Tuesday, July 20, 2021

1981 Family Letter -July 19


Sunday afternoon,
July 19, 1981

Dearest Family --

Last Sunday seems like a long time ago when we last wrote -- so much has happened since then.  We drove to Louisville for the NACO - National Association of County Official - convention.  We stayed at the Galt House right on the Ohio where we could see the boats come and go by.  The Ohio delegation were primarily there so it was the center of the activities and not far from the Convention Center -- two short blocks.  They kept us busy with the many meetings and doings for the spouses.  Wouldn't have had to eat any meals out as there was so much free food -- in the hospitality rooms and picnics, etc.  Sunday evening was the President's reception.  Monday Dad got a box lunch and about 1000 of us took the Belle of Louisville (paddle steamer which rivals the Delta Queen) and had a box lunch brought on for each of us.  Monday evening there was a picnic sponsored by Col. Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken + others with entertainment including Cloggers that were the national champions and the McLain Family Blue Grass singers group.  The Cincinnati Symphony has them (latter group) as part of their concert series but somehow we had never heard them.  Tuesday joined the spouses' group that went to the University of Louisville to hear someone who has written a book and holds seminars on how to cope with stress in success.  Very good.  That night we went to visit a square dancing group as nothing special was planned except racing at Louisville Downs.  We enjoyed meeting them and found they weren't too advanced (not as much as the Mesa group, Roberta).  There are 58 different groups that meet there and we had borrowed the Harners book to see which ones were meeting when and the level of dancing.

Wednesday we went on a tour of the plant where they make the Louisville Sluggers baseball bat and the Power Bilt golf clubs.  Both tours there were very interesting and Pee Wee Reese was there to autograph whatever -- I had heard of him but didn't know that much about him.  Bought his pamphlet on how to play better baseball for the girls along with a couple of bats -- one wooden which they make there and an aluminum which is made in California, I think.  The latter was a "second" so much cheaper than one MV had wanted so badly a few years ago.

We got home in time to go to the Ice Cream Social at the Lees Creek United Church of Christ -- except due to the threatening rain was held in Marvin Bonds barn.  We took the Thompsons -- new pastor and his wife (Homer & Rema).  MV's singing group sang every other half hour for that long from 5:30 to 9:00 PM.  They had a big crowd of people (and flies) but it never did actually rain.

Saturday we took a group of young people canoeing on the Little Miami at Fort Ancient -- went up to Waynesville and paddled down to Fort Ancient.  Had a nice picnic at the I-71 bridge where the crowd enjoyed swimming in the river where there is quite a bit of current.  The Wolfroms, Rankins and Stan Hannah accompanied the group as well as Al Wolfrom's mother, Violet Kacho.  We had thought we'd get back in time to go to a Young Republicans picnic at the Wilmington fairgrounds where Bud Brown was the featured speaker among other dignitaries.  We stopped on the way back but things were already under way and only Dad felt much inclined to get out.

After Sunday School and Church this morning Grandma treated us to dinner at the Golden Lamb so we don't feel too inclined to eat very soon.  It was a very good dinner -- their prices have gone up again -- they do have three things listed on their brunch menu -- one of which G'ma had -- which included appetizer but no dessert.  The rest of us indulged in the complete meal.

MV is playing for the Rankins who are singing at Marathon UMC tonight -- Tim Larrick is singing with them in place of Rob, Randy and Kelly.  Jody is still the lead singer in the group.  MV and Jody sing a couple of songs.  Mie Young and another girl are going down with them.

Tomorrow the girls start their 10 hour work day -- four days a week.  Do wonder how peppy they will feel at 5:30 PM.  Imagine by Thursday they will be glad to be through -- especially after going to La Comedia to see and hear "Grease".  Dad and I have tickets but haven't decided whether to go to that or . . . [bottom line of page 1 is partially cut off] . . . Friends of the Library that night.  Dad has to go to a meeting in Ripley with the commissioners and others the next morning so . . . .

We are finally getting some much  needed rain this afternoon -- first we can remember for a long time.  Hard on the picnics that are scheduled today like the Historical Society which we hadn't planned to attend.

Glad to hear from all of you -- sorry that Roberta is still having trouble with her teeth and the infection that settled in her ear(s).  Dad can sympathize for he has been having trouble with a couple of teeth and hopes to get into Dr. Hause this next week.  He has already been told that he needs a root canal job on one of them but according to Catherine it is better to have that done than have an extraction.  Wish that we lived close enough to Dr. W. where Catherine is working but hardly worth commuting.

Your Mother has hit all the "High Spots" of the past week.  Did buy 38# of peaches yesterday for $10.00 which one of the Wells employees spouses had bought down in GA . . . he had picked up a whole load of peaches.  Had our first tomato out of the garden and possibly some 10# of potatoes from our garden, which seems good since we planted only those that were getting soft last spring.

M.V. has been ambitious this summer with the flowers in front of the house and also planted two maple trees that had sprouted in our garden across the street.  Rereading that sentence makes me realize that I should get my mind and typing at the same speed.

Saw a news item in the paper recently about a person who found in their attic a municipal bond of the original value of $100 at 10% interest that was issued about 1880 and compounded the interest th epresent value came to 3.5 million, which sum appears to be uncollectible.

Visited Bill Marine Ford Agency briefly yesterday as we thought they were having a pork roast BUT we were one day early.  He has new cars from $5600 to $18000, with agencies in Springfield, Ohio and Corbin, KY.  He has also taken over the small Chrysler line of cars.

Dad went down to the shop to work some this evening so I decided I might as well go in the car with the young people to Marathon.  I did enjoy it -- Mie Young and Diane had solos too as well as the rest of them singing duet, trios, etc.  They left me in charge of the tape player so hope it came off ok.

Roberta, we enjoyed the pictures of the cabin that you sent and will send them on to one of the others and hopefully you will get them back eventually.  Catherine told me that they caught some Oregon criminals in Payson recently.

Enjoyed talking to Wendy, Catherine and Roberta on the phone Thursday and Friday.  Glad that Marion came through her operation in good shape and will continue to improve.  Hope the boat (raft) trip went well for the Morgans.

MV told us that she had heard that Lee Carey is going to marry Debra Brumley soon which was news to us as we didn't even know either was interested.  Debra has a little boy -- perhaps six or 7 by now.  

The Hortons seemed to enjoy the reunions (class and family) and are now visiting Marianne and family and will see Joe there later.  He is to get to Florida July 23 and then go to NYC to art school around the 26th and plans to spend a weekend in Lancaster.

[Love, etc.]

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