Monday, November 23, 2020

1980 MV to John -Nov.28

 November 28, 1980

Dearest John & Carol --

I am sorry that I wasn't able to come up with Mom and Dad this weekend to see both of you and your new house.  It seems that every time we plan to come up, some problems arise in my schedule.

A group of seven of us at the high school are putting on a sort of Christmas play to benefit the senior citizens of Clinton County . . . It is to go on in two weeks (Dec. 13), and Tim Larrick and I are co-directors.  I felt I should be there -- especially for my benefit, as I need to learn my lines.

And you may remember that during the fair this year, I met a guy (Chuck Larrick -- Tim's cousin) from North Carolina . . . . well to make a long story short, he will be here Saturday afternoon, leaving Sunday morning.  It has been three months since I've seen him .. . .

Must go, as there is a basketball game . . . .

Take Care & God Bless . . . Looking forward to seeing both of you at Christmas!

Love --
Mary Va

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