Sunday, October 11, 2020

1980 Roberta's letter to Grandma -Oct.21

Tuesday Evening
5:30 pm --

Dear Grandma,

I'm wondering if you are "glued" to your T.V. watching the World Series?  Of course Marion has got it on and isn't missing a minute of it!

Today was a big day at work -- we had Candidates Day -- all these political speeches -- etc.  Either the people really enjoyed it -- or they sat there & acted very bored.  The only time when everyone would listen is when they were talking about Social Security or Medicare!!

Our cool weather is still w/ us -- this electric bill should be pretty cheap -- with/out the air conditioner or the furnace going.  I've been wearing my thermal underwear in the mornings going to work.

The lady next door finally is getting moved in today.  Looks like she is going to have to have a garage sale.  I was out with dear Buffy & was talking to her daughter.  All her house is full of furniture & her garage is about full w/ furniture -- etc.

The afternoon you left I got my permanent  -- my hair now is really curly!!  I've very happy the way it turned out.  Now Marian says she might get a curly permanent -- but I'll believe that when I see it!!!

Saturday was sure a busy day for me at the flower shop.  In fact I didn't get everything done so Harry -- the owner of the shop wanted to know if I would like to do what I could at home.  So I worked on it about 2 hours Sunday night & the same last night.

We are all caught up with the paperwork out at the center -- now to just keep it up on a daily basis!  And hopefully they won't come up with anything else for us to keep track of!!!

I got both your card & the folks letter in today's mail -- I'm glad that you had a good trip back despite the rough ride!!  And that Joe was able to meet you at the airport.  Did you recognize him right away?  Sounds like you all have been "on-the-go" --

Grandma, Thanks again for the enjoyable trip to Oregon -- and I'm so glad you had the time here too.  We (including Buffy) sure enjoyed having you!!  It's not too early now to plan on coming next October!!



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