Saturday, June 20, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -June 24

Tuesday morning, June 24, 1980

Dear Mother, Dad, & Mary,

Thanks alot for the anniversary money.  We had decided just that day (Friday) to buy a used portable dishwasher for $50 so we did and we'll consider it a gift from you!  We haven't been able to use it yet because it takes a special adapter to hook up to the kitchen faucet and yesterday we bought the wrong sized one so today I'm going to exchange it for one that will work, hopefully.  It is a Whirlpool and looks like it will hold quite a few dishes.  The people we bought it from just moved into a house that has a built in dishwasher.  They bought it used two years ago from relatives so we don't really know how old it is but it looks like it is in fair condition.  It wheels around easily so it can be pushed around in the kitchen.  Although it takes up quite a bit of space.

Sunday we met our friends Bob & Emily at Bowman's Red Lion Inn at Welches Oregon which is about half way between here and Portland.  It is listed as a 3 star resort in the Mobil Tour Book.  They have three 9 hole golf courses.  The four of us played the shortest one and then Bob & Gerry played the longest one.  We rented a cart and took Wendy which worked out very well.  She had a good time "driving" (Gerry let her do most of the steering) the cart  and she wasn't any trouble.  We had taken a picnic lunch so we stayed up in the mountains and did a little hiking before returning to Madras.  Emily is going to school in Portland this summer while Bob is taking off for San Antonio on Thursday to begin his officer training school for the Air Force.  He has been in a job as an alcohol & drug abuse program director for the Indians and I guess he will be doing the same thing in the Air Force.  Also they will pay for him to get his Masters Degree.

I got notice on Friday that I passed my Appraiser Trainee test with a 96.  There were 75 questions so I must have missed three.  You needed 70 to pass.  Cecil (my boss) was real pleased and even showed the letter to the judge who is the ruling force at the Court House.  At any rate I am now supposed to get some more materials from the state.  If you aren't employed by an assessor's office it costs $50 to get into the trainee program so everybody kept telling me I had saved $50.  Of course if I wasn't working there I would never have heard of the program.

Mary may remember our friends the Grinvalds who lived in the apartments last summer.  They have a little girl Wendy's age named Holly.  He works for the Food Stamps program and gets sent around to different parts of the state depending on where they need him.  They live in Klamath Falls now but he has been assigned to the Madras office for two days a week.  The whole family was going to come yesterday and spend the night with us but she got the flu so he came alone this week.  He took us out to dinner and then spent the night here.  Now the whole family may come next week.  That will really be better for us anyway as DeeDee will be here and I can leave Wendy with her on Monday morning when I go to work until they arrive around 9:00.

It is about time to get those last minute things done before I go to work.  Thanks for the dishwasher!  I'll think of you when I'm not doing the dishes!

Catherine, Gerry, & Wendy

P.S.  Let's talk about Velva Sheen soon.

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