Turning the page on another month . . . .
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
1970 Catherine's postcard -June 30
[postmarked 30 June 1970]
Hi! Thanks for the card. My official address is now 203C Severn Hall. I am hoping to come home this weekend but it isn't for definite yet. It is a real experience to eat in the new dining hall -- I'll have to tell you all about it. Will you be home the weekend of August 1?
Hoping to see you soon!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
1980 MV postcard -June 30
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Caption: The Lake -- WESTTOWN SCHOOL -- Westtown, PA |
June 30, 1980 [still in Florida]
Hi . . . got up at 9:00 & it was already 91º. My back has gotten burned but not bad. Sue is blistering badly. Had lunch at Lums yesterday after going to a Meth. Church in Mary Esther. Went to the beach & got bunches of coquinas.
Love -- Mary Va
Saturday, June 27, 2020
1980 Roberta's Letter -June 30
Sunday Morning
9:00 A.M.
Dear Family,According to my calendar Mary Virginia is out on the road again . . . this trip to Florida. Sure hope that she doesn't come home with a sunburn!!!! Arizona right now is the place to get a tan. Sure is hot here now . . . and no relief at night. I've quit opening up the house now in the mornings since its usually 90º or so by 7:00 am -- 80º in the house seems nice and cool.
I really had some kind of day on Friday. It was a very busy and hectic day at work -- so to start the week-end off right I justified my leaving about two hours early. Actually, I do lots of typing -- lists, etc. at home at night so my boss often tells me to feel free to cut off early.
I was coming down Center Street just south of Broadway before I get to 8th Avenue -- and all of a sudden my bike started wobbling like crazy. I couldn't control it, put on the rear brake and nothing much happened. Was afraid to put on the front brake -- was afraid I would skid or something. Was really afraid that I was going to lose the bike -- fall over with it. Was really going at a good speed. Finally came to a stop -- and was quick to find out I had a very flat rear tire. Two guys -- who were behind me stopped right away and tried to help me change the tire -- but the spare tire didn't have air in it. They were in a hurry but did take the time to haul me over to Stubbs. Thank goodness because the heat at 3 in the afternoon is wicked. Not fit for humans.
Rich Stubbs put air in my spare for me and then came over with me to change the tire. I had run over a screw type of thing -- something like a nail. He took the tire in to a tire place yesterday morning and got it fixed for me -- $3. Sure glad that I didn't have to buy another tire. I got home from work about 5:30 on Friday -- about ten minutes after I usually do.
Friday night I went over to Fiesta Mall to get my plane ticket -- while there I took the time to find a bathing suit to my liking -- was on sale for $9.99 -- to find out that I had forgotten my check book. What a day!!!! Plan to go back over to the mall this afternoon to pick up both the ticket and bathing suit. Plan to start swimming either in the morning or evening here. The winters are sure nice here -- but this summer heat -- hard to take!!!!
Had a big day at work yesterday at the flower shop. Harry the owner had bought another store -- in a new shopping center on Apache and 63rd Street -- East Mesa. He will be doing alot of the inside work himself on getting the shop ready to open. He hopes to have the new shop open by mid-August. I'm really enjoying learning all the stuff I've been doing at the flower shop -- from the billing on the computer to cleaning the roses -- wiring them etc.
Anne Hamilton -- the nutritionist who does our center -- who I stayed with in Prescott -- wants me to come to her house for July 4th -- she lives way East. Like 12 miles East of the center -- guess its right near the foot of the mountains.
If its ok -- there will be three of us coming to New Vienna. No, it won't be Marion, myself and Buffy. #3 will be Vera Reller. Think I told you about her -- how she had originally planned on flying to St. Louis with me and then she would drive back with me -- spending the time in St. Louis visiting friends and grandchildren. Now she has decided that she would rather go to to Ohio with us -- she said she would be glad to stay at a local motel in New Vienna -- so I explained New Vienna to her. Is it ok that she comes??? Vera is a real character -- have no idea of how old she is -- whenever people ask her she tells them they can read it in in the obit column when she dies and that will be soon enough for them to know. She said the more she thought about it she didn't want to go to St. Louis because most of the people she would be seeing are all old and sick. Guess her children have both died -- tho they were by her husband's first marriage -- so she is not all that close to the grandchildren she thought of visiting in St. Louis. Vera's health and humor are both in great condition.
Now Monday morning -- did get the bathing suit yesterday and went swimming for the first time this year. Water was nice and warm -- no wonder the temp was up to 111º. The stores sure have the summer clothes already on sale . . . not even waiting till after the 4th of July!!! We had our first wind storm last night for the summer. Guess this is that time of year. Noticed this AM when I was out with Buffy that quite a few trees were down, etc. At least with this dog I keep up with whats happening outside, also meet all the neighborhood kids. Better sign off -- get off to work --
Love, Berta
P.S. Always happy to hear from you all . . . sure sounds like Grandma is coming along great!!! She will be ready to go with me when I make my rounds of senior centers!!!!
I'm signing up for two classes (6 hours) at ASU this fall . . . if you'd like to donate money to a good cause . . . my tuition needs to be paid before I come home . . . If my schedule allows it plan to take one course through Tempe Parks and Rec -- maybe Jazz class.
Friday, June 26, 2020
1990 Serena Letter -June
Hello!In case you haven't heard, I start at Greenville Public July 2nd.
My new address is 1339 Chippewa, Greenville
I will probably be down sometime between July 1st & 8th to switch vehicles.
Why don't you plan to come for late lunch 7/15. MV is planning on being there.
Anyway . . . . Thanks for use of van.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
1980 Family Letter -June 29
June 29th, 1980
Dearest Family:
It seems so strange and quiet here and longer than two days since Mary Virginia left here for Florida and though its been busy we do miss her too.
The big shock of the week was hearing of John Cooper's sudden passing away. He had been painting Arthur McCoy's house on Thursday with Marie and then by himself on Friday. Both days were beastly hot and after coming home for lunch returned to McCoys where he was found later and guess he suffered a heart attack. He was just 67.
We had made plans to meet the Goodings for lunch today at 1776 restaurant in Waynesville but they called early this morning and said that due to the storm, a fallen tree, electricity off -- they had been up all night carrying water out of the basement. It had kept Bob, Beverly, Lisa and her husband busy with no relief in sight until the power would be restored to get the sump pump working again. So we said we would give them a raincheck and might get together July 20 when Roberta is here. We didn't mention any date but thought if she would like to see them -- it might work out then.
So after the Gooding cancellation we called the Kuntzmans and they got down soon after church began. It was sort of a memorial service for John and the Messengers sang and dedicated their songs to him. Rev. Wamsley spoke as Jim Wise and family are on vacation in the Smokies. (He is flying home for the funeral tomorrow).
Rev. Kuntzman has been in the hospital about three times this year -- two cataract operations which has left his walking down steps the most precarious and he hates to use a cane. Eventually when his eyes have adjusted he will be much better. We went to Rocky Fork Restaurant and the Everett Penns and Hauses joined us there along with Grandma. They have a smorgasbord there and most of us had that -- Lettie had the diet plate. On the way home we stopped at the funeral home -- saw the three Cooper boys as well as Marie and John's brother and father -- who must be near 90 but looks younger -- in fact I asked if he were a brother. The three boys had all been home together about 6 weeks ago so good that they had a get together before now.
