Saturday, October 10, 2020

1970 Roberta's Letter -Oct.21

 Oct 21, 1970

Dear Family,

This is some old paper that my roommate was going to throw away.  Now, I know that makes you feel good.  It's only  11  years old!

I'm doing good in all my classes so far.  We got a new sociology teacher - the other one had a heart attack.

It has been raining for three days now.  I guess it will quit in April.  Pam told me it only happens once a year -- but it lats all year.  She said last year it was nice from 2 to 4 P.M. one Thursday last year.

I'll put in a typical English assignment.  So far I've got about a 94% average.  Pretty good, huh?  Beginners luck!  If you look at #2 -- Phyllis comment -- well she is my English teacher.  She used to be a missionary in South America.

I'm still not working.  The woman at the restaurant told me she had no openings right now.  I made two trips to see her Saturday.  I finally got her at 8:00 p.m. Saturday night.  Why didn't she tell me that last week?

Over the weekend -- the school had a party.   I can't remember the name of the place but it was a state park.  It was really quite nice -- about 15 miles from Newberg.

Did you know the largest continuous speech in history was that of Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon in 1953.  It lated 22 hours and 26 minutes!!  [According to Wikipedia, this was a Senate filibuster protesting the Submerged Lands Act, but his record was surpassed by Strom Thurmond with a filibuster of 24 hours and 18 minutes in opposition of the 1957 Civil Rights Act.  Another interesting fact about Morse, who served as Senator from Oregon 1945-1969, originally elected as a Republican, switched to being Independent in 1952 and then to Democrat in 1955.]

Well.  Will write you all more when I hear from you.  How's Grandma?


P.S. Maybe you better return my Eng. papers -- I may need them later.

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