Thursday, December 03, 2020

1970 Roberta's Letter -Dec.6

 Dec. 6, 1970

Dear Family,

Thanks alot for your letter yesterday.  It's a very rainy day today -- by that I mean that it is raining HARD.  We wet to early morning church at the Free Methodist Church but found out that it was discontinued as of Dec. 1st.  Then we went to the Newberg Friends Church and they aren't having it either today because of the program they are having this afternoon.  So we came back to school about 9:45 -- a little before that.  We were all soaked!  We turned on the radio & decided we would stay inside & try to keep warm.  (& dry)

Friday night I bought my air-plane ticket, no trouble there.  Thursday night I went to the bank & tried to cash Dad's check.  They wouldn't cash it (at first!) because it was an out of town - out of state & the amount.  They had to call the business office of the school -- and I even had to speak to some man -- he wasn't the president or anything but he sat a desk and all.  He finally OKed it.  I told him he restored my faith in the bank.  I got a cashiers check -- cost me a whole 30¢!

The program at the Newberg Friends is put on by the school.  It will start at 3:00 this afternoon.  I'm not going to go.  The big school choir will sing.  Also there are about six solos by these people that can't sing.  It must have been their deaf grandmother that told them they could sing!  They can't!

I had a letter from Rev. Reece just a day or two ago telling me that John took down the paper about Levi Pennington & how much he appreciated it.

I don't know anything about next term tuition except that they want it before Jan 5th.  I do have my schedule for next term figured out.  Bible, English & History are carry-overs.  I'll be starting Mental Health & Deviant Behavior.  I'll ned to buy new books for these two, plus one book for English.  That's all that I know about right now.

I'll be taking  15  hours -- I couldn't work it out so that I could take swimming.

Lynette, our floor R.A. is to talk to Mary -- my room-mate about changing rooms after this term.  She is to talk to her this afternoon or evening.  Lynette is going to ask her if she would like a private room since she needs so much sleep & all.  If not they might have to find someone else for her.  That would almost mean a new student -- one who isn't here now.  I don't know how it will all work out.

I've only got one more week of classes -- plus Monday & Tuesday -- the 14th & 15th.  Our Exams start on Wednesday, and of course mine will be over Thursday.  If I don't completely flunk then I should come through with some decent grades.

Thursday I handed in my Sociology term project -- on "understanding alcoholism".  It will be about ¼ (I think) of our grade. -- final grade.  I typed mine & my little finger was sore from pushing the 'a' key so often.

I've got my History term paper all done -- I've just got to type it up now.  I'm also done with my English paper & have to type it also.  The English teacher told me I had a 'splendid' paper -- that was what she told me about the rough draft.  We've had to do it in steps & hand it in -- you know -- first the bibliography, then note cards, outline, rough draft & finally the FINAL copy!

OH!  Thanks alot for the $5.00!  Wow!  What a pleasant surprise!  I bought the Hawks (Pam's parents) a book with it.  It was a book that she (Pam's mother) talked about while I was there.  The money wasn't for anything special -- was it?

Did I give you my flight schedule?  I can't even remember what I write -- 

12:30 A.M. -- Leave Portland
6:00 A.M. -- Arrive in Chicago
8:55 A.M. -- Leave Chicago
10:52 A.M. --Arrive in Dayton

I'll have enough time in Chicago to get lost & find myself again.

The actual flight doesn't take but less than  5  hours.  It's the lay-over in Chicago.  Also the time change.  When I got my ticket the man told me to be at the air-port before midnight.  I will be -- because Judy will have to be back in the dorm by 11:00 (p.m.).  I'll be thankful for that time change in going back --

I did tell you all -- didn't I -- that Vanessa & Emily will be picking me up at the air-port.  I'll call you all when I get in and will also be over that afternoon or evening.  This will save you all a trip to Dayton & all.

I hope you all had -- having I guess -- a good trip to the Bahama Islands.  How long will Catherine be home?


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