Friday, November 27, 2020

1970 Roberta's Letter to Serena -Dec.1

This scan is a combination of the top half of page 1 and the bottom half of page 3

Dec. 1, 1970

Dear Serena,

Thanks alot for your leter and also the clippings.  I just got done making myself some fancy (?) stationery, so I thought I would try it out on you.  Trying to find some stationery that people will react & respond to quickly!  Hint!

Well, now I can write a full line.  Wow!  Your letter almost put me in a state of shock!

The weather here in Oregon is pitiful!  It can be raining all the time.  I'm able to predict the weather from one day to another with almost 100% accuracy.  RAIN

I watched the movie Oklahoma last weekend too at Pam's house.  It was funny with those people from 'Family Affairs' keep saying something every now & then.  Also funny that we can watch T.V. -- I mean the same program etc. though some 2,000 miles apart.

I'm glad you like the book I sent Dad.  I like it too!  Oregon is really beautiful.  Also in Oregon you can see something in a store for $6.99 and thats how much you pay for it -- no tax -- (referring to state sales tax.)

Your typing looks real good, Serena. I've been typing alot lately, mostly out of necessity.  So you use my typewrite alot?

*Is Paul Hakes Julia Hakes husband?  If it is its too bad.  WELL!  Any way it is too bad!

I'll try to beat John at ping pong over Christmas vacation.  But if I play we'll have to change the rules for I usually don't get those bounces just right.  You know one on each side or something.

I like my English class alot.  Who is your English teacher?

I take it you all went to Peggy's wedding.  How was it?  Did the Schamauns stay with the Fawleys?

I am in the middle of trying to change rooms for winter term.  Please tell Mother that.  Pam and I want to get together if at all possible.  We have no classes together but we are good friends.

How much did East Clinton lose the basket-ball game by?

George Fox has a basket-ball team, but I really don't know anything else about it.  OH Yeah!  They have boy cheerleaders here.  The only way I know that is that I saw them do a cheer one day after chapel.  I think they have girl cheer-leaders too though I'm not sure about that either.  I'm just not too much interested in that sort of thing.

Well.  I better close now.  Sorry this is so scribbled!


[in regard to the drawing of the envelope]  All it takes to get it -- [Letter] here.

*  *  *  *  *

*Yes, Paul Hakes [1918- (Nov. 27) 1970] was the husband of Julia Hakes [1922-(Jan)2020].  His sister, Reatha Hakes (1927-2008) worked for Wells/Dad, in the position later taken by Phyllis and then GG.  

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