Sunday, February 16, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -Jan.5

Saturday A.M.
Dear Family,

Thanks for your cards on your trip home.  And a letter from Mary Virginia!!!  Hope that you weren't sick Mother after the first day.  I'm sure it was a matter of missing Buffy.  I should have had a nice 8 by 10 picture of him for you all to take home.

I thought that life would really calm down after all the departures . . . but I've really had my hands full.  In fact, this week has really gone by fast.  Lots of action.

Buffy -- who I think has always thought he was some sort of fighter -- really got in a fight with a big dog on Tuesday night.  I had him out walking . . . leash and the whole bit.  All of a sudden there was a bark or two from this strange dog and then the two got into it.  Buffy came out with three bad cuts.  One was bleeding alot -- and he could hardly walk.  It was very exciting.  Oh, the dog also went for my knee -- tore the pants a little, but didn't even break the skin.  I called up the Stubbs and they looked at him and said that he would live.  That their farm dogs always fought and would heal up on their own.  But of course Buffy is not a farm dog, so I didn't know exactly what I should do.  Called up Sally . . . who like Marion is dog crazy.  She came over . . . and told me to call up the Vet right away.  The one cut was pretty deep and he was having trouble walking.

So out to the Vet about 8:00 P.M. and the Vet said he needed stitches in all three places.  I tried to call up Marion from the Vet's but no answer . . . now she will find out when she gets back tomorrow night.

Figured there wasn't much use to call her after I had already made the decision to have the stitches put in.  Poor Buffy had to be put out completely and also a local.  The vet kept him that night and also part of the next day.

Now he is doing fine.  He has no trouble walking . . . just one large bald spot on the top of his head and a larger bald spot where the stitches went in.  I took him yesterday for a check-up and then the stitches will come out on Tuesday.

Oh, Marion did call on Wednesday morning . . . just as I was going out the door for my interview. (details on that later . . . first the important stuff!!!)  She had found her plane ticket -- I didn't mention anything about Buffy.  Marion won't be too happy about the whole deal when she gets back but there wasn't much use for her to know about it in Ill.  and not be able to do anything about it.

I had one interview on Wednesday that went pretty good.  Then came home and cleaned out the whole pantry area -- it looks so good now.  Also did the closet downstairs and the storage area outside.  I'd take pictures but like on the horse need a movie camera!!!

The interview on Wednesday led to another one on Thursday . . . same place, but on Thursday had a board to face . . . interview board.  And on Thursday afternoon I got the call saying I got the job and could I start to work on Monday.  Still can't hardly believe it!!!  I've got a job with the almost to open up MESA SENIOR CENTER -- located on Center just North of Main.  Just past the Post Office.  I'll be the OUTREACH SPECIALIST!!!  My primary responsibilities: To interview / brief low-income elderly and handicapped.  So these perspective clients may become participants at the Senior Center, thus delaying/ presenting the need for institutionalization.  To learn to interview for purposes for Title XX, SSA, eligibility determination. (direct from my job description).  Next week I'll be working out of the DES office downtown Mesa on Main -- where the Senior Center has their temporary offices.  The center is to open up on the 14th of January.  Wednesday was the closing day for the job.  I'll be working Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM -- perhaps some evenings.  In that case I'm to adjust my schedule so that I don't work over 40 hours . . . thus no overtime pay on their part.  I'll be paid mileage -- should make money on that using the bike.  It's half decent money -- and a foot in the door.  With my degree (down the road) finished and some experience behind me I'll be qualified for Director's job in a few years.

Did ask about taking a course at ASU one evening a week -- and they said no problem.  In fact, if I needed a morning or afternoon class I could arrange my schedule.  So yesterday I went over to ASU to change my registration.  Found that I either needed to register as was: paying full time tuition or wait till the 15th of January and go through registration again.  I chose the second.  Went over to see if my advisor was in . . . and he was.  He had just looked at a computer print-out of my grades and so I got to see my grades.  Four A's and one B!!!!  So then I told him that I had decided to drop out since I didn't get all A's.  He had a funny look and then knew I was kidding.  Then I told him about my job and he suggested that I only take the one course, instead of two.  At 33 dollars per hour one course might be enough for the time being!!!!  Stopped by the Registrar's office and asked about my grades -- that I had not gotten them in the mail -- and they said they would be mailed out this coming Monday.  I can't figure out what their hurry is!!!

I'm most anxious to see Dr. Greey and see what he thinks about my getting practicum credit for this job -- 12 hours -- probably this summer.  Means full-time tuition, but can't beat the way to get credits.

Went over to the new house yesterday.  Now have a front door . . . along with all the other doors inside the house.  Looks like the "icing" will go on Monday.  Hard to believe those boards, chicken wire, and "icing" make up the walls of a house.

Three different parties have been through this place this week.  One time I was here and the lady commented about the yellow.  whoever buys it will have to like the color yellow.

Grandma's letter came on Wednesday -- or maybe Thursday.  I can just hear Rob (Robbie-Dob) explaining all about the ranch . . . and his horse Stinger.  That was a lot of fun at the ranch.  And having you all here.  Just that time went by too fast.

Oh, I didn't qualify for a CETA job because I had worked at the florist job!!!  Crazy rules . . . penalize you for being able to work !!!! -- or rather for working!!!

Mary Virginia you sure have had the mail -- I've forwarded it all back to you.  (of course after I open them up with the steam method -- ha!)  By the way, haven't found a thing yet that Rob or the Morgans left here.

Have you all heard the ads for the Publishing Clearing House contest . . . where you can win $125 thousand but the super prize is $250 thous???  I sent in my card this morning -- now juts sitting back and waiting till I get the news.  I'd really settle for the third prize -- $75 thou!!!  Needless to say -- I'm not holding my breath -- and glad that I got a job -- just in case I don't win!!!

What is new in New Vienna??? WE (Buffy and I) have really enjoyed all the food you all left here.  He especially like the ham . . . .  Funny lat night I went to Stubbs for supper and can you guess what they had???  Yes -- Ham!

Had a note today from Mrs. Sanker about Lowell being out here now.  Tried to call him this afternoon but no luck . . . will have to have him over for supper sometime.


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