Saturday, July 03, 2021

1981 Roberta's letter -July 3


Friday AM

Dear Family,

Thanks for your weekly letter -- I too was very surprised to hear of my coming to Ohio this July.  It really works out great that I'm not taking any time off during the summer months -- because everyone else on the staff downtown is taking off now -- so that means even Judy and myself will be doing some filling in where needed.

I have missed about a half hour to an hour of work every day this past week.  Got those two darn teeth pulled a week ago today.  I felt very little pain that day -- and had a good weekend with them.  Then Sunday night or so -- it started -- pain almost to the throbbing point often.  So I started back to the Dentist.  Of course the dentist that pulled them is out of town for the week.  So I had to start with someone else in the same office.  Seems that infection has set in -- all around the jaw bone.  Every day I've had to go and get the area cleaned and then packed.  So I feel that I've had more than my share of it all.

Got the cheery news yesterday that I had to come in this AM and also tomorrow AM.  Which does not fit in my plans.  As Marion was to come in this afternoon and we were going to leave right after for the cabin.  Well, Marion is still going to come in -- but I'm not sure after that.  I will talk to the dentist today -- I sure can't take any chances with this mouth problem of mine.

Don't think that I told you that I traded in my bike -- for a new three speed -- really like it.  Just what kind I wanted.  Has a regular bike seat -- not one of those skinny ones.  Also got the collapsible baskets put on it -- something like the ones we had put on the hondas.  Also got an odometer on it.  I've been riding some in the mornings -- have 12 miles on it already.  Once I get my mouth in shape I should be able to ride it more.  It's a burgundy bike -- made by ROSS.  Got it at a bike shop at the corner of Greenfield and Main.  I just never cared for that ten speed -- with no fenders, etc.  Hope Marion won't be too upset about my trade.

Had Buffy to the groomers yesterday -- as long as he looks good -- Marion will be in a good mood about it all.  Mark my word -- this is the last summer for me to sit that dog.

The Stubbs are to go to the cabin with us this weekend.  Tho they will be driving up their truck earlier today.  I'm having them take up some stuff that we just couldn't get in the Datsun.  Like lawn chairs, and bed boards, etc.

We got our June electric bill for here yesterday, it was $102.00 for living in an 80º house.  I just don't believe it.  On a brighter note also got the electric bill for the cabin for June and it was only $12.80.

I need to be going -- going to drop Vera off by her house so she can check it out while I'm at the dentists.  Will be interesting to see how Vera and Marion get along as far as the cool air goes.  Vera is always cool -- and Marion is always too hot.  Marion will be getting out the fans and have them going full power.  I dread the looks of the July bill . . . .

Will add a note after seeing the Doctor . . . .


Dr. Says go --
I'm improving (thank goodness!).  He packed it good -- 3 separate pieces -- should last until Monday -- very painful! -- I've got his home phone # should I need it.

A wise word to the young:  TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH!

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