Friday, September 18, 2015

1965 Jean's Letter to Roberta -Sep.20

Dearest Roberta,

I couldn't sleep tonight thinking of some things I would like you to know but can't seem to tell you face to face.

I do regret losing my temper with you so often and wonder myself why I seem to pick on you more than the others.  It certainly isn't because I love you any less for I don't.  Perhaps its because we are so much alike and I don't want you to take on any of my bad faults.  Oftentimes I know I am just tired and what you happen to do just seems to be the "straw that broke the camel's back."

You have so many wonderful qualities and I don't want to belittle these.  You have such a wonderful personality and friendliness about you and alot of "spunk."  So many people see this in you and perhaps that's why you seem to be better known than Catherine & why they sometimes call her Roberta.  You have a distinctive personality and life would be quite dull without you around.  We've found that out when you are away for you seem to be "the life of the family."

We love each one of you children for various reasons – each one of you are different (and that's the way we want it) and when one of you is gone it seems like there what happens when some spokes are missing in the bicycle wheel.  It just doesn't run smoothly.

Aunt Virginia and I used to tease each other.  She's say "You have the brains but I have the personality."  Of course I wasn't brainy but she wasn't a top student by any means.  But I do believe personality is alot more important than brains; but neither should be neglected but developed to the fullest.  Friends are far more important than grades and will last you a life time.

So do be yourself and try to be patient with you "old mother" and try to understand that her temper tantrums in no way mean she loves you any less – perhaps just the opposite.

LOVE ! ! !

P.S. The sheets and bedspread look real good.  I couldn't have gotten the grape juice out as well.

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