Wednesday, December 09, 2020

1980 Roberta's birthday card & letter to Jean -Dec.

 [1980 - unknown date]

Hi!  The bazaar was a BIG success -- we had it at our center on Friday & the center in town yesterday -- (the center in town just had theirs yesterday) & we made a total of $683 -- w/some more orders & many yet to come in!!  So needless to say -- everyone is happy -- except for a select few -- who feel we charged too little or too much!

Cam Squires got out of the hospital on Thursday afternoon -- seems to be doing OK at home -- his wife was here just over 2 weeks.

Cam is learning to use a walker -- but he has to learn how to balance himself -- he lives in a small trailer -- really too small to use a wheelchair in & we managed to get both a walker & wheelchair through St. Vincent DePaul -- both free.

Mother -- Most of the key chain bracelets sold -- we charged $1 for them -- only 3 or 4 left & we made more of them.

Our own extravagance has come to a stop -- the cleaning lady who we had 3 hours a week -- had to have surgery on her hands -- both of them -- so she will be off for at least  months!!!

I'm afraid I'm coming down w/a COLD -- hoping to not have to turn on the heat till 1981 -- but may need it earlier.  Last month's bill was $32 -- sure beats those $99 summer ones!!

How was the Church Bazaar?  The walnut S'Bs [strawberries] here were a big hit.


I love you -- all!

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