Monday, April 08, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Apr.8

Sunday Evening, April 8, 1979

Dear Family:

Grandma arrived on schedule Thursday evening at the Cincinnati airport, tho she had to change planes in Atlanta.  She is fine and is as organized as ever.  Said the Hortons were in a whirl as they are getting ready to go to England next month for three weeks.  Yesterday they left for N.C. to see Cris and Marita and then back to Augusta for the Master's golf tournament.  With the stock market at a six month high Uncle Bill is in good spirits.

Friday morning Grandma called me at work about nine and said our phone was out of order as no one answered.  She did not know that your Mother and MV had left about 6:30 AM for the monthly prayer breakfast, so of course there was no one here to answer the phone.  Temperature that morning hit a new low for the day going down to 22ยบ and a strong wind on top of that.

This afternoon we have been in Wilmington as M.V. signed up for the 8+ mile CROP walk there . . . you know you get sponsors who pay you so much a mile for walking.  The weather was not the greatest but it still came off.  M.V. fell asleep in the car enroute back to N.V.  We older folks visited folks in Americare, plus a trip to the Wilmington College Library for an exchange of books.  M.V. had about $40 pledged with some of it already paid.

We have gotten tickets for M.V. and her Mother to fly from Chicago to Portland on Thursday, June 21st and back to Chicago on June 30.  Dad is going to the ABA course at the Univ. of Wisconsin during that time.  Then if it coincides with Serena's schedule we will drive to Iowa to spend the July 4th weekend with her.  Backing up we had better ask first if the above schedule suits the Morgans?  Are there any bus connections between Madras and Portland?  Above all, we welcome your comments and ideas on the trip planning.  We have also considered renting a car like Dad did last Jan.

Serena, we are glad you got out of Denver during the spring break.  We wonder if all your classmates got a summer job?  Anyway, Serena, we hope the Holiday Inn is further along than the one we stayed in Ft. Madison, Iowa.

Roberta, we were interested in the "business show" on which you sent us literature.  Perhaps you should think about going into business rather than more education, but then none of us knows what is best, even in retrospect many times.

You Oregon folks might be glad to know that the U.S. Bank is one of the top ten in the U.S. as profit ratio.  How are you getting along with the other bank with the apartment rental monies?  John seems interested in getting a banking job, time will tell on that score.  He is to come this weekend.  We have also invited Masa and Mrs. Matthews and Elizabeth Johnson for Easter dinner – wish that more of you would be able to come.

I talked to Jeanne Sanker yesterday (her 57th birthday) and she told us that Lowell is studying at Arizona State at Tempe so perhaps Roberta will be able to look him up.  Lynne is studying at Harvard Business School and will be working in Boston this summer in between the two years of study required.  Bruce has been learning bricklaying at one of the Great  . . . . on cars so may do something along that line – doesn't know yet but does graduate this spring.

We are happy to hear that you plan to be at home this summer, Roberta, and also interested in doing something at Wells – just what it will be hasn't been decided yet.  Donna is thinking of working til November when her husband retires and Fred may not retire as planned in June but Ralph still is making plans to retire them.  How about the shipping department?

Hope that your poison ivy is better, Serena and that you are enjoying your classes this term.  The pages of terms that you enclosed are real legalistic sounding and about as Greek to me as Roberta's GRE sampling.

Anxious to hear more about Wendy's latest activities and hope that you enjoyed your evening at Kah-nee-ta and the mud-packed oven-baked hen or whatever their specialty is there.

The restaurant that is getting the most applause in Wilmington now is the Wine Shop which took over from the J & W in the shopping center – we used to call in the donut shop til Roberta began working there.  Anyway it is run by Mike Riley, Judge Paul Riley's son.  Mike used to work in the First National Bank in Wilmington and gave that up to go into this business which seems to be doing real well.  It is very attractive and they also have a gift shop and sell unusual candy where the donut area was.  Where the pool tables are tables arranged with displays of wine.  Mary Virginia wanted to go there the night we went to the Cincinnati Symphony Concert at Hermann Court.  Dad had Lions Club so Virginia Walker used his ticket.  She told us that Jacalyn and Keith are flying home for Easter and plan to drive truck back to Colorado.  She hasn't mentioned Nancy except that she said she would be too busy to write for awhile.  I think I told you that she has gone back to Spain and Kelly Walker says she plans to get married this time.

Mildred Penn has given up her beauty shop and is an Amway distributor with ?? working under her including Carol and Jim Wise, Pat White (I think) and others.  Mildred is also working at Joanne Gruber's beauty shop on Thursdays and Fridays.

Mary Virginia and I both have appointments to get permanents this week – I'm going to Joanne and MV is going to Shaw's.  Judy McCune is working at Irwin Auger bit but Mary has someone working with her and that is where MV preferred to go.

Dad got his first haircut at a barber shop the other day -- the first since ??? as Ruth, he didn't think felt up to it yet.  Her eyes are better but she isn't allowed to go back to work yet.

Hope that all went well this morning, Roberta, when you joined church – we meant to mention it on the phone but realized later that we hadn't.  Nice of you to do things for Agnes (not Angus as you often refer to her which gives us a laugh) and Fred.  Any more shopping spys?

This letter has gotten quite lengthy – but do want to wish you a happy Easter and will be looking forward to your future letters.

With much love,
[Mom & Dad]

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