We picked some cherries off the Wise's still loaded tree for the Kuntzmans to take home with them -- they are large. Our miniature trees have been loaded too -- wonderful year for them -- wish we could share them with you all too. After the Kuntzmans left we picked our own for us and also some raspberries which have been real nice this year. The apple trees are loaded and branches about to break and the same with the pear trees.
Hope all went well for your trip to Portland, Morgans to pick up DeeDee and we have thought about you all on the raft trip today. Dad offered to take me to Velvasheen shop Saturday but would prefer to go another day but do plan to get there before we take off west.
Roberta both your letter written Sunday and the one written on Tuesday arrived on Saturday. Enjoyed seeing the picture of your Vespa and anxious to see what kind of a car you are driving now since you have traded in your Datsun -- Dad thinks it is a Japanese car. Too bad if you had to give up your license plate with BERTA on it. Will Marion be staying a week and come and go with you, Berta?
Glad to talk to you, Serena and meant to ask you more about your volunteer job with the Chicago Public Library just when you will be doing Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings? Is it the same each week? Hope you have looked into getting a bike there either through the police auction or a yard sale or something.
John and Carol, we are still anxious to hear about the results of the physicals we hope you both have taken -- even Grandma asked us if we had heard from you about them! Please don't let this go.
I forgot to tell you all that Al [Kuntzman] has joined the Air Force and has just moved to Eaglin Air Force Base at Fort Walton Beach where MV and her friends are vacationing. I gave her their address but don't know whether she will look them up as I am sure she doesn't remember him nor the others know him. Al and Val have four children -- from about 8 to 10 months.
Tom is working in Columbus for a wholesale food company that furnishes food for Red Bar, etc -- something like Miller Broward. Karol just took Al & Val's children down to them accompanied by a girl friend. She just graduated from Bowling Green and hopes to find a teaching job in Florida -- she majored in business education and is also able to teach driver's education so hopes to find something alone one line or the other.
Helen is still working for the hospital and doing real well. Rev. K is still trying to get his book published and does he have enthusiasm for that. We can still recall his 6 to 10 minute prayers when he was pastor here from 1958 to 1965.
Grandma is getting along fine -- she goes back to the Doctor in another month. A lot of people who come to pick her cherries, give her some and in turn we put them up in our freezer.
Thursday night our square dance group met at Pine Grove Camp Ground for a pot luck supper before the dance. It is owned by one of members of the group and has a nice shelter house for activities. We will meet there on alternate Thursdays thru August. We are still amazed at the # of calls that we SHOULD KNOW. Does Madras have a square dance group? Visiting the Camp Grounds gave us the camping bug (????), tho in a lazy way. It was a HOT day Friday so we camped out in our back yard -- it was like sleeping with a 40 watt bulb on with the full moon out. Anyway it was easy putting down the plastic ground cloth, the pads and the sleeping bags.
M.V. heard from Curt Ream at Hudson Guild and said "he would be glad to have us stay there, etc. etc." M.V. also had a letter from Mie Young in Korea that she would be arriving the last of July . . . oh well, what is one more impossible conflict since we are going west on July 30th.
Yesterday Tolle Auto Sales had about a six hour auto and camper auction. I was out there briefly and really had no temptation to bid on anything. It seemed that a lot f stuff he was bidding back himself. This is certainly not the year to be in the automobile business. Howard Wolfrum said he is looking at motorcycles as an alternate form of transportation . . . I need to know more about them to talk intelligently about the subject.
[Love, etc.]
The big shock of the week was hearing of John Cooper's sudden passing away. He had been painting Arthur McCoy's house on Thursday with Marie and then by himself on Friday. Both days were beastly hot and after coming home for lunch returned to McCoys where he was found later and guess he suffered a heart attack. He was just 67.
We had made plans to meet the Goodings for lunch today at 1776 restaurant in Waynesville but they called early this morning and said that due to the storm, a fallen tree, electricity off -- they had been up all night carrying water out of the basement. It had kept Bob, Beverly, Lisa and her husband busy with no relief in sight until the power would be restored to get the sump pump working again. So we said we would give them a raincheck and might get together July 20 when Roberta is here. We didn't mention any date but thought if she would like to see them -- it might work out then.
So after the Gooding cancellation we called the Kuntzmans and they got down soon after church began. It was sort of a memorial service for John and the Messengers sang and dedicated their songs to him. Rev. Wamsley spoke as Jim Wise and family are on vacation in the Smokies. (He is flying home for the funeral tomorrow).
Rev. Kuntzman has been in the hospital about three times this year -- two cataract operations which has left his walking down steps the most precarious and he hates to use a cane. Eventually when his eyes have adjusted he will be much better. We went to Rocky Fork Restaurant and the Everett Penns and Hauses joined us there along with Grandma. They have a smorgasbord there and most of us had that -- Lettie had the diet plate. On the way home we stopped at the funeral home -- saw the three Cooper boys as well as Marie and John's brother and father -- who must be near 90 but looks younger -- in fact I asked if he were a brother. The three boys had all been home together about 6 weeks ago so good that they had a get together before now.
We picked some cherries off the Wise's still loaded tree for the Kuntzmans to take home with them -- they are large. Our miniature trees have been loaded too -- wonderful year for them -- wish we could share them with you all too. After the Kuntzmans left we picked our own for us and also some raspberries which have been real nice this year. The apple trees are loaded and branches about to break and the same with the pear trees.
Hope all went well for your trip to Portland, Morgans to pick up DeeDee and we have thought about you all on the raft trip today. Dad offered to take me to Velvasheen shop Saturday but would prefer to go another day but do plan to get there before we take off west.
Roberta both your letter written Sunday and the one written on Tuesday arrived on Saturday. Enjoyed seeing the picture of your Vespa and anxious to see what kind of a car you are driving now since you have traded in your Datsun -- Dad thinks it is a Japanese car. Too bad if you had to give up your license plate with BERTA on it. Will Marion be staying a week and come and go with you, Berta?
Glad to talk to you, Serena and meant to ask you more about your volunteer job with the Chicago Public Library just when you will be doing Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings? Is it the same each week? Hope you have looked into getting a bike there either through the police auction or a yard sale or something.
John and Carol, we are still anxious to hear about the results of the physicals we hope you both have taken -- even Grandma asked us if we had heard from you about them! Please don't let this go.
I forgot to tell you all that Al [Kuntzman] has joined the Air Force and has just moved to Eaglin Air Force Base at Fort Walton Beach where MV and her friends are vacationing. I gave her their address but don't know whether she will look them up as I am sure she doesn't remember him nor the others know him. Al and Val have four children -- from about 8 to 10 months.
Tom is working in Columbus for a wholesale food company that furnishes food for Red Bar, etc -- something like Miller Broward. Karol just took Al & Val's children down to them accompanied by a girl friend. She just graduated from Bowling Green and hopes to find a teaching job in Florida -- she majored in business education and is also able to teach driver's education so hopes to find something alone one line or the other.
