Thursday, June 25, 2020

1980 Family Letter -June 29

Sunday Evening, --
June 29th, 1980

Dearest Family:

It seems so strange and quiet here and longer than two days since Mary Virginia left here for Florida and though its been busy we do miss her too.

The big shock of the week was hearing of John Cooper's sudden passing away.  He had been painting Arthur McCoy's house on Thursday with Marie and then by himself on Friday.  Both days were beastly hot and after coming home for lunch returned to McCoys where he was found later and guess he suffered a heart attack.  He was just 67.

We had made plans to meet the Goodings for lunch today at 1776 restaurant in Waynesville but they called early this morning and said that due to the storm, a fallen tree, electricity off -- they had been up all night carrying water out of the basement.  It had kept Bob, Beverly, Lisa and her husband busy with no relief in sight until the power would be restored to get the sump pump working again.  So we said we would give them a raincheck and might get together July 20 when Roberta is here.  We didn't mention any date but thought if she would like to see them -- it might work out then.

So after the Gooding cancellation we called the Kuntzmans and they got down soon after church began.  It was sort of a memorial service for John and the Messengers sang and dedicated their songs to him.  Rev. Wamsley spoke as Jim Wise and family are on vacation in the Smokies.  (He is flying home for the funeral tomorrow).

Rev. Kuntzman has been in the hospital about three times this year -- two cataract operations which has left his walking down steps the most precarious and he hates to use a cane.  Eventually when his eyes have adjusted he will be much better.  We went to Rocky Fork Restaurant and the Everett Penns and Hauses joined us there along with Grandma.  They have a smorgasbord there and most of us had that -- Lettie had the diet plate.  On the way home we stopped at the funeral home -- saw the three Cooper boys as well as Marie and John's brother and father -- who must be near 90 but looks younger -- in fact I asked if he were a brother.  The three boys had all been home together about 6 weeks ago so good that they had a get together before now.

We picked some cherries off the Wise's still loaded tree for the Kuntzmans to take home with them -- they are large.  Our miniature trees have been loaded too -- wonderful year for them -- wish we could share them with you all too.  After the Kuntzmans left we picked our own for us and also some raspberries which have been real nice this year.  The apple trees are loaded and branches about to break and the same with the pear trees.

Hope all went well for your trip to Portland, Morgans to pick up DeeDee and we have thought about you all on the raft trip today.  Dad offered to take me to Velvasheen shop Saturday but would prefer to go another day but do plan to get there before we take off west.

Roberta both your letter written Sunday and the one written on Tuesday arrived on Saturday.  Enjoyed seeing the picture of your Vespa and anxious to see what kind of a car you are driving now since you have traded in your Datsun -- Dad thinks it is a Japanese car.  Too bad if you had to give up your license plate with BERTA on it.  Will Marion be staying a week and come and go with you, Berta?

Glad to talk to you, Serena and meant to ask you more about your volunteer job with the Chicago Public Library just when you will be doing Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings?  Is it the same each week?  Hope you have looked into getting a bike there either through the police auction or a yard sale or something.

John and Carol, we are still anxious to hear about the results of the physicals we hope you both have taken -- even Grandma asked us if we had heard from you about them!  Please don't let this go.

I forgot to tell you all that Al [Kuntzman] has joined the Air Force and has just moved to Eaglin Air Force Base at Fort Walton Beach where MV and her friends are vacationing.  I gave her their address but don't know whether she will look them up as I am sure she doesn't remember him nor the others know him.  Al and Val have four children -- from about 8 to 10 months.

Tom is working in Columbus for a wholesale food company that furnishes food for Red Bar, etc -- something like Miller Broward.  Karol just took Al & Val's children down to them accompanied by a girl friend.  She just graduated from Bowling Green and hopes to find a teaching job in Florida -- she majored in business education and is also able to teach driver's education so hopes to find something alone one line or the other.

Helen is still working for the hospital and doing real well.  Rev. K is still trying to get his book published and does he have enthusiasm for that.  We can still recall his 6 to 10 minute prayers when he was pastor here from 1958 to 1965.

Grandma is getting along fine -- she goes back to the Doctor in another month.  A lot of people who come to pick her cherries, give her some and in turn we put them up in our freezer.

Thursday night our square dance group met at Pine Grove Camp Ground for a pot luck supper before the dance.  It is owned by one of members of the group and has a nice shelter house for activities.  We will meet there on alternate Thursdays thru August.  We are still amazed at the # of calls that we SHOULD KNOW.  Does Madras have a square dance group?  Visiting the Camp Grounds gave us the camping bug (????), tho in a lazy way.  It was a HOT day Friday so we camped out in our back yard -- it was like sleeping with a 40 watt bulb on with the full moon out.  Anyway it was easy putting down the plastic ground cloth, the pads and the sleeping bags.

M.V. heard from Curt Ream at Hudson Guild and said "he would be glad to have us stay there, etc. etc."  M.V. also had a letter from Mie Young in Korea that she would be arriving the last of July . . . oh well, what is one more impossible conflict since we are going west on July 30th. 

Yesterday Tolle Auto Sales had about a six hour auto and camper auction.  I was out there briefly and really had no temptation to bid on anything.  It seemed that a lot f stuff he was bidding back himself.  This is certainly not the year to be in the automobile business.  Howard Wolfrum said he is looking at motorcycles as an alternate form of transportation . . . I need to know more about them to talk intelligently about the subject.

[Love, etc.]

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