Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sushi and sashimi in Northampton, etc.

Last night Sara and I walked to Moshi Moshi - a Japanese restaurant. We enjoyed sushi and sashimi there. Northampton is a pleasant, historic scenic place - rather reminds me of Asheville.

Weather here is pleasant - high today is to be 86, low 54. I told Roberta that she should bring her jacket since her blood freezes when the temperature hits 70 and below. Kings arrive this evening. Jonathan Lennox, Judy King Lizshefski(spelling?), Sally Lizshefski Callard and baby Miriam Callard arrive tomorrow.

Sara has two friendly cats wandering around. One has the habit of biting into paper - which is a bit strange. One of them - I'm not sure which - perhaps both - like to walk across computer keyboards while they are in use, which can make typing a bit of a problem.

MV - Sara is very interested in genealogy and she has some theory that Uibles and Kings came from the same area in Germany. I'll give her your email address so that she can quiz you at length about what you know. I told her I knew I had ancestors and that some came from somewhere in some part of Germany, but that was about the extent of my knowledge.

Back to work . . .

Items from Uible photo album