Tuesday, November 17, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -Nov.18


November 18, 1980

Dear Mother, Dad & Mary,

Hi!  I still can't get over your getting those drawings of Wendy's in two days.  How many days later did the letter arrive?  Have you gotten your December National Geographic yet?  Ours arrived last week.  I'm in the middle of the Aztec article.

This is a fairly quiet week for us except on Thursday I have a meeting for the Red Cross at 7:15 A.M. -- breakfast will be served so at least I'll get some nourishment at the same time!  Then Thursday evening the Bunco group that I joined has its monthly meeting.

Did I tell you that I got out of being secretary of the UMW for next year?  They have been having almost all of their meetings at noon when I am unable to attend so I told them I thought it would be better if they found someone else.  The secretary before me is going to take it over again.  They have had very poor attendance lately.  The October meeting only two people showed up and they were the ones who had prepared the program.  That must have been rather disappointing.

Wendy is all recuperated from her rash and it evidently wasn't strep throat.  She went to a birthday party Sunday -- the daughter of my employers turned 3.  Wendy really likes her -- her name is Minta -- rather unusual but nice.  She and Wendy probably won't be in the same class at school though due to the cut-off date being between their birthdays.

Gerry is trying to keep from dying of boredom at work now that the slow season is in full gear.  The farmers here had a real good year though so business at the Co-op was good.

I probably should wish you a Happy Thanksgiving in this letter since my next letter won't get there until after that date.  We will probably buy a small turkey and cook that up with a few trimmings for dinner.  I have the day after Thanksgiving off which is a good thing as the Day Care Center is going to be closed.  Gerry has to work Friday but has Saturday off anyway.  He had thought of taking Friday off if we were going somewhere but I don't think we are going to.  We couldn't think of anywhere we wanted to go that is within an attainable distance.  And that is a bad weekend to be traveling anyway.

Speaking of the Day Care Center they are having a meeting next Monday to discuss raising of their rates.  They aren't getting nearly as much state subsidy since the state reduced it's budget.  So now we will probably have to pay the difference.  Right now Wendy is on a special plan where we pay only $7/day.  The normal rate is $1.25/hour.  If they raise that and we lose her special rate it could really make a difference.  We will at least go to the meeting and fine out what is going on.

Work is going slower this month -- at least collection wise.  Only $6100 as of today.  And we will only be open two more days this week and three days next week.  Doesn't look like much of a bonus this month!  I have this Friday off also so in the next 12 days I only have to work five of them!

 I talked to Barbara at the library some more last week.  She said she was still planning to retire next October (I didn't ask which day!) and I said I was still interested in the job. She said good, because she was counting on me!  So there is still hope there.  One of the board members has been repainting the whole place as her project and it really looks nice -- brighter colors liven the place up!

Better go!  Hope to hear from you again soon.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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