Friday, September 01, 2017

1987 MV's Asbury Postcard -Sep.9


Good to talk with you last night – sorry you had so much trouble getting through. Our dorm is really nice and our room is on the ground floor, complete with air conditioner.

This morning we had Chapel and a short orientation in our degree program (MA, not just Music).  My advisor is Prof. Whitworth, who I'll try to catch up with this afternoon.

Registration is tomorrow & Thursday and we picked up a schedule of class offerings today.

Our room is also next to the kitchen & bathroom in addition to the pay phone . . . last night an Indian student's brother called (from India) at 1:30am.  Needless to say it wasn't very conducive to sleep but it's better than having a fire drill.

Thanks for sending my contacts.  I'll check on accommodations & Pleasant Hill this PM.

Love, M.V.

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