Sunday, July 05, 2020

1980 Family Letter -July 5

July 5, 1980
Dearest Family --

Have really gotten the days mixed up since the holiday of the Fourth of July came on Friday.  Missed having you all home but didn't know we would have Mary Virginia with us as they hadn't planned to get back until Sunday morning sometime.  A number of things caused the foul-up which I'll explain later rather than in the letter but it was a different experience for them.  We woke up hearing noises in the house Thursday morning and rather surprised to see Mary Virginia in her bed.

Wednesday night opened the Fourth of July celebration in New Vienna with a community church service down in the park.  As Grandma said they had enough program for several services.  One group in particular kept singing -- perhaps it could have been termed a filibuster.

Wednesday night was also Lions Club meeting, the new Friends minister spoke on agriculture in India, which is his home country.  He is a very friendly person, tho sometimes hard for me to catch all his words.

Harold Thornburg met Jim Wise at the Cincinnati airport as Rev. Wise had the service for John Cooper on Tuesday.  The Coopers had just been to Lakeside two weeks as our delegates and understood that John was to give a report of the activities tomorrow at Church.

Thursday night was Square Dance night -- we alternate workshops . . . where we practice . . . with dances, which are more of a dress up occasion.  There was a big crowd as a group came from both Hillsboro and Washington C.H.  We heard they are starting a new club in Greenfield, Ohio.

Friday morning we got some odd jobs around the house done and then went downtown for the chicken barbeque at noon.  The parade was at 2 P.M. and Grandma's porch makes an excellent reviewing stand.  Gene Drake was in it with his bike -- he had asked Dad to join him in next year's 4th of July parade.  After the parade we even picked a few cherries -- every day they are a little bit riper.  The transparent apples are now coming on for eating and apple sauce.

Kay Wolfrom works at Kings Island and she had a pass for her family to come as guests last night, so they invited us as "grand-parents.  We saw the aerial show where a fellow goes up in a balloon and also four people who bail out of a plane "way up in the sky" and land on the point in front of everyone.  We did ride the roller coaster, but they had cut the line for the "Beast" which is suppose to be worse one -- perhaps we were lucky.  Did ride on a log ride and only got about 25% wet.  After getting home at 1 A.M. morning came all too early.

Back to N.V.'s event -- they had a jail where anyone, with a $ could swear out a warrant and put you in jail for 15 minutes (unless you wanted to pay another dollar to get out), which seemed like a real money maker.

Really happy to hear about Serena's new position as reference librarian at Loyola.  -- congratulations!!  Hope you really enjoy the work and may continue in library work -- going  on to school if that is your desire.

Catherine attended her first library board meeting of the Madras P.L. last week so stands that much better chance of taking over when the present librarian retires.  [I was on a "revenge" mission to get on the library board, as when we moved to Madras, she had refused to give me a library card as I did not have the proper Oregon ID and was not employed!  Had to get Gerry to get a library card for us to use.   The librarian who did retire shortly thereafter, recently died at age 99.] 

Mary Virginia sang at Autumn Years Nursing Home in Sabina yesterday -- John Cooper had been going each Sunday afternoon & had asked her to sing three or four weeks ago.  It was voiced that we should carry this on for John so at least MV is doing her part -- she was the only one who went yesterday.  We wanted to go with her but she preferred that we not -- said that we would make her more nervous.

Thanks so much for the box of cards we just received from you, Mary [MUH] of Joe's lithographs.  It was appreciated though I wasn't hinting. 

[Love, etc.]

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