Sunday, December 06, 2020

1981 Catherine's Letter -Jan.6


Tuesday morning
January 6, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad, & Mary

Hi!  We got your letter on Friday with the news about Mie Young so guess we didn't miss any mail after all.  I hope you got the tickets OK.

It seems like the New Year has started off busily.  Gerry had to go to the annual meeting of the Jefferson County Co-op yesterday.  Actually the employees get fed lunch, introduced to the members and then they go back to work.  I  had an appointment to get my contacts checked at lunch time yesterday but their office was running behind and I didn't get back to work until 3:00 (I had a 1:30 appointment.).  I have to go back again next week but I have an appointment at 8:45 PM.  I may be there half the night but at least I won't miss any work.  I got a stronger right lens as my left eye was seeing better than the right.  Now they seem to be matched fairly well.

Gerry is taking DeeDe to the airport in Redmond at 3:45 this afternoon.  He is taking the afternoon off from work so they will probably go out to lunch and do some shopping.  Wendy is thrilled that she gets to do something that Mommy doesn't.  I have a library board meeting at noon today so we set appointments from 9-12 and 1-5 instead of our usual 1-2 lunch.  Yesterday I found out that we may be closed on the 29th as Dr. Woll may have some friends coming from California.  Of course either Debbie or I would have to work like we do on alternate Fridays.  The Woll's are putting an ad in the paper this week for a new assistant as Debbie is expecting a baby the first of April and only want to work until sometime in February.  I got several large insurance payments last week which brought the monthly collections up to enough that I will get a $54 bonus.  I had a 96% collection rate last month.

We keep reading about all the cold weather you are getting in the east.  We hope you get a warm spell in March!  The weather has turned a little cooler here but the ground is still not frozen.  The low yesterday was 34º with a high of 43º.  Right now (8:03 a.m.) the sun is shining brightly and the temperature is 35º  DeeDee won' have to worry about her plane being grounded by the fog anyway.

I better finish getting ready for work.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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