton County Supt. of Schools spoke [at Lions Club], now 600+ school districts in Ohio, in 1914 there were some 12,000.

Saturday 1992 - [Newark to home] Julie fixed us a nice lunch, then we left about 1pm with a stop in Granville for an ice cream cone, then to Sam's Club, where we got some odds and ends.  Supper at Siam Restaurant on Bethel Rd., just west of I-270.

Sunday 1993 - [Ginny visiting] John, Julie and Kate came after spending the night at Murphin Ridge.  Ginny adjusted very well to her cousin.  Barnabas program at Mt. Olive.  I slipped up as far as time to help with the bells.

Monday 1994 - Item in paper about Ronald Reagan [1911-2004] in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Tuesday 1995 - From 9am to 9pm at CMH re Leadership Clinton.  New class there for supper.  Bob Crites came from Newark, the two ropes with people blindfolded trying to raise the pot.  Nick Eveland elected Mayor of Wilmington for fourth time.  After 30 years as Mayor of Midland, Mark Schilling lost.

Thursday 1996 - [Trip to Australia and New Zealand through 11/22]

Friday 1997 - [to Kentucky] We went to Wilmington, fasting service at District Office, led by Mike, then Jean went to D Chapel for Church Women United.  Then back to NV to work at bank for bazaar returns.  Sue Shaw Davis quitting the Bank after 5 years to babysit for grandchildren.  Leave for Lexington for family get together [to celebrate Mother's 75th birthday early, Christian arrives on the actual day, 12/11/97].  We are at the Holiday Inn North, $79/night.   We were in 344.  Supper at New Orleans House nearby.  A BIG seafood buffet.  No wonder there are so many heavy people.

Saturday 1998 - Great day to work out of doors – edged the front walk, mowed the leaves, cleaned out the cars and garage and the attic and dug up weeds.  PPR meeting at 3:30 re hiring youth minister, Stephanie, a freshman at Asbury.  Helped with the clean up a church.  Made about $1300.

Sunday 1999 - We can be as Moses to the unchurched.  64 people as prospects from festival.  Alta Muncie there with six children.

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