Helen is still working for the hospital and doing real well. Rev. K is still trying to get his book published and does he have enthusiasm for that. We can still recall his 6 to 10 minute prayers when he was pastor here from 1958 to 1965.
Grandma is getting along fine -- she goes back to the Doctor in another month. A lot of people who come to pick her cherries, give her some and in turn we put them up in our freezer.
Thursday night our square dance group met at Pine Grove Camp Ground for a pot luck supper before the dance. It is owned by one of members of the group and has a nice shelter house for activities. We will meet there on alternate Thursdays thru August. We are still amazed at the # of calls that we SHOULD KNOW. Does Madras have a square dance group? Visiting the Camp Grounds gave us the camping bug (????), tho in a lazy way. It was a HOT day Friday so we camped out in our back yard -- it was like sleeping with a 40 watt bulb on with the full moon out. Anyway it was easy putting down the plastic ground cloth, the pads and the sleeping bags.
M.V. heard from Curt Ream at Hudson Guild and said "he would be glad to have us stay there, etc. etc." M.V. also had a letter from Mie Young in Korea that she would be arriving the last of July . . . oh well, what is one more impossible conflict since we are going west on July 30th.
Yesterday Tolle Auto Sales had about a six hour auto and camper auction. I was out there briefly and really had no temptation to bid on anything. It seemed that a lot f stuff he was bidding back himself. This is certainly not the year to be in the automobile business. Howard Wolfrum said he is looking at motorcycles as an alternate form of transportation . . . I need to know more about them to talk intelligently about the subject.
[Love, etc.]
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
1980 MV's postcard -June 28
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June 28, 1980 [postmarked Pensacola, FL]
Day 1 . . . .
All is fine. Got a little sunburned. Went to the ocean -- has lots of algae which gets down in your suit & won't come out.
Love -- Mary Va.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
1990 Roberta's Postcard to GHU -June 28
[postmarked June 28, 1990]
Hi Grandma!
It's so HOT here we brought in the outdoor cats so they would be ok. Baby Beethoven doesn't much care for them! We are having a hat parade at Sr. Village tomorrow -- I still need to make mine!
Hope your cat & dog are getting along fine!
Love, Roberta, Sid & Baby Beethoven
Monday, June 22, 2020
1990 GHU Pictures
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
1980 Catherine's Letter -June 24
Tuesday morning, June 24, 1980
Dear Mother, Dad, & Mary,
Thanks alot for the anniversary money. We had decided just that day (Friday) to buy a used portable dishwasher for $50 so we did and we'll consider it a gift from you! We haven't been able to use it yet because it takes a special adapter to hook up to the kitchen faucet and yesterday we bought the wrong sized one so today I'm going to exchange it for one that will work, hopefully. It is a Whirlpool and looks like it will hold quite a few dishes. The people we bought it from just moved into a house that has a built in dishwasher. They bought it used two years ago from relatives so we don't really know how old it is but it looks like it is in fair condition. It wheels around easily so it can be pushed around in the kitchen. Although it takes up quite a bit of space.
Sunday we met our friends Bob & Emily at Bowman's Red Lion Inn at Welches Oregon which is about half way between here and Portland. It is listed as a 3 star resort in the Mobil Tour Book. They have three 9 hole golf courses. The four of us played the shortest one and then Bob & Gerry played the longest one. We rented a cart and took Wendy which worked out very well. She had a good time "driving" (Gerry let her do most of the steering) the cart and she wasn't any trouble. We had taken a picnic lunch so we stayed up in the mountains and did a little hiking before returning to Madras. Emily is going to school in Portland this summer while Bob is taking off for San Antonio on Thursday to begin his officer training school for the Air Force. He has been in a job as an alcohol & drug abuse program director for the Indians and I guess he will be doing the same thing in the Air Force. Also they will pay for him to get his Masters Degree.
I got notice on Friday that I passed my Appraiser Trainee test with a 96. There were 75 questions so I must have missed three. You needed 70 to pass. Cecil (my boss) was real pleased and even showed the letter to the judge who is the ruling force at the Court House. At any rate I am now supposed to get some more materials from the state. If you aren't employed by an assessor's office it costs $50 to get into the trainee program so everybody kept telling me I had saved $50. Of course if I wasn't working there I would never have heard of the program.
Mary may remember our friends the Grinvalds who lived in the apartments last summer. They have a little girl Wendy's age named Holly. He works for the Food Stamps program and gets sent around to different parts of the state depending on where they need him. They live in Klamath Falls now but he has been assigned to the Madras office for two days a week. The whole family was going to come yesterday and spend the night with us but she got the flu so he came alone this week. He took us out to dinner and then spent the night here. Now the whole family may come next week. That will really be better for us anyway as DeeDee will be here and I can leave Wendy with her on Monday morning when I go to work until they arrive around 9:00.
It is about time to get those last minute things done before I go to work. Thanks for the dishwasher! I'll think of you when I'm not doing the dishes!
P.S. Let's talk about Velva Sheen soon.
Dear Mother, Dad, & Mary,
Thanks alot for the anniversary money. We had decided just that day (Friday) to buy a used portable dishwasher for $50 so we did and we'll consider it a gift from you! We haven't been able to use it yet because it takes a special adapter to hook up to the kitchen faucet and yesterday we bought the wrong sized one so today I'm going to exchange it for one that will work, hopefully. It is a Whirlpool and looks like it will hold quite a few dishes. The people we bought it from just moved into a house that has a built in dishwasher. They bought it used two years ago from relatives so we don't really know how old it is but it looks like it is in fair condition. It wheels around easily so it can be pushed around in the kitchen. Although it takes up quite a bit of space.
Sunday we met our friends Bob & Emily at Bowman's Red Lion Inn at Welches Oregon which is about half way between here and Portland. It is listed as a 3 star resort in the Mobil Tour Book. They have three 9 hole golf courses. The four of us played the shortest one and then Bob & Gerry played the longest one. We rented a cart and took Wendy which worked out very well. She had a good time "driving" (Gerry let her do most of the steering) the cart and she wasn't any trouble. We had taken a picnic lunch so we stayed up in the mountains and did a little hiking before returning to Madras. Emily is going to school in Portland this summer while Bob is taking off for San Antonio on Thursday to begin his officer training school for the Air Force. He has been in a job as an alcohol & drug abuse program director for the Indians and I guess he will be doing the same thing in the Air Force. Also they will pay for him to get his Masters Degree.
I got notice on Friday that I passed my Appraiser Trainee test with a 96. There were 75 questions so I must have missed three. You needed 70 to pass. Cecil (my boss) was real pleased and even showed the letter to the judge who is the ruling force at the Court House. At any rate I am now supposed to get some more materials from the state. If you aren't employed by an assessor's office it costs $50 to get into the trainee program so everybody kept telling me I had saved $50. Of course if I wasn't working there I would never have heard of the program.
Mary may remember our friends the Grinvalds who lived in the apartments last summer. They have a little girl Wendy's age named Holly. He works for the Food Stamps program and gets sent around to different parts of the state depending on where they need him. They live in Klamath Falls now but he has been assigned to the Madras office for two days a week. The whole family was going to come yesterday and spend the night with us but she got the flu so he came alone this week. He took us out to dinner and then spent the night here. Now the whole family may come next week. That will really be better for us anyway as DeeDee will be here and I can leave Wendy with her on Monday morning when I go to work until they arrive around 9:00.
