Tuesday, September 22, 2015

1975 Catherine's letter -Sep. 26

September 26, 1975
Dear Mom, Dad, Roberta & Mary.

Thanks for the last letter.  It arrived on Tuesday Wednesday which I thought was record time until I read where Dad was taking it to New York.

I haven't got hold of John to set up our dinner date.  Thanks for the check that ought to fees us both very well.  I am still hoping to get down to New Hampshire on Monday or Tuesday of next week which is when the New England Library Association meeting is.  If I am not able to go then I will probably go down to Exeter on either the 4th or 5th.  I won't really know until X gets back which will be tomorrow or Sunday.  I'm supposed to pick him up at the airport.

Did I tell you I'm taking Bookkeeping II this semester at the high school?  I had my second class last night.  There are about 10 of us in the class.  I have my schedule arranged so that I have Thursdays mornings off at Stop & Go so that I can work 10-5 at the library and have the evening off for my class.

I talked to a person yesterday about the possibility of sharing an apartment.  This guy is a school teacher and has a beautiful big apartment for $200/month.  However I don't think I'm ready for such luxury or economic commitments.

As you can see from the clipping there was a fire here in the apartment behind mine.  The building was evacuated for awhile but that was the only inconvenience to me.


* * * * *
The bookkeeping class was useful in later chapters of my life when I did the bookkeeping for the Elks Lodge in Madras and then for Best West RV in Glendale.

My recollection is that the rent on my one bedroom apartment in 1975 was $60, it was 1/2 of the upstairs of an older house and was nothing fancy but was close to the library.  It was unique in that the shower was in a corner of the bedroom, while the toilet was in a small "closet" off the kitchen.

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