Saturday, June 23, 2007

Oldest sibling has highest IQ!?

If you've been watching/listening to the news lately you've heard about the study that says oldest child is smarter than his/her younger siblings - by an average of a few IQ points. The link to the NYT article is in the title to this blog entry or here.


Mary Uible Crowson said...

I can see where it would happen as parents tend to pour 100%++ into the oldest and as other children come along it gets the time it gets to the last of the clan, it's amazing we have a mediocre IQ! I still think alot of IQ is passed through genes AND environment...and we were blessed on both counts. The traveling, museums, library visits, etc. certainly didn't hurt us any either. Did RUK ever go on the library visits??

Serena said...

Yeah, she went into the libraries. She wanted to see the bathrooms. And, as you know, some travel options were less optional than others.

Mary Uible Crowson said...

I didn't know any of them were optional---even the Key West Extension!

Serena said...

Sure . . . sort of like if you didn't like what was served for supper you didn't have to eat it, it was optional. Of course, the option was that you could eat it later . . . any time before you got up from the table. Unless you got sent to bed instead, then you got it served for breakfast, that was the third option.

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