It is about time to get those last minute things done before I go to work. Thanks for the dishwasher! I'll think of you when I'm not doing the dishes!
Catherine, Gerry, & Wendy
P.S. Let's talk about Velva Sheen soon.
Friday, June 19, 2020
1990 John's Postcard -June 23
Mom & Dad,This university is on the campus of the U.S. Center for World Mission. I'm staying in the dormitory & eating in the dining hall. Frontiers has kept us (28 in our school) very busy, but I've met some wonderful people -- many are preparing to go to Turkey! I'll be anxious to tell you more about Frontiers. Hope to get together with you in July.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
1970 Catherine's Postcard -June 21
June 21, 1970
Hi! We came from Portland down the coast to San Mateo. That is pretty nice territory except north of SF where it is all owned and fenced in. Stayed overnight at Ardy's and now we are headed east on the return trip. I got some poison ivy on my ankle but I think I will survive.
How was Lakeside? I was glad to get your postcard in Portland. It was good to see Ardy again, I may go to Alaska with her next summer. It is rather hot here now but at least it isn't raining. Hopefully we will be back in Kalamazoo by next Monday. (address will be Severn Hall).
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
1980 Roberta's Letter -June 23
Sunday Morning
8:00 A.M.
Dear Family,Just got up -- am getting caught up from my trip to Prescott -- now I know why these meetings are just over one night -- so you don't lose too much sleep. It was a busy time up there. We "skipped" out on some of the stuff Friday morning to go downtown Prescott and visit the Chamber of Commerce -- and the senior center. There were two couples there at the senior center who had been to the center in East Mesa so I was especially glad that we went down.
Thursday night there was a dance after this very nice banquet. It was really a comedy, as all these old men coming up to me and wanting me to dance. I kept getting the women who were with me from East Mesa to dance. Then at intermission the band had a break and they put on some country swing records. I got up and did some of the stuff I had been learning. That was fun. There were quite a few people doing it -- but nothing compared to the people doing the waltzes and 2-step dances.
I really like my Yoga class -- tho I can't do alot of the different postures. They all have their weird names -- like the swan, sun salute, windmill, etc. There is also the crocodile --
Worked yesterday at the flower shop -- It has turned out into a weekly thing -- I'm doing alot of different things there now so really do enjoy it. Besides I'm always rounding stuff up there (for free) that we can use at work. I tease Harry that its a good tax deal for him.
Thanks Mary Virginia for your card from Mexico. Sounds like you really had a good trip. I've never been to Mexico -- except for the border-towns. Did you have a camera with you to take pictures? I should have some pictures soon of the trip to Prescott -- as two of the women were constantly taking pictures.
The plan for me now is to leave here on the 17th of July. I will fly into Quincy, Ill. Spend the night at Marion's house, and the two of us will leave for New Vienna Friday A.M. -- getting there that night. I'm taking two weeks off -- but the plan is for me to drive the car back to Arizona -- which of course will take some time -- so I should have about one week in New Vienna. My boss wants me to be back here by the 29th -- so that I have the 30th and 31st to get the monthly reports in. -- or rather started .
A lady from the center -- Vera -- a real character -- full of life -- about 85 years old is going to fly on the same flight with me to St. Louis. She has grandchildren all around that area. She will drive back with me. -- I will meet her in St. Louis -- tho she can't drive -- she will be good company. I had talked with her about making the trip in two days from St. Louis to here -- and she said forget her. Really would be hard to make the trip in two days -- so have settled on the three day journey from St. Louis.
You all will be surprised to see what we drive to New Vienna. We traded in the truck -- it was bothering Marion's back alot, and not getting the mileage that it should have been getting. Besides we were able to get just $140 less than what we paid for it. The new car averaged 40-42 miles per gallon on the trip to Ill. for Marion. But it does lack the storage area we had with the truck. The one mistake that we did make when we got the new car was that I wasn't there when the final bickering was done -- and Marion had the car put in her name -- and the truck was in mine -- so that those expensive license plates could not be transferred.
Buffy and I sure have been using the back yard in the evening -- so much cooler with the grass back there. Also most mornings we both eat our breakfast outside in the yard. I've also started jumping rope -- of course a Wells one -- every morning outside. Am up to about 40 times now. That's a good workout for me.
The house on our right has been sold now. Thank goodness an elderly woman bought it -- she is quite worried about getting it. She has her house up for sale in Calif. -- and must sell it first. Guess her neighbor there has had a house up for sale for close to a year. This proposition 13 was discussed alot at the conference -- telling everyone to vote against it.
Time for me to get ready for Church -- sorry I'm not in New Vienna today to join in celebrating Grandma's birthday.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
198? - Serena's Father's Day card for Dad -June
Dear Dad,
The library has been busy with kids for the summer reading program. Went to Champaign for a program on economic development & libraries. Then went to Decatur with an old friend for the week-end.
Saw an ad for head librarian at Morgantown WVPL. Think Mother would be interested?
The Mustang is doing fine -- it should be -- it has new brakes, struts and tires.
As I mentioned earlier, I hope to see J.B. in 1½ weeks in Chicago if he has some free time.
The library appreciates the Wells donation to the prize collection.
The library has been busy with kids for the summer reading program. Went to Champaign for a program on economic development & libraries. Then went to Decatur with an old friend for the week-end.
Saw an ad for head librarian at Morgantown WVPL. Think Mother would be interested?
The Mustang is doing fine -- it should be -- it has new brakes, struts and tires.
As I mentioned earlier, I hope to see J.B. in 1½ weeks in Chicago if he has some free time.
The library appreciates the Wells donation to the prize collection.
Anyway got to run . . .
Happy Father's Day
Monday, June 15, 2020
1980 Roberta's Letter -June 17
Tuesday Evening
Dear Family,
Hi! Just hate it that you all are missing some of this Arizona summer weather -- 112º today -- and of all days I didn't turn the A.C. back on this morning. Usually 1st thing I do when I get up is to turn off the A.C. and open up all the doors and windows -- for about 15 minutes. Then if I can get by with it longer -- but at least let the air -- fresh air inside a little. You can imagine how warm the house was when I got home from work. And poor Buffy!!!!
Looks like things are shaping up for our Prescott trip. I will get the van tomorrow night that we are to take. The people from Mesa -- and East Mesa are to meet here at the house . . . 7:00 AM. We are taking two vans from here -- one for people only -- and the other for our luggage . . . which is hard for me to believe -- being that we will only be spending the one night there. I plan to just take my small back-pack.
Dad, I'm sorry that you weren't here to get Catherine's Father's Day card -- it didn't get here until today -- so I'm wondering why the mails are worse than usual. I will be hand-delivering your present -- but in the meantime I'm using it alot out at work. In fact, I like it so much I've ordered myself one.
