Tuesday, August 11, 2015

1985 Roberta's Letter - Aug.13

August 13, 1985
Dear Dad and Mom,

Today is the big day!!!  The walk-thru for our new building and it sure looks good!  I'm not sure what I did with my days before this . . . lately its constantly filled with contractors, subcontractors, and the architect.  I told you all about Lou, the architect . . . . . he knew of JOE in Dakar . .  . was also in Senegal with the Peace Corps.  This conversation came up one time because we had both worn shorts to a meeting.  (that is called dressing for the weather!)

Had a great visit with Mary Greene -- she is a struggling business woman in Taiwan.  Talked about how some 2,000 agents-traders (I forget the right word) open and close their doors for good each working day.  Survival is the key.  They are going to start a door to door business this coming January.  While Mary is in the states she is trying to contact alot of businesses that are successfully doing it here . . . . AVON, AMWAY, MARY KAY, etc.  I wouldn't mind getting into direct sales again some day myself.

Dorothy Stubbs came over this past Monday night and brought over a big box of fresh peaches.  They aren't so big but real good.  We try to get together at least a couple of times each summer and this was the first time this summer.  She went to my water exercise class with me.  It was a bit too much -- too fast for her.  I'd sure like to get into the area of exercises for the "not so young, not so fit" group.

I've been reading lots on nutrition lately.  The more you get into it the more interesting it is!!! Picked up JANE BRODY (with NYTimes) book on Nutrition on sale for $3 --- lots of good reading there.

How was the big day on Sunday ----- and just how many people were around the table at the Golden Lamb??  I had wanted to call but it was go,go,go, while Mary was here.  Mary left early Monday morning -- had to send her to the airport in limo (word used loosely) because I could not find anyone to be here at 5:00 AM.  Called up the limo service and for a buck more would come to the door . . . instead of getting her over to the Westcourt Hotel.

Back to the Uible-Horton gathering . . . what were some of the highlights????  Sounds like at least 3 Uibles were there for the occasion.  Hope John and X can come to New Vienna when I'm there in September.  I've got reservations to fly in on the 18th -- paying a little bit more ($16.50 each way more) to come on a direct flight.  Arrival time in Cincinnati is 2:25 P.M.

Now 8/15 - will rush this off & write again . . . . .

Much Love,


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