Monday, September 14, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Sep.30


Tuesday --
September 30, 1980

Dearest Family --

Wanted to get this letter started in time for G'ma to take it to Roberta when she leaves tomorrow so hopefully starting it now we should have a page written by tomorrow.  It was nice having talked to all of you over the weekend -- Catherine and Wendy Friday morning, Serena Saturday morning and Roberta Sunday afternoon plus John and Carol in person all weekend.  They came and met us at the chili supper at East Clinton.  We got down to the field just in time to see the band and the Homecoming ceremonies including the floats.  Ruby and Squeek's [I never knew (or had long forgotten) that David Henderson's nickname was "Squeek" if that is who we are referring to here] daughter, Judy Henderson, was the junior attendant.  John got to see some people he hadn't seen for awhile but both of them helped carry things left from the chili supper to sell at the ball game -- pies and quarts of chili.  MV helped tear down the class float afterwards so didn't get in too early.

MV and Carol went shopping in Wilmington Saturday afternoon as MV had decided to go to the Homecoming Dance and needed something new to wear for Saturday night -- she did get a real pretty outfit -- plaid (or rather varied color squares) skirt, brown jacket, tan blouse, maroon sweater and her first heels (high platform sandals).

Saturday afternoon Dad flew back from Dallas and so we did have one meal with him (MV had to play with the band in a parade in Jamestown).  John and Carol went down to New Vienna's Octoberfest -- a gospel quartet from Dayton and a short Message from the minister of the Corner Chapel -- all this down by the gazebo followed by square dancing in the street.  We waited til MV had left but the music was so loud we never did go to see the dancing -- met John and Carol at G'ma's and just talked there for awhile and came home.

Sunday there was no Sunday School at our church but a combined service of both along with a picnic at Ft. Ancient at 11 AM.  Had about 70 there, and it was a great day for a picnic.  Afterwards some 20 of us went on a hike which turned out to be strenuous down to the river and back up again, seemed about a 75º angle.  At the bottom we walked along the old railroad right-a-way, which was level.  Grandma went with us and John and Carol took good care of her, taking in the museum and look out.  We had no trouble sleeping right thru Sunday night.

Saturday night was cool enough we had a fire in the grate.  With the cutting of the trees across the street we have plenty of firewood for the winter.  After all the hot weather we are ready for some cooler weather.  

Grandma had a letter from Joe and he is going to arrange his schedule to fit in with her plans so she won't have to rush back to be here by the 15th.  the reality of life is that no matter what date one comes up with, there is always some conflict.

Just got back from the nominating committee meeting at the Church for the 1981 year.  The quarterly conference is Oct. 16th -- we are to be the host church for the meeting with Martinsville joining us.  A week ago Sunday we had a mission night at Church with the Fairview minister and his family having the program, who are natives of India and had also served as missionaries in Jamaica.  For refreshments it was native food -- yes, just fruit, which was a pleasant surprise.  The Harners were in charge.  (Don't see how they keep w/2 churches.) Mary Virginia has gone square dancing tonight and still seems to be enjoying it.  Tuesday night is the lesson class (which we still need) and Thursday night is the class (for the graduates) night.  It is a great night if you don't weaken.  Hate to see conflicts w/Tuesday night lessons which we have for the next three weeks but later on is when it will be more crucial.  The Ganos and Walls (Raymond) never did get started and MV said that the Don Bernards weren't there last night (now Wed.) but hope they do continue.  The Harners wanted us to go to Washington Court House for lessons which are on Sunday nights and begin (and end) earlier in the evening but haven't convinced Dad that is a good time.  With MV going on Tuesdays it is a little foolish.  I'm not too comfortable with the graduates on Thursdays.  The trip to Gatlinburg with the group should be interesting.  We had planned to go by bus but the increased fare caused us to decide on private cars.  There's about 40 of us going there -- most of them the old pros.  That's the 31 Oct. - Nov. 2.

Looking forward to seeing Serena this weekend but also thinking especially of John on the celebration of his 23rd birthday on the 4th.  


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