Wednesday, December 16, 2020

1970 Catherine's Letter -Dec.18


December 18, 1970

Dear Mom, Dad, Roberta, Serena, John and Mary,

Hi!  It was quite a surprise to get the card from you in the Bahamas.  I hope you had a good time and have been able to readjust to the Ohio country winter-type weather.

We moved out here last Thursday and started working "full time" (that is 8 to 4:30 with a half-hour lunch break) on Friday.  In the afternoons we both work on inventory -- checking the shelf list with the books on the shelves.  In the morning I work at the desk and fill up the spare corners of time (which I usually have trouble finding) by typing cards for all the missing books and looking in all the other assorted places the books could possibly be besides on the shelf.

It is really neat living out here -- I hope you all can come see sometime.  There is country and fields all around and it is nice to go out wandering.  Of course it is a little old-hat for Dick who has seen these same fields ever since . . . so I try to see it as he must -- places where he used to hunt and play around as a kid.  I think it is equally hard for him to see it as I do -- new territory to be explored.  Las week-end Bruce came down from Morris, Illinois to visit and we must have spent a total of six hours outside walking around in the snowy fields in about two hour stretches.  I seem to wake up earlier than most other people so I like to go out walking early in the morning too on the weekends but that is like impossible during the week -- I'm lucky to have time to eat some cereal before going to work!  Soon it will be getting light earlier in the morning though and then it might be more feasible.

I have done a little work on my SIP.  Before I start translating I want to type the whole thing up with about four spaces between lines so I can translate line for line. I'm about ⅓ way through the first play with the typing.

I was going to make some cookies to take to our friends for Christmas but the oven quit working so I made fudge instead.  I'm not sure how it turned since I'm no great fudge judge but it looks OK.  A little later this evening we're going over to the Johnson's.  Dr. Johnson is the vice-president of Upjohn and his son was Dick's best friend in those before college days.  I'm sure you've heard one of us mention them.

If you were wondering how my doctor's appointment turned out, it hasn't yet since it was rescheduled for this coming Tuesday.  Next week while I'm thinking about it is the week which contains the day on which I am planning to journey towards New Vienna, probably Thursday.  Wow, it is amazing how the structure of the sentence can be changed by goofing up a few words and not wanting to xxxxx them out and start over.  I was hoping to find a Santa Claus suit to come home in but I haven't been able to get ahold of one yet.

I could ramble on and on and on and off and on again about my general good feelings but I think I will leave off with an "I'll see you Thursday".  I'll let you know about the when and where and how when I know myself.

Love, Catherine

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