Friday, October 13, 2017

1967 Catherine's Letter -Oct.9

Dear Everyone,

Hi!  Just received your letter and decided I would write note before sending R's letter and material back.

I just got out of PE!  The tights and leotards are really too much!  Everyone looks perfectly ridiculous!

The library isn't crowded at all except on Sunday when everyone tries to make up for all the studying they missed during the week.

I think Dad's day here is November 4. Is that a Saturday?  Whenever it is, it is on Saturday.

How are the tomatoes?  I just read somewhere yesterday that tomatoes are bad for your skin so I am glad I just now found that outQ

I did pretty well on the mail situation today!  Not only your letter, but one from my old friend Glen, one from Treva (my housemother in Lakeside) who is in the hospital.  I also got a notice that there was a postage due letter for me.  After I walked all the way over to Bowen I found that it was from one of my old acquaintances Dave, who obviously is pretty cheap!  Either that or he thinks I am rolling in money here at K.  There was only 5¢ due but I didn't have change and ended up paying 10¢ for one measly letter!  WHAT A GYP!  HA!

Tonight is the Big-Little sister picnic but because of rain they are having it inside;  We were going to go to this big park which is located somewhere within 20 miles of K or so but . . . .

Well, better go now!  I have to be in math class in a few minutes.  I have one class on the top floor of Olds-Upton, one in the basement, and one in the Fine Arts building.

No classes tomorrow morning so I am hoping to catch up on the sleep I have been missing.  I figure I need six hours every night (same as at home) so right now I am only 5 hours behind.

Love, Catherine

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