Wednesday, June 17, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -June 23

Sunday Morning
8:00 A.M.
Dear Family,

Just got up -- am getting caught up from my trip to Prescott -- now I know why these meetings are just over one night -- so you don't lose too much sleep.  It was a busy time up there.  We "skipped" out on some of the stuff Friday morning to go downtown Prescott and visit the Chamber of Commerce -- and the senior center.  There were two couples there at the senior center who had been to the center in East Mesa so I was especially glad that we went down.

Thursday night there was a dance after this very nice banquet.  It was really a comedy, as all these old men coming up to me and wanting me to dance.  I kept getting the women who were with me from East Mesa to dance.  Then at intermission the band had a break and they put on some country swing records.  I got up and did some of the stuff I had been learning.  That was fun.  There were quite a few people doing it -- but nothing compared to the people doing the waltzes and 2-step dances.

I really like my Yoga class -- tho I can't do alot of the different postures.  They all have their weird names -- like the swan, sun salute, windmill, etc.  There is also the crocodile --

Worked yesterday at the flower shop -- It has turned out into a weekly thing -- I'm doing alot of different things there now so really do enjoy it.  Besides I'm always rounding stuff up there (for free) that we can use at work.  I tease Harry that its a good tax deal for him.

Thanks Mary Virginia for your card from Mexico.  Sounds like you really had a good trip.  I've never been to Mexico -- except for the border-towns.  Did you have a camera with you to take pictures?  I should have some pictures soon of the trip to Prescott -- as two of the women were constantly taking pictures.

The plan for me now is to leave here on the 17th of July.  I will fly into Quincy, Ill.  Spend the night at Marion's house, and the two of us will leave for New Vienna Friday A.M. -- getting there that night.  I'm taking two weeks off -- but the plan is for me to drive the car back to Arizona -- which of course will take some time -- so I should have about one week in New Vienna.  My boss wants me to be back here by the 29th -- so that I have the 30th and 31st to get the monthly reports in.  -- or rather started .

A lady from the center -- Vera -- a real character -- full of life -- about 85 years old is going to fly on the same flight with me to St. Louis.  She has grandchildren all around that area.  She will drive back with me.  -- I will meet her in St. Louis -- tho she can't drive -- she will be good company.  I had talked with her about making the trip in two days from St. Louis to here -- and she said forget her.  Really would be hard to make the trip in two days -- so have settled on the three day journey from St. Louis.

You all will be surprised to see what we drive to New Vienna.  We traded in the truck -- it was bothering Marion's back alot, and not getting the mileage that it should have been getting.  Besides we were able to get just $140 less than what we paid for it.  The new car averaged 40-42 miles per gallon on the trip to Ill. for Marion.  But it does lack the storage area we had with the truck.  The one mistake that we did make when we got the new car was that I wasn't there when the final bickering was done -- and Marion had the car put in her name -- and the truck was in mine -- so that those expensive license plates could not be transferred.

Buffy and I sure have been using the back yard in the evening -- so much cooler with the grass back there.  Also most mornings we both eat our breakfast outside in the yard.  I've also started jumping rope -- of course a Wells one -- every morning outside.  Am up to about 40 times now.  That's a good workout for me.

The house on our right has been sold now.  Thank goodness an elderly woman bought it -- she is quite worried about getting it.  She has her house up for sale in Calif. -- and must sell it first.  Guess her neighbor there has had a house up for sale for close to a year.  This proposition 13 was discussed alot at the conference -- telling everyone to vote against it.

Time for me to get ready for Church -- sorry I'm not in New Vienna today to join in celebrating Grandma's birthday.


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