Thursday, February 20, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Jan.15

January 15, 1980
Dearest Family --

It seems like years since we have written a letter and guess that it has been a long time - way back in last month anyway.  We just got back from Chicago yesterday, after spending a couple of days with Serena which we really enjoyed.  We didn't get to the John Hancock apartment as both of them were spoken for but did get to stay at a different place - called Seven Seven Seven (North Michigan Avenue) which was much handier and not as complicated to reach as the other two.  We could see Loyola (Water Tower Campus) from our 37th floor apartment facing Michigan for Loyola was just across the street and up a little way (midway between the John Hancock and 777)  Serena hadn't gotten our card which we had written saying that we would be in sometime Friday evening but we finally reached her at her apt. and she came down and stayed with us.  Mary Virginia has stayed home as she would have had to miss a basketball game for which her grade would have been docked.  Saturday we took off for O'Hare airport area where the Variety show was being held and then Serena and I went on to a huge enclosed mall near there.  That night we went to see "Life with Father" at McCormick Place theater.  It was a theater in the round and we were on the 2nd row so had real good seats (all same price).  I don't suppose any of you have heard of the actors but Don Ameche was the father and Arlene Dahl the mother so interesting just to see them too.

Sunday we went to Moody Bible Church for a couple of reasons -- John and Carol had given us a subscription to Moody Monthly for Christmas and we had always heard of the Institute and interested in seeing it.  The church is right across from the Museum of the City of Chicago (which we visited afterwards) as well as the Conservatory just down the street a little piece.  We tried to go see Hull House but found it closed again as it is only open weekdays which we seem to forget.  We did some other things and then eventually drove up to Winnetka to a 4* restaurant which was mentioned in the RoadFood book.  It was very good.

The weather on the whole was very good in Chicago except for the gusty winds we had the night we got there.  The window of the drug store near the apt. had been blown out as quite a few others had about the city and several people had been injured from glass and winds.  (-12ยบ chill factor).  But the next three days wee unusually warm - and I had on my long johns!!  But better too warm than too cold.

We left Chicago Monday morning and stopped in Lima to see the Schamauns but had no luck in finding anyone at home or the church but at least got to see both places and noted that the church is to celebrate their 100th Anniversary next Sunday according to the bulletin board.

Got home about 6:30 and so surprised to learn that John and Carol and Steve and a friend had been here for the weekend and so sorry to miss them but guess Ruth and Mary Virginia had managed things real well.  Mary Virginia woke up this morning not feeling very well so stayed home from school.  I talked to Wilma and she said that New Vienna has 91 absent today - and four staff members (75 yesterday) so they are setting records - people with flue symptoms, nausea, etc.  Dad still has the cold he was trying to throw off in Arizona and I finally managed to catch it so we are some combination.

We did enjoy our western trip and getting to see Roberta and Catherine and family - almost seems like a dream now.  Looking forward to seeing the pictures that were taken there at the ranch as well as others.  Haven't gotten any from the Flying E yet either.  That was quite an experience which will be long in our memories!

Do hope that Wendy is feeling much better and not bothered by hives any more.  Will be thinking about Gerry and his first day back at work tomorrow (Wed - the 16th).  Found her play money in our things so will try to remember to enclose it if I remember in time.

Backing up on our trip home from Arizona we enjoyed seeing Carlsbad Caverns - quite impressive and hard to realize that once there was one an island sea in that area.  Our last night out was in Nashville, and from where we drove down to Bell Buckle to see the Webb [?] that MV is interested in attending.  It is in a small town of 350 people and having lunch there in the local restaurant made us feel that we were in NV school.  We also visited the Burnett family in Nashville where MV had visited this past summer.

On the way thru Kentucky we had lunch in Bardstown and saw "My Old Kentucky Home".  Got home that evening in time for the band's spaghetti supper at Ginny's Restaurant on which they cleared around $600 which at least is start toward getting the band financed for their March trip to Washington.  They are going by train from Chillicothe, leaving Wed. P.M. and returning Sunday A.M.

Took advantage of the mild weather today to pour concrete for a truck dock and ramp at the old Farm Bureau Bldg. so that we can use the lift truck in getting things in and out.

We did go square dancing last Tuesday night and had to refamiliarize ourselves with a lot of the basic calls for the Christmas holidays had pushed our limited knowledge back in the corner.  Graduation from the course will be in March.

Last Wednesday night was a Republican meeting, time for all the candidates to get geared up for the Spring primary.  We are curious to see how the Iowa primary goes this next week.  Locally I am circulating a petition for the county commissioner.  I would make a poor politician as I can hardly stand these smoke filled rooms.

Next Sunday is my bride's turn to teach the Sunday School class, on which the basis is James I.  I know she would appreciate your prayers in making the 45 minutes go fast.  We saw a saying, the gist of is "Don't do anything in the dark that you would not do in the daylight."  That in itself could make the basis of a lecture.

Last Friday morning at Lees Creek the rest of the family helped put on the monthly prayer breakfast at Lees Creek and they had a record turnout of some 50 people.  M.V. is a big help in calling up people about going to things.  For a particular reason she is counting the days until her 16th birthday, i.e. driving.  That will help a lot in transportation.

[love, etc.]

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