Tuesday, April 02, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Apr.1

April 1, 1979
HI!  Family,

This is what we did yesterday -- bought the typewriter -- got it at the office supply store downtown Mesa -- they have been there for years -- also do service, etc. there.  It's a Smith Corona -- 2200 the kind with the cartrege (spelling).  I also bought a brown ribbon -- I'm really impressed with the way the tape goes in and out -- three seconds.

The roads here are sure a mess -- all day Friday they had the freeway closed down right around the airport both directions -- the bridge has gone dow on the West side -- so they closed both sides -- now they have the traffic going both directions on the East lanes.  It took Marion over two hours to get to work on Friday.

I called up Ruth today.  She said how Dad had been out to see her, and how she had done the Jack letters, seems she enjoyed doing them.

It has really turned warm again here . . . thank goodness.  Mary Greene is going out soon to get some sun before she goes back tonight.  She got back last night from Grand Canyon.  She went up in Serena's car -- as getting there from here otherwise is unbelievable.  You can go by bus -- but that takes 2 days both coming and going.  As you miss the only connection out of Flagstaff -- plus it cost some thirty dollars.  To fly it cost over $100 round trip -- which is crazy.  she had no problem with the car either way -- but did snow some.  Her sister and her hiked -- in fact down to the bottom of the rim -- took one day going down -- and then they spend the night down there, then hiked back the next day.  Today Mary can hardly walk.  We went to see Carousel last night at Mesa High School -- saw Mrs. Garett (sp?) and she asked about Mary Virginia -- said that perhaps she (MV) would be here next year for the play.  (to be in it)

It's almost 12:00 -- we went to early Church -- but have Angus down at the Church now for the eleven o'clock service, as she didn't get to go on the van today -- due to the roads.

How do you all like the brown???  I see already that it doesn't have a help to my typing . . . somehow I started that sentence wrong and couldn't get it on the right track.

Serena called last night, was telling me about her internship -- she seems happy as to the location.  I think I'll just drive the Dodge to Denver around the 25th of May.  Two new tires weren't hurt the car -- also a tune-up before the trip.  We've made good use of the car this year.

It's now almost 2:00, I've got Mr. Williams down at the nursing home -- early today as Mary's plane leaves at 6:00 and we have to allow enough time to get him home and then take off for the airport.

[Love, Roberta]

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