Thursday, April 05, 2012

1982 Letter from Mom/Dad - April 4

Recirculation of memories continues!  Celebrating Anniversary #34 and thinking back to #25, lots of school events and Grandma returns to Ohio.  HH should lose weight??  Transcription follows.
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Sunday evening -
April 4, 1982
Dearest Family -

Grandma got home safely last Monday evening meeting Dad at the Atlanta airport and got home around 10 PM that night.  She stayed at her own house and seemed to have a very good winter.  Florida has had the best weather that they have had for years.  The big news is that Rob and his girlfriend are planning to be married in Florida and have picked the date of Dec. 18th.  She teaches first grade int he same building where he teaches 5th.  Others had tried to get them together for a long time but once they started dating about two or three months ago - thing have been progressing rapidly.

We just came from Grandma's and tried to find out how she'd like to celebrate her [90th] birthday but no big ideas - Dad suggested 1) Golden Lamb, 2) King's Island, and 3) Red ball game but the latter two she ruled out as far as she is concerned and doubt if Golden Lamb would be the first on her list of restaurants.  She thinks that the Hortons (Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill) and the Kintners may come for the celebration.  Or at the other extreme we could rent the Lions Club and everyone take their own favorite dishes.  She did say she would prefer a family get-together.  (Dad can get four tickets to the Reds game and we could buy others if there would be enough interested in going that week.  They are playing San Diego and Atlanta that week - all night games.)

Cluxton's have opened up the Dairy Corner - a sure sign of spring and cold weather again.  We thought we'd walk down and get some ice cream this evening but got as far as Grandma's and after stopping to see her for quite a while just came on back home for it is to get down to 24° tonite.

Mary Virginia's Spanish Class (IV) and Spanish III put on a program again this year last  Tuesday night - Mary Virginia sang "You Light Up My Life" in Spanish - very well and there were skits and dances, etc.  Luckily it was held at New Vienna so we didn't have too far to go.  Beth Harper Woodruff is the teacher - she plans to just teach half days next year as she is expecting her second child - they have a boy about three and the next one is to arrive in July.  (Roseanna Wills Curtis is expecting in June.)

Thursday night we went to the high school to see the combined Sabina and New Vienna Junior High Bands and the Senior High at their annual Spring Concert.  Mr. Wilson introduced the 14 seniors who will be graduating this year.  He is the band instructor at Sabina and Eileen Cline (nee Fisher) teaches at New Vienna so they alternated at the podium.  It was held in the new gym and the senior band did a particularly good job!

They had a very good turnout at the Healthworks program held in Wilmington Friday and Saturday - over 500 went through on Friday and we got to the hospital about 15 minutes after they opened on Saturday and we were 113-116 and had a long wait.  They had only expected a total of around 600-700 people.  They tested eyes, blood, anemia, blood pressure, height, weight, glaucoma (Friday only) and had all kinds of literature and at the end gave a summary of your results and will send a copy to your doctor and you too.  What flabbergasted us was that they told Dad that according to his body frame and weight he is 10-20 pounds overweight but thought he certainly didn't look it!  I thought that he is taller than he was registered at 5feet 8½ inches.  The health program was time consuming as we did not have lunch until 2 PM at Wendy's.

Saturday was COLD WINDY day so celebrated our anniversary by a steak dinner in front of our fire place.  We do appreciate the cards and calls from you folks.  Still laugh about the "celebration" on our 25th year in North Carolina with the Zooks and eating pizza that night.  Wish now that we had kept more notes over the years of "items" for in that way the joys can be recirculated.

[Love, etc.]

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