Saturday, June 27, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -June 30

Sunday Morning 
9:00 A.M.
Dear Family,

According to my calendar Mary Virginia is out on the road again . . . this trip to Florida.  Sure hope that she doesn't come home with a sunburn!!!!  Arizona right now is the place to get a tan.  Sure is hot here now . . . and no relief at night.  I've quit opening up the house now in the mornings since its usually 90º or so by 7:00 am -- 80º in the house seems nice and cool.

I really had some kind of day on Friday.  It was a very busy and hectic day at work -- so to start the week-end off right I justified my leaving about two hours early.  Actually, I do lots of typing -- lists, etc. at home at night so my boss often tells me to feel free to cut off early.

I was coming down Center Street just south of Broadway before I get to 8th Avenue -- and all of a sudden my bike started wobbling like crazy.  I couldn't control it, put on the rear brake and nothing much happened.  Was afraid to put on the front brake -- was afraid I would skid or something.  Was really afraid that I was going to lose the bike -- fall over with it.  Was really going at a good speed.  Finally came to a stop -- and was quick to find out I had a very flat rear tire.  Two guys -- who were behind me stopped right away and tried to help me change the tire -- but the spare tire didn't have air in it.  They were in a hurry but did take the time to haul me over to Stubbs.  Thank goodness because the heat at 3 in the afternoon is wicked.  Not fit for humans.

Rich Stubbs put air in my spare for me and then came over with me to change the tire.  I had run over a screw type of thing -- something like a nail.  He took the tire in to a tire place yesterday morning and got it fixed for me -- $3.  Sure glad that I didn't have to buy another tire.  I got home from work about 5:30 on Friday -- about ten minutes after I usually do.

Friday night I went over to Fiesta Mall to get my plane ticket -- while there I took the time to find a bathing suit to my liking -- was on sale for $9.99 -- to find out that I had forgotten my check book.  What a day!!!!  Plan to go back over to the mall this afternoon to pick up both the ticket and bathing suit.  Plan to start swimming either in the morning or evening here.  The winters are sure nice here -- but this summer heat -- hard to take!!!!

Had a big day at work yesterday at the flower shop.  Harry the owner had bought another store -- in a new shopping center on Apache and 63rd Street -- East Mesa.  He will be doing alot of the inside work himself on getting the shop ready to open.  He hopes to have the new shop open by mid-August.  I'm really enjoying learning all the stuff I've been doing at the flower shop -- from the billing on the computer to cleaning the roses -- wiring them etc.

Anne Hamilton -- the nutritionist who does our center -- who I stayed with in Prescott -- wants me to come to her house for July 4th -- she lives way East.  Like 12 miles East of the center -- guess its right near the foot of the mountains.

If its ok -- there will be three of us coming to New Vienna.  No, it won't be Marion, myself and Buffy.  #3 will be Vera Reller.  Think I told you about her -- how she had originally planned on flying to St. Louis with me and then she would drive back with me -- spending the time in St. Louis visiting friends and grandchildren.  Now she has decided that she would rather go to to Ohio with us -- she said she would be glad to stay at a local motel in New Vienna -- so I explained New Vienna to her.  Is it ok that she comes???  Vera is a real character -- have no idea of how old she is -- whenever people ask her she tells them they can read it in in the obit column when she dies and that will be soon enough for them to know.  She said the more she thought about it she didn't want to go to St. Louis because most of the people she would be seeing are all old and sick.  Guess her children have both died -- tho they were by her husband's first marriage -- so she is not all that close to the grandchildren she thought of visiting in St. Louis.  Vera's health and humor are both in great condition.

Now Monday morning -- did get the bathing suit yesterday and went swimming for the first time this year.  Water was nice and warm -- no wonder the temp was up to 111º.  The stores sure have the summer clothes already on sale . . . not even waiting till after the 4th of July!!!  We had our first wind storm last night for the summer.  Guess this is that time of year.  Noticed this AM when I was out with Buffy that quite a few trees were down, etc.  At least with this dog I keep up with whats happening outside, also meet all the neighborhood kids.  Better sign off -- get off to work --

Love, Berta

P.S. Always happy to hear from you all . . . sure sounds like Grandma is coming along great!!!  She will be ready to go with me when I make my rounds of senior centers!!!!

I'm signing up for two classes (6 hours) at ASU this fall . . . if you'd like to donate money to a good cause . . . my tuition needs to be paid before I come home . . . If my schedule allows it plan to take one course through Tempe Parks and Rec -- maybe Jazz class.

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