Thursday, December 13, 2018

1988 Catherine's Letter -Dec.23

To: Harold & Jean Uible
From: Catherine Gerry & Wendy
Date: Friday December 23, 1988, 11am

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  I thought I'd try Faxing this to you today so I'll be sure you get it before Christmas.  Thanks for your letter which we received yesterday.  Thanks also for the check!

Gerry had a nice birthday last Saturday.  Our dinner out with Roberta & Sid at Rosario's was good.  They came over for cake and ice cream afterwards.  Then Gerry and I went to a Christmas Party at the house of the sales manager for Robert Crist.  It was a full day.

Gerry has to work tomorrow morning but then is off until Tuesday.  We are planning to go over to Roberta & Sid's tomorrow evening (Christmas Eve) and they are coming to our house for a holiday dinner Monday evening.  Wendy has the menu for the dinner all planned out:  Ham (which we are getting as a Christmas present from Robert Crist) with two kinds of sauce, Potato Casserole (which has a fancy name I can't remember), relish tray, homemade cloverleaf rolls and Cherry Berry on a Cloud.  We also want to have Corn Pudding but I don't think I have your recipe.  Can you give it to me over the phone when we talk to you in the next day or two?  Wendy got her menu plan from the Christmas Cookbook which Mary V. gave us for Christmas a few years ago.  We are thinking of going to Kings Table for our dinner on Christmas Day.  They are having a special Holiday Buffet from 11-8.

Wendy has an appointment to get a perm on Tuesday morning.  she is still letting it grow out so it will be (semi) long and curly.  I got mine done right after Thanksgiving so I've got a few more months before I have to worry about it again.

I told Roberta yesterday I was going to Fax you a letter to see if she had anything to include but I haven't heard from her yet today.  She was going this morning to take Dorothy (the black lady) to visit her mother who is in a Alzheimer hospital in south Phoenix somewhere.

Gerry is going to put his birthday money toward some new golf clubs which he has been wanting.  The Christmas money will probably go toward a bookcase for the living room.  We've got our books all scattered now, in closets, boxes, and all over the Etage which makes it look very cluttered.

Business has been fairly slow at the library the last few weeks as everyone has been returning their books before the holidays and not checking new ones out.  We've had to put 40 shelves of picture books into storage until the holidays are over.

Well, we certainly hope you have a Merry Christmas.  Our love to you both and to Serena, John, and Mary Virginia.  Why don't you all plan to come to Arizona next year for the holidays???

1:45pm -- I've been trying to send this (off and on hitting redial) since 11:30 but found out when I went home to lunch that the number in your letter said 987-2619 but the original # you gave me was 2819 so now I'm ready to try again.  At any rate, I hope you get this today!!!  How often do you check the Fax machine?

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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