Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Runs in the Family?

Returned to the allergist MD yesterday with Christian and think we have the answer to the nosebleeds that have plagued him for probably 7-8 years. They seem to ebb and flow (no pun intended) but are the worst in the winter/early Spring and in the heat of summer. Seasonal allergies combined with extremes in weather (which dry out the sinus cavities) seem to be the problem.

Brings to mind that I remember having alot of nosebleeds as a child but don't remember any rhyme or reason to them. Further, it might be helpful in our family history to track medical challenges that might be inherited whether nosebleeds or breast cancer or even heart related to be proactive and preventive for ourselves and future generations. I know we have discussed this before in passing but I did not keep a record of it. I would be glad to track this for future reference if family would like to email me (private--not blog related, necessarily).

With Mom and Dad both having blockages, etc., we need to be especially vigilant now with heart disease as well as cancer check-ups.

On a lighter note, Christian had baseball try-outs last night and we're looking forward to the beginning of little league in a few weeks. AND it is not too late if anyone would like to visit next week for the big St. Patrick's celebration in Dublin. The whole town turns out for the Pancake Dinner on Thursday night sponsored by the Exchange Club (similiar to Lions, etc) and then Saturday is the parade, crafts festival and many more activities. What airport would you like to utilize???
Did the picture CDs arrive in Phx yet?

1 comment:

Serena said...

Yes, they arrived yesterday. I've loaded mine into Picasa and am going to upload into Picasa web album sometime relatively soon.


Glad to hear you are getting at the root of Christian's medical problems.

Items from Uible photo album