I've been busy peeling grapefruit and oranges and freezing them. Sectioning them off first. Marion bought me three big boxes of grapefruit -- at least 48 to a box -- and nice size. They were just $2 a box -- which is a great price -- especially when they are asking 3 for a $ now in the groceries. They were beginning to get spoiled just being in the house. What didn't fit in the refrig I've either frozen or eaten. The sight of grapefruit is overwhelming whenever I open up the refrig.
The records got here in fine shape about 7:00 Monday night. I had just gotten in from my Yoga class -- which I like very much. Some of the postures (not called exercises) I can do really good -- others I have alot of trouble with. They arrived in fine shape -- and I played some at the center today -- tomorrow they will be the program -- because the original one planned frizzled [sic] out. Next week I'll get the words typed off and run off some copies and that will be good.
Oh, one of my seniors from work is coming in tomorrow night and will stay here while I'm in Prescott -- so that poor Buffy will have company. She is the one that came in the night of Marion's party for Cary's retirement party. I don't know who I will get for July when I come to New Vienna. The one coming tomorrow night will be going to Wisconsin for most of July and August. She is 73 and taking driving lessons. Her husband died just last year and she never knew how to drive.
I've been looking at Microwaves -- would be nice to have one -- now that we have enough counter space for one. They seem to come with so many more features now days. I'm interested in cooking my meat and veggies without heating up the house . . . and the time element. Actually, as long as I'm in school -- between tuition and books the money continues to go out!!!
I better be getting ready for bed. Will let you know about the conference in Prescott -- hello to everyone and a special tribute -- belated for Dad on Father's day -- and throughout the year!!!! Sorry you missed our Father's Day program at work -- but I more than understand your not coming -- and besides I'm looking forward to getting home this summer -- looks like July 19th or 20th -- depending if I get someone to take care of Buffy.
Really enjoy my country swing class -- 60 people in it --
Sunday, June 14, 2020
1970 Catherine's Postcard to GHU -June 17
June 17 [1970]
We finally made it to Oregon! Yesterday we turned the car in at Eugene and then came up here to Portland where our friend David Stone lives. Tuesday night we camped at a beautiful place called Cougar Reservoir which was about 10 miles back a dirt road into the mountains. The mountains, the big tall pine trees, the water, and very few people made a quite pleasant combination -- spoiled only by the black gnats which forced us to sleep in the car.
Today we plan to head over to the coast and then south on Rt. 101. The problem is, Grandma, traveling isn't an end in itself, it only whets my appetite for more. I guess that isn't a problem as long as I can do it so easily and cheaply. I'm going to save my money this summer for a new sleeping bag. A good light one costs around $75 but it would be worth it.
Love, Catherine
Saturday, June 13, 2020
1980 Family Letter -June 17
Tuesday --
June 17, 1980
Dearest Family,Seems like we just wrote to all of you because we have been on the go to the hospital so often this past week. Grandma got home yesterday and is recovering beautifully -- you would never know from any indication that she has been hospitalized -- says she feels no pain and has full use of her arm which she had initially feared might happen as did when she had the first mastectomy. They came up for supper last night.
The ice cream freezer refused to turn so Dad ran down to Daye's but they had nothing but an 8-qt. White Mountain so ordered new parts and borrowed Charles Thompson's electric and really made a big difference. A new White Mountain non-electric is around $60 and the electric over $100. We sure didn't save any money by getting the cheaper one the last time -- it is a Frost King but really inferior -- so many plastic parts -- lid, paddle and less room for ice, etc.
There wee so many people from New Vienna in the hospital or had some connection with it. Edna Walls, Mae Rogers, Connie West's mother, Donna Cornelius's mother, and a couple of others that don't think you people knew. Mrs. Howard Steritz was on another floor -- understand she has had a stroke. Would like to have seen Pam Fisher Newberry but only father of baby and grandparents wear allowed in -- we did take a peek when the nursery window curtains but learned later that she had already gone home so didn't get to see her little boy either.
Sunday morning we went to Hillsboro Methodist Church -- thought it would be a good time as the Hortons were interested in seeing the church -- hadn't been there since they moved in 1952. Had hoped to get in Joe Hiestand's Sunday school class but no luck there -- classroom was empty so went in another class -- turned out to be very interesting. Among others there we knew several of the ones attending -- David and Lois Williams who had gone to family Camp at Francis Asbury ear Rio Grand near Gallopolis. They have a son and daughter who is Serena's age who is studying engineering at Wright State and lives in Wilmington. Did talk to Joe and Mary Hiestand later -- he did teach class but he and rest of the class came after we had looked in. Their daughter-in-law sang a solo in church -- doesn't have an outstanding voice but quite a treat after our country-western groups that have been singing in New Vienna. The associate minister spoke -- was disappointed that we weren't going to get to hear the older minister (he's not really hardly into middle age but Mary & Bill had said what a good job he had done at Paul's funeral). The associate did a very good job and the Williams had been the lay delegates so David got up in the pulpit and officially welcomed them both back along with their families.
Uncle Bill went home after we all ate at the hospital for he wanted to see the golf tournament -- Aunt Mary thought we were out of our minds to plan to stay until 8PM but the time really went fast. After seeing G'ma briefly we went to Extended Care to see Mrs. Matthews while the Hortons visited Grandma. Then back to the hospital after viewing the new doctors offices that are being built just to the left of the entrance into the hospital. The old frame house that was called the annex was torn down and this is really a nice addition. Later we went to the county home to see Faye Thornburg and then to Quaker apartments and Prairie View to see some people at each of those places. We got back just in time for Mary to see an old friend that she had worked with in Hillsboro years ago. (Another person she saw while here was a sorority sister from Ohio U who taught at East Clinton while Catherine was there -- Roberta Peden).
We are to take the Hortons to the Columbus airport this after to get a plane -- for some reason -- probably because their original ticket was Allegheny Airlines -- they are flying to Pittsburgh then to West Palm Beach. They weren't looking forward to going back to hot weather but it has been unseasonably cool here.
Your mother has done a good job for the "weekly news". I appreciate all the Father Day cards and best wishes. See you all sooner or later. Had card from M.V. . . . all is under control south of the border.
1970 Serena's Postcard to GHU -June 17
Friday, June 12, 2020
1980 Catherine's Letter -June 16
Monday, June 16, 1980
Dear Mother, Dad, & Mary,
Hi! Gerry is mowing the lawn and Wendy is outside playing so perhaps I'll have time to get off a quick letter before they are ready for their supper. Time seems to go by so quickly and I don't get done half of what I'd like to. The Guidepost magazine came today and I noticed the cover story on Sal Bando the baseball player. He talks about going to marriage encounter with his wife. I hope you folks will have a chance to go.
The Appraiser Trainee test I took on Friday wasn't too bad. It had sections on public relations, accounting, economics, surveying & mapping, arithmetic, vocabulary & reading comprehension. There were 75 questions and I figure I probably got around 65 give or take 5 so it depends on where the cutoff line is whether I pass. I should find out the results in 2 or 3 weeks. It was given at the employment office in Bend. That is in the state office building where the Dept. of Revenue also has an office so I stopped to see the people there who come to Madras once in awhile to check on us in the assessor's office. They are the ones that are setting up the Data Analyst School which I will be going to July 15-18. They are also going to have an appraiser course in the fall which I hope to get in to. I was able to take one of the county cars to Bend for the test. It is a Chevy Nova 3 speed but with power steering & power brakes which gave it an advantage over the truck. I think I'll be able to drive it to Bend when I go to the Data Analyst School also. That will leave the truck for Gerry to use.
