Saturday, June 21, 2014

2004 Anniversary card to Catherine & Gerry

2014 Marks 38 years since Catherine & Gerry were married. This card from Mom & Dad arrived on their 28th anniversary.  Transcription follows.
2004 Anniversary card to Catherine & Gerry

[written by Jean] This card is rather amateurish for a long married couple like you but need to buy some more soon.

We are planning to meet Cris & family & John Uibles & perhaps the Ashcrafts like we did last year or year before for a picnic.

Hope Wendy & X must be getting moved in with all the company helping or being entertained.

Wanted to call you tonight but Dad says you'd be at work at 10:15 our time.

Praying that all goes well on your interview coming up.  Roberta had a BUSY DAY today and was worn out but good turn out for lunch and program.

Got a tape from church of Mary Virginia's group when they visited.

Bob Hodson was there last Sunday while Mike Barthel, our minister was at Lakeside.  He & Dorothy both look real good.  [rest of card written by HH]  Their 3 children were baptized @ the NVUMC.

My how the years fly – dream BIG & we will be around for your 50th.

1st time today to send a contract we had in Microsoft Word via E-Mail.  The other party has a lawyer in Dayton – so maybe some of the big time intelligence will rub off.

Yes, I recall the location of the old Cincy P.L. – it later became the home of the Cincy Enquirer – one of my earliest employers.  The Enquirer route was how John got interested in the N.H. School.

Love, The N.V. Uibles

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