Saturday, December 26, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -Dec.29

Monday, December 29, 1980

Dear Mother, Dad & Mary,

Hi!  This will probably be the last letter you get from us this year.  Did you see the comic strip where the guy writes 1981 on a sign and then hangs it upside down so that it read 1861?

Sorry about the delay in getting the airline tickets back to you.  I didn't want them to get lost in the Christmas shuffle but I suppose the post office could lose them just as easily any other time.  We got a new schedule from Amtrak but all the trains we will be on won't be changing - at least not yet.

We had a nice Christmas even if we did wait two days longer than the rest of the world.  I got contacts and a warm-up suit.  Gerry got a set of weights, an exercise bench, some new clothes and we got ourselves a set of bucket type pillows for the bed.  The co-op gave us a food processor.  I used it yesterday to chop up vegetables to make pea soup.  And then to slice ham for sandwiches and for quiche.  It also grates cheese -- did about ¾ pound in 15 seconds.

DeeDee gave us a matching towel and pot holder set.  DeeDee got a "Game of Life".  It had been several years since I last played that in New Vienna!  She had also requested some electronic games -- Simon & Merlin if you have heard of them but they are both on the expensive side so we decided she could spend her Christmas money on them if she wanted to after she gets back to San Diego.  We also got her some desk accessories as she just got a new desk.  

Wendy seems happy with her new toys.  She helped me sweep and mop with her new housecleaning set which also contains a vacuum sweeper, apron, dust clothes, brush, etc.  She's better equipped than I am!  She really likes her Fisher-Price school which comes with about 100 pieces.  Fortunately they all fit inside the school which closes up and can be carried around.  One of her other favorites is the Baby with her Treasure Chest (see p. 516 of the Sears Christmas catalog.)  She loves to push the baby around in the stroller.  The housekeeping set is on p. 547 and the school p.607.  We are looking forward to enjoying our present from you in March.

The weather here turned slightly more winter-like yesterday with the high in the 40's,  The low last night was 35º and the sun is shining now so it may warm up more today.  Western Oregon had alot of floods because of the warm weather but it didn't affect us any -- we did have two days of rain though.

Wendy will be staying home with DeeDee this week instead of going to school.  I will have another long weekend this week with Thursday and Friday both off.  Gerry will have to work Friday and Saturday though.  DeeDee will be flying back to San Diego next Tuesday afternoon from Redmond.  Gerry will take the afternoon off or however much time he needs to get her there but I will probably stay at work as it is difficult to get time off.

Almost time to go to work so I better close.  Happy New Year!

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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