We played golf yesterday at Crooked River Ranch. They have a real nice 9-hole course and it was good to play a different course.
On my first day of jury duty last week they chose 7 people to be on a grand jury. I didn't get chosen for that and there was no case that day so the rest of us were dismissed until they have a case come up.
When is Roberta coming to New Vienna now? It will be nice if she can get two weeks off now and still take some time off in the fall. I don't know what we will do about vacation this year.
I tried to buy a new pair of hush puppies while I was in Bend on Friday but was unsuccessful. I only found one shoe store that carried hush puppies and they only had them for men. I did get their address so now I am going to try to order a pair directly from Wolverine as I know what I want. I hope that works.
Well, it is now Tuesday noon and I need to get this finished so I can get it off in the afternoon mail. I hope you have received the pictures and the Father's Day card by now. At least Roberta got to see the pictures this way.
Dear Mother, Dad, & Mary,
Hi! Gerry is mowing the lawn and Wendy is outside playing so perhaps I'll have time to get off a quick letter before they are ready for their supper. Time seems to go by so quickly and I don't get done half of what I'd like to. The Guidepost magazine came today and I noticed the cover story on Sal Bando the baseball player. He talks about going to marriage encounter with his wife. I hope you folks will have a chance to go.
The Appraiser Trainee test I took on Friday wasn't too bad. It had sections on public relations, accounting, economics, surveying & mapping, arithmetic, vocabulary & reading comprehension. There were 75 questions and I figure I probably got around 65 give or take 5 so it depends on where the cutoff line is whether I pass. I should find out the results in 2 or 3 weeks. It was given at the employment office in Bend. That is in the state office building where the Dept. of Revenue also has an office so I stopped to see the people there who come to Madras once in awhile to check on us in the assessor's office. They are the ones that are setting up the Data Analyst School which I will be going to July 15-18. They are also going to have an appraiser course in the fall which I hope to get in to. I was able to take one of the county cars to Bend for the test. It is a Chevy Nova 3 speed but with power steering & power brakes which gave it an advantage over the truck. I think I'll be able to drive it to Bend when I go to the Data Analyst School also. That will leave the truck for Gerry to use.
We played golf yesterday at Crooked River Ranch. They have a real nice 9-hole course and it was good to play a different course.
On my first day of jury duty last week they chose 7 people to be on a grand jury. I didn't get chosen for that and there was no case that day so the rest of us were dismissed until they have a case come up.
When is Roberta coming to New Vienna now? It will be nice if she can get two weeks off now and still take some time off in the fall. I don't know what we will do about vacation this year.
I tried to buy a new pair of hush puppies while I was in Bend on Friday but was unsuccessful. I only found one shoe store that carried hush puppies and they only had them for men. I did get their address so now I am going to try to order a pair directly from Wolverine as I know what I want. I hope that works.
Well, it is now Tuesday noon and I need to get this finished so I can get it off in the afternoon mail. I hope you have received the pictures and the Father's Day card by now. At least Roberta got to see the pictures this way.
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Thursday, June 11, 2020
1990 MV Letter -June 13
Dear Mom & Dad --Welcome back from Turkey! Sorry we did not write you there, but I'd rather have one waiting on you at home than take a chance sending it overseas.
The weather has been gorgeous this week in Kentucky -- I've actually been wishing I didn't have to work (or clean house) so I could get out and enjoy it more. The apartment is finally just about arranged the way I want it. A few more minor adjustments should do it. I only wish we had 1 more closet and more counter space in the kitchen.
Don & I have both been looking elsewhere for work. We do not enjoy telemarketing at all plus morale at good news is on a downslide. The 2 local radio stations (Christian) have openings for part time D.J., or if worse comes to worse, Don qualifies for work study this fall. Right now his trip to Colorado is a big "IF" with Good News finances and/or finding another job.
I've applied for 2 different part-time church jobs. One is at an older church in Lexington (downtown) and the other in Versailles (20 minutes). We also found out today that the seminary is hiring a half-three quarter time admissions counselor, so I'm applying for that.
This week we also heard about a full-time position in Monroe, Ga. If it is close enough, Don could commute to Emory to finish up; it will largely depend on whether the salary justifies the move. The pastor is at conference this week and is supposed to call me Friday. It is the home church of Betsy that came up for Thanksgiving a couple years ago.
We saw the slides of the wedding last week. They showed us all the slides they took and then we narrow it down to 40 proofs for our album. I'm hoping they'll be ready next week for us to bring home. For 30 days we get a discount on any reprints or enlargements.
In case you're wondering why we had G.G. write a check while you were gone, we had to pay deposits (phone, gas, electric, water) to get the utilities turned on in the new apartment and being off work for the wedding/honeymoon, we did not have the $$. Ken had paid the deposits in the old apartments so he's had those transferred to his new one.
We are planning on coming home Friday evening (6/22) and the only thing we have planned is to go see Georgialia on Saturday at 10 AM. Are you planning to celebrate Grandma's birthday Friday, Saturday or Sunday? If it is Friday, we'll make every effort to get off work early to be home in time.
Last night we used our gift certificate (wedding gift) at the Merrick Inn in Lexington for our 1 month anniversary. We had an excellent meal; food service, and atmosphere were great. We'd like to take you there next time you visit. Don had Filet Mignon and I had stuffed Trout (complete with head, tail & skin!!😦 We will also celebrate Friday night -- I'm surprising Don wth tickets to a Reds game (they play Houston). It's a game he's talked about for months. The lady who lived in our apartment previously didn't have the cable tv disconnected so Don is really enjoying ESPN (sports channel) until it is disconnected, as we won't pay the bill. I'd rather put the $ toward a VCR, which I think we'd get more use out of.
We had a nice visit with J.B. (6/3) and went to see the Moores..John took us to dinner at Casa Lupita and then Mrs. Moore had made brownies (sent the left-overs with John!). We talked with him about this Frontiers Missions Group -- he doesn't need to be in a big hurry to commit to any of these groups. Our advice was to hang loose and think more seriously about politics! H's got plenty of people giving him advice so we tried not to push him too much. I also think he'd like to pursue things a little more with Julie. We'll see . . . .
We plan to stay until late afternoon 6/24 (probably not going to closing). Are Cris & Angela coming? Glad to hear about Serena and Greenville. Hope you enjoyed your trip. See you Friday night (probably about 9-10 PM).
Much love,
Mary Va & Don
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
1980 MV's postcard -June 10
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Caption: Cathedral de Mexico |
June 10, 1980
4 p.m.
Had a good flight, arriving here about 12:30. We have the afternoon off. tomorrow we go to pyramids & shopping at a market. The altitude is give me a bad headache. Scott Harding barfed just as we landed here. Didn't call Mrs. Sanker from airport. Everything's going fine. Hope Grandma is feeling lots better. See you in 9 days.
