Saturday, November 07, 2020

1970 Roberta's Letter -Nov.9

North West AirLines may end their strike -- Just heard it on the news!

Nov. 9, 1970

Dear Family,

Thanks alot for your letter today and also the stamps and the check.

We really had a good time in Portland.  We got back to the school at ten til Twelve midnight.  Just ten minutes before deadline.  We were wondering all the way from Portland what would happen if we did get in after midnight.

Portland was very cold & windy.  Alot colder than Newberg.  I guess its because of the Columbia River.

I did call United as I said in my card.  She said the cheapest I could fly -- with a reserved seat -- is coast fair.  $126.00.

I was wondering if I could call up & make two reservations one a few days earlier than the other.  I'm not sure when I'll be able to leave.  I do plan on calling up & making reservations as soon as I hear from you.   Or perhaps I will make them while I am in Portland this Friday to see "The Cross and the Switch-blade".

Mary my room-mate is from Portland.  She does usually go home every week-end.  Pam is from Tacoma, Washington.  It is Pam that I'm planning on going home with her over Thanksgiving.  We do have 4 days off.  We will probably have to take a train there -- which will cost about $4.00 according to Pam.  Her mother works but may be able to bring us back to school.

I've gotten two packages from Julie Wiget this past week.  One day early last week I got a real pretty stuffed animal from her.  Then when we got back Saturday night late and were both of us starved; there on my bed was a tin container of candy -- all wrapped up -- from her.  It was nice of someone to have picked it up for me or I would have had to have waited till today to get it.  If you see any of the Wigets do be sure & tell them how much I appreciate it all.

The Browns have sent me two different packages of food -- all of which goes FAST in a dorm full of starved girls.

Thanks again for sending me the boots & pictures.

We are now studying Exodus in Bible Lit.  The commentary helps me alot.

In Portland we went in a Cheese store where I bought almost $2.00 worth of various kinds of cheese.

Mother, did you order me any personalized stationery?  I was just wondering because I hate to buy very much if you have ordered me some.

I got a letter (my letter) back from Betty Waits Caplinger.  It went to both Hillsboro & Peebles but still was marked wrong address.

I find my History class very boring.  The teacher just simply reads to us from the textbook itself.  Though I may take a Government Course after Christmas from a different teacher.

Sociology is pretty hard.  We have to read these Sociological Journals out of the Library.  They are very hard to understand.

Serena -- I will try and get you a "We try Harder" button in Spanish.  John -- I hope your feet are feeling better.  Too bad about the G.O.P. doing so bad in Ohio.  I read about it all out here.  I'm glad that Taft made it.

Am now busy writing three term papers.  At least I'm getting started on them -- busy doing that!  I'm writing about the Oxford English Dictionary for English.  We had help from the teacher about what we were writing about.  That topic wasn't 100% my idea.  I'm writing about John Wesley's life in Georgia for History.  And in Sociology I am writing about the Alcoholic.

Do write and tell me if I can make two reservations -- knowing that I would cancel one.  Don't think it would be worth it to go by train -- for $99.00!

Hope you are all fine.  Glad to hear that Mary Virginia liked the foot!  Thanks again for everything.

Love, Bert

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