Friday, June 12, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -June 16

Monday, June 16, 1980

Dear Mother, Dad, & Mary,

Hi!  Gerry is mowing the lawn and Wendy is outside playing so perhaps I'll have time to get off a quick letter before they are ready for their supper.  Time seems to go by so quickly and I don't get done half of what I'd like to.  The Guidepost magazine came today and I noticed the cover story on Sal Bando the baseball player.  He talks about going to marriage encounter with his wife.  I hope you folks will have a chance to go.

The Appraiser Trainee test I took on Friday wasn't too bad.  It had sections on public relations, accounting, economics, surveying & mapping, arithmetic, vocabulary & reading comprehension.  There were 75 questions and I figure I probably got around 65 give or take 5 so it depends on where the cutoff line is whether I pass.  I should find out the results in 2 or 3 weeks.  It was given at the employment office in Bend.  That is in the state office building where the Dept. of Revenue also has an office so I stopped to see the people there who come to Madras once in awhile to check on us in the assessor's office.  They are the ones that are setting up the Data Analyst School which I will be going to July 15-18.  They are also going to have an appraiser course in the fall which I hope to get in to.  I was able to take one of the county cars to Bend for the test.  It is a Chevy Nova 3 speed but with power steering & power brakes which gave it an advantage over the truck.  I think I'll be able to drive it to Bend when I go to the Data Analyst School also.  That will leave the truck for Gerry to use.

We played golf yesterday at Crooked River Ranch.  They have a real nice 9-hole course and it was good to play a different course.

On my first day of jury duty last week they chose 7 people to be on a grand jury.  I didn't get chosen for that and there was no case that day so the rest of us were dismissed until they have a case come up.

When is Roberta coming to New Vienna now?  It will be nice if she can get two weeks off now and still take some time off in the fall.  I don't know what we will do about vacation this year.

I tried to buy a new pair of hush puppies while I was in Bend on Friday but was unsuccessful.  I only found one shoe store that carried hush puppies and they only had them for men.  I did get their address so now I am going to try to order a pair directly from Wolverine as I know what I want.  I hope that works.

Well, it is now Tuesday noon and I need to get this finished so I can get it off in the afternoon mail.  I hope you have received the pictures and the Father's Day card by now.  At least Roberta got to see the pictures this way.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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