Love -- Mary Va.
Tuesday, June 09, 2020
1990 HH & Jean postcard from Turkey -June12
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Caption: A view from Kütahya -- Turkey |
6/12/90 [postcard to Wendy]
Beautiful town fountain here in Kütahya but now in big city of Bursa -- Thank your mother for letter we rec'd yesterday mailed 5/31. Look forward to letter from you when we get home 6/21. It's really HOT here -- all of 38º C -- so really don't know how warm it really is. Got haircut here for $2. Love, G'Ma & Spouse
Monday, June 08, 2020
Red Roses True Love - June 8, 1910
Tuesday, Well Mamma I received a postal from Dorsa saying that they would stay one day longer if O.K. with me & of course it was. So will not arrive home until Sat. night. I received a letter from Cecil today & he had intended to come to H.[Hillsboro] Sat. evening but I wrote & told him not to come until Sunday morning. But do not go to any extra work. Nurse going away to-morrow, Sis is feeling fine. We had several callers. I will have a pleasant surprise for you when I arrive home. We are still eating strawberries. I made a cake Sat. & was all gone Sun night. Robert ate 3 pieces for dinner & 2 for supper & he is still alive. Had a shower this morning. I guess I still have enough money to get home on. G.H.
I hope Grandma's Mamma had good eyesight, otherwise she would have needed a powerful magnifying glass to make out Grandma's small handwriting. Mary Ellen Hiestand (Mamma) was 55 in 1910. The mention of changing her plans to come home a day later because of Dorsey (1877-1959) might indicate they had traveled together and then he had gone on to somewhere else since he had to send her a card to tell her of the change of plans -- at least nice to know she wasn't traveling alone. I like the signs of humor in the cake part and of course the mention of Cecil -- still two years before their wedding.
Sunday, June 07, 2020
1980 Family Letter -June 9
Monday Evening, June 9th 1980
Dear Family:
We had an early supper tonight as Dad was to work at the Lion's Club refreshment stand at the ball game and MV had ball practice . . . the evening was short as a hard rain came up about 7:30. Your Mother and Carolyn Thornburg have been busy in the kitchen this evening scooping out bits of watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, etc. for the UMW meeting tomorrow night.
Yesterday was a full day as the Bible School program was last night -- big crowd and too many refreshments. In the afternoon we went to Wilmington as the Rotary was having it's annual art and flower show, which we followup up with a visit to Americare. Mrs. Matthews has been having some tough going this year as she seems to be in a rut between the hospital and Americare.
We had Elizabeth Johnson along with the Hortons and Grandma for lunch and made ice cream for supper. We are still enjoying our fresh strawberries and looking forward in a few more days to the ripe raspberries. Our garden did not get off on the right foot this spring. John and Carol have put a small garden out and wonder how it is doing -- I'm always amazed how fast the plants actually do grow.
Mares left here last Friday afternoon to meet Larry in Columbus (airport) after meeting with Carol and John in Newark. Mary and Bill's plans are indefinite as of the moment because of Grandma's unexpected trip to the hospital tomorrow. The operation will be Wednesday. Dr. Hale told me that she is not expected to be in long. They give you a form of some 90 questions for pre-admission information, as Aunt Mary says "Mother is in better shape than she is." She will be 88 on June 22nd. Another bit of nostalgia -- wedding day June 10, 1912. Just a year ago MV was surviving her "two operations". Tomorrow she leaves at 6 A.M. from Ralph's Pizza for the airport and the trip south of the border.
We had a trial in Hillsboro this A.M. concerning the interpretation of Glenn Southerland's suicide note as to who is to get his house. One of the attorneys (the one opposing us) told me than when he lived in Chicago he went out one morning and found the from of his car jacked up and the two front wheels were GONE, so in comparison we got off easily.
It is now Tuesday AM after getting MV off to Mexico at 6 AM and hope all goes well with her and the group. It seemed like a short night with three telephone calls between 10:45 and 5:00 AM this morning. The first one was Kim from Korea which was a big shock for Dad said not only unexpected but so clear. Things are progressing for Mie Young's visit but we are suggesting a year at a time rather than two in case of homesickness, etc.
Good to talk to all of yo this past week directly and indirectly. As you may have guessed we made the decision to postpone our Arizona trip and hopefully Roberta will be coming to see us soon. MV got the records (Mitch Miller's) off to yo yesterday, Roberta so be looking for them by UPS -- don't know how that works if no one is home when they try to deliver them. Since this is almost the bottom will close with much, much love to all of you.
Dear Family:
We had an early supper tonight as Dad was to work at the Lion's Club refreshment stand at the ball game and MV had ball practice . . . the evening was short as a hard rain came up about 7:30. Your Mother and Carolyn Thornburg have been busy in the kitchen this evening scooping out bits of watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, etc. for the UMW meeting tomorrow night.
Yesterday was a full day as the Bible School program was last night -- big crowd and too many refreshments. In the afternoon we went to Wilmington as the Rotary was having it's annual art and flower show, which we followup up with a visit to Americare. Mrs. Matthews has been having some tough going this year as she seems to be in a rut between the hospital and Americare.
We had Elizabeth Johnson along with the Hortons and Grandma for lunch and made ice cream for supper. We are still enjoying our fresh strawberries and looking forward in a few more days to the ripe raspberries. Our garden did not get off on the right foot this spring. John and Carol have put a small garden out and wonder how it is doing -- I'm always amazed how fast the plants actually do grow.
Mares left here last Friday afternoon to meet Larry in Columbus (airport) after meeting with Carol and John in Newark. Mary and Bill's plans are indefinite as of the moment because of Grandma's unexpected trip to the hospital tomorrow. The operation will be Wednesday. Dr. Hale told me that she is not expected to be in long. They give you a form of some 90 questions for pre-admission information, as Aunt Mary says "Mother is in better shape than she is." She will be 88 on June 22nd. Another bit of nostalgia -- wedding day June 10, 1912. Just a year ago MV was surviving her "two operations". Tomorrow she leaves at 6 A.M. from Ralph's Pizza for the airport and the trip south of the border.
We had a trial in Hillsboro this A.M. concerning the interpretation of Glenn Southerland's suicide note as to who is to get his house. One of the attorneys (the one opposing us) told me than when he lived in Chicago he went out one morning and found the from of his car jacked up and the two front wheels were GONE, so in comparison we got off easily.
It is now Tuesday AM after getting MV off to Mexico at 6 AM and hope all goes well with her and the group. It seemed like a short night with three telephone calls between 10:45 and 5:00 AM this morning. The first one was Kim from Korea which was a big shock for Dad said not only unexpected but so clear. Things are progressing for Mie Young's visit but we are suggesting a year at a time rather than two in case of homesickness, etc.
Good to talk to all of yo this past week directly and indirectly. As you may have guessed we made the decision to postpone our Arizona trip and hopefully Roberta will be coming to see us soon. MV got the records (Mitch Miller's) off to yo yesterday, Roberta so be looking for them by UPS -- don't know how that works if no one is home when they try to deliver them. Since this is almost the bottom will close with much, much love to all of you.
