Saturday, September 12, 2020

1990 John's Letter -Sep.27


Sept. 27, 1990

Dear Mom & Dad,

Welcome home!  I have missed you both.  Thanks for your postcard from Shanghai -- and thank you for birthday card and check.  I appreciate it very much.  I will probably use it to buy some much needed clothes.

If it works out with your schedule, I am still planning to meet you in Columbus Saturday afternoon Oct. 6th.  Just let me know where.  I am going to try to visit a Grace Brethren pastor and his wife, the Immels in London, OH that evening or the next day -- Sunday Oct. 7th.

Julie is planning to come to Newark Oct 12-14.  I really miss her.  We haven't made any commitments but I think we might get married next year.  I want to leave it in the Lord's hands -- especially the timing.  I love her and have great respect for her.  She has a heart that really seeks after God's best.  I'll keep you posted.

Julie and I plan to travel to Chicago the weekend of November 10-11 to visit International Teams in Prospect Heights.  I want Julie to see their home office and meet Glenn Schuman, who I would work for.

Guess what?  I have a contract to sell my house.  Closing is tentatively set for Nov. 30 and I must vacate by Dec 20.  I don't know where I'll move to, but I will probably rent a small apt or try to house sit for someone over the winter.

How do you like my stationary?  It didn't seem right to throw a good sheet of paper away.  Be sure to tell Grandma I am still following her example.  Give Grandma my love.

Look forward to seeing you Oct. 6th and hearing about your trip.



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