Thursday, July 16, 2020

1990 Serena's Letter -July 14

July 14, 1990

Dear Everyone,

I am sitting in my office among bags, boxes and other miscellaneous belongings that I have recently moved, but somehow I have not found a spot for many of them at least not one that is anything approaching satisfactory.  I decided to take time out from feeling conscience-stricken for not having done more unpacking this week-end and write to everyone so that at least I could feel less ashamed about SOMETHING.

My office -- doesn't that sound better than the room with a computer and boxes of books and papers in it -- is actually the least cluttered room in the house.  Of course that could be because it has the most boxes that are still completely full.  Ah well, is the glass half full or half empty?

I feel rather disoriented at home -- there is so much room, so much STUFF -- to put away, to find, to throw away (now that I've moved it).  My bewilderment only increases at work.  There WAS an office for the former director, but nobody has used it for over a year (except to store huge, ugly, useless junk) and so construction dirt and the smell of mold clobbers my senses as soon as I open the door.  Then, there is the future office of the director which has about 10 chairs, two large tables, an almost totally empty file cabinet, three closets, and at least 15 electrical outlets.  There is no phone, or even a phone jack, no desk, no book case.  It is beautiful and new, but at least at this point it leaves a number of things to be desired.  The exhilaration of starting a new job, particularly where a construction job was in progress is sometimes hard to express.

I am the current Greenville Public Library director.  The library has a staff of about twenty and a district of about 25,000 possible patrons.  Everybody seems very gracious at least so far.  It is amazing how many people want to meet the new library director -- some of them aren't even looking for a job or tying to sell something, some of them just want to complain.  I suppose that this is my fifteen seconds of fame, somehow I always thought fame would be more fun -- instead it feels like they are betting on how long before I'll be tarred, feathered and run out of town.  Well, I still have secretarial skills -- there's a comforting thought.

I am now living in Greenville, Ohio.  Even though many people have never heard of Greenville, it is famous for Annie Oakley, Lowell Thomas, the Treaty of Greenville, and, of course, the renowned Darke County Fair.  Okay, it isn't Paris, but then Paris isn't Greenville either.

Thanks to all of you who have written recently -- I cherish both of those letters and the postcard.  Okay, I admit I haven't exactly spent a fortune on postage either, but I am sure that my excuse is better than your excuse -- whatever yours is -- just let me know in your next letter.

My new address is 1339 Chippewa, Greenville, Ohio  45331.  My home telephone number is 513/548-9821.  Yes I still have that obnoxious answering machine.  My work telephone number is 513/548-3915, but please don't call me at work for at least another two months, by then we may actually have working telephone jacks that go up to the remodeled area, including my office.

Anyway, do drop me a line sometime . . .


Serena Uible

Dear Grandma & Hortons,
How are you all doing?  Life has been hectic here.  I hear you are doing really well, Grandma -- are you enjoying the summer weather?

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