Saturday, June 06, 2020
1990 John's Letter -June 7
Dear Mom & Dad,
I should have started this a few days earlier as I look at your schedule -- I hope it arrives in Istanbul before you depart. How has your experience been in Turkey?
I talked with Mary Ellen Walkley yesterday. She said Tom contacted a local realtor who is to provide an opinion of the property's value by June 15th. She thought the fee was only to be $125.00.
A number of people have been trying to talk me out of the Frontiers position. I appreciate their honesty and candor but I still lean toward trying it. I leave June 17th for California and return Wed 6/27. I will know more after that.
Mary V. and Don came to Newark Sunday night and we had a nice visit. The Moores invited us over for dessert. They really liked Mary & Don.
Dad, Happy Father's Day! I hope this reaches you in time. I'll be anxious to talk with you both when you return and I return. I miss you both and love you very much.
Your son,
Friday, June 05, 2020
1980 Family Letter -June 6
Friday --
June 6, 1980
Dearest Family --This letter is long overdue but our trip to Chicago was a little longer than originally planned as we didn't come home until Tuesday. We did enjoy our visit with Serena. Since she had asked for Monday off and they had said we could have the apartment until Tuesday noon we took advantage of both. Dad went out to Des Plains to make a call and was shocked when he opened the trunk to find his sample case and attache case gone -- someone had punched the lock on the trunk and took off with both some time while it had been parked over the weekend. I would have liked to see the look on the face of the person when they found all the toys.
We had many good meals at various types of restaurants -- Peruvian, Chinese, English pub (Sherlock's Home), Jonathan's Seafood (one of a group called Lettuce Entertain You in Chicago).
Mary Virginia has so many things going that she again stayed home. She had promised to help with Vacation Bible School -- she and Cherie Cooper have the older nursery age class -- about six or seven 2-4 years old. She is also helping with the singing and puppet shows.
Mary Virginia said that we missed seeing the Goodings when they stopped briefly last Sunday -- we were sorry about that but may be able to get together another time.
Paul Hiestand passed away Monday morning and the funeral was Wednesday. Grandma and Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill went to the funeral. He had lingered for so long -- the doctor had recommended having a pacemaker put in last December which just prolonged his life and they regretted for it prolonged the suffering.
Uncle Bill and Marianne played golf with Joe Hiestand and Everett Penn and also on their own several times -- Wilmington Elks which they didn't like the course, Hillsboro Elks where they did and also Snow Hill which they played the most. Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill played bridge with Mary & Joe Hiestand.
Marianne and the boys are leaving this afternoon -- plan to go to Newark to see John and Carol, then meet Larry at the Columbus airport and will leave for Lancaster early tomorrow. Larry has been at Champaign, Ill. on Reserves Training for a week.
The Hortons are staying over as Grandma is planning on having some surgery the first of next week -- she found a lump (4th one) on her breast and plans to have it removed. We wanted to give up our trip to Arizona and did try to reach Roberta Wed. night but Mary insists that we go ahead as she says Grandma will think Dr. Hale has told us something that she doesn't know and we are staying for that reason. So we are just waiting to see how things work out. The Hortons are planning to stay til Grandma is able to take care of herself -- which may be a few days or a few weeks. Dad is to go over today and make arrangement with Dr. Hale so we will know more then about the date of surgery but don't know how involved it may be. We just will have to wait and see -- we feel we should be here but don't want to upset G'ma.
Catherine just called this AM and MV and I got to talk to her and then she called back later when Marianne was here -- in fact is talking to her now. Glad that they were able to chat as they haven't really talked for so long. Marianne picked four quarts of strawberries yesteray and hopefully John & Carol will get one -- we hoped to pick more today but have had rain and not sure how wet the patch is to get them any more. The crop is much better than last year and I hope to get some more frozen to enjoy later.
We've enjoyed getting to know Robert Reed and Wesley -- they both talk so plain and are quite a pair. Wish they were able to get together with our Wendy too. We are surely looking forward to seeing her as well as her parents and renewing acquaintances there. I'm sure its difficult for her to imagine a real person like her grandmother on the phone so early in the morning.
Do hope that things work for the best for our trip to Arizona and if we aren't able to go next week we will plan on another time.
lLove to all, etc. . . .]
Thursday, June 04, 2020
Wednesday, June 03, 2020
1990 HH Postcard from Turkey -June 6
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Caption: Rock cut churches of zelve [Turkey] |
Now in Kuriya, where both the bus & an ice cream cone costs 20¢. We have had classes at the Univ. for 2 mornings, then sightsee in the afternoon.
The word "U.S." draws a blank, but with "American" the kids eyes light up. A 14-yr-old girl took us to the Public Library yesterday. The sidewalks here are worse than N.V., made of concrete brick. There is an architect in our group & we enjoy looking at their construction.
See you soon. J & H
Tuesday, June 02, 2020
1990 Catherine's Letter -June 5
[mailed to Turkey]
Tuesday 6-5-90
Dear Mother & Dad,Hi! How's the weather been in Turkey? It got up to 113º here yesterday but only expected to get to 110º today.
Gerry and I are both taking tomorrow off and plan to play golf at the Arizona Golf Resort in Mesa.
Wendy is enjoying her summer vacation. She has already had three babysitting jobs so she's hoping for a lucrative summer. She is also working at the library as a volunteer. Right this minute we are at the Dr's office for a camp physical. She will go to camp on July 1st.
Wendy went to a banquet at the Pointe with Roberta on Sunday. Roberta seems as busy as ever -- perhaps busier since Sid is out of town. She told me on Sunday that she had talked to Serena, John and Mary. They all said how well Grandma is doing. Hope Serena's interview went well.
Wendy's appt. is about over so I will close so I can get this off in the mail today.
Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy
Monday, June 01, 2020
1970 Catherine's Letter -June 5
June 5, 1970
12:20 A.M.
Dear Mom, Dad, Serena, John, Mary,Hi! It was nice to get your latest letter with all the clippings, and good to talk to you occasionally.
I was accepted for 10 hours a week work in the college library. At least it has been cleared with the business office and the library so I don't know what could change it unless lots of kids on scholarship suddenly decide they want to work in the library. In the last week or so I have been doing some special parties for Saga, plus some money I've made subbing for other people, so my financial state isn't too bad -- those dividend checks help, too! How do my finances stand at home, in case I do need some to fall back on?
Some other big news is that I will be living in a Co-Ed dorm this summer. Severn Hall, formerly all upperclass men, is being divided into half and half. I will be living in a suite with five other girls. Having the Co-Ed dorm has been accepted as a summer experiment I'm just really glad I got in.
My eyes are getting so blurry I can't see much so I guess I'll go to bed. Tomorrow is the last day of classes and I don't want to sleep through it!
You may not hear from me again until we are on the road, I'll try to send you a post card occasionally so you'll have some idea of my whereabouts. Don't worry, if anything serious comes up I'll call. We're pretty sure we can get a car going to either Oregon or California from "Drive-Away" in Detroit. They have cars that need taken West. We pay $100 deposit-insurance and when the car is delivered to its destination (within 7 days) we get the $100 back plus $25 or so for gas. The same deal works for coming East. We'll be leaving Wednesday noon.
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