Saturday, May 09, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -May 12-14

Dear Family,

Hi!  So what did the New Vienna Uibles do on Mother's Day?  Did Mary Virginia cook -- or did you all eat out??

We both worked -- Saturday & Sunday -- it was a busy weekend for the flower shop.  Both days the shop was so full of customers -- hard to get the orders out the door to be delivered!!

One time I heard the saying that there were 2 classes of bike (motor) riders -- those who have had accidents & those who will have an accident.  Friday AM -- on my way to work -- about 1 block away -- in fact turning into the driveway of the center -- I skidded & went over -- on my side.  Ruined my hose -- a pair of new shoes & the windshield that I had put on the Thursday of the week before.  (story later on that!)

As for me -- I just skinned up my knee/arm -- right side.  I'm sore all over -- but then that's the worst in the morning -- the soreness really started Friday pm -- Saturday.  I'm glad I was able to work over the weekend -- kept me active -- & that's good.

I went over Saturday late afternoon to the health clinic at ASU -- saw a Dr's Asst. -- he said it was expected that I would be sore -- that I shocked my body -- etc. by the fall.  Did take off Friday -- really looked a mess -- arm/leg both bleeding -- plus dirt all over.  Had someone from work haul me home.  Stubbs went out after my bike later that day.  

About 2 weeks ago I just got it in my head to get a windshield  -- as the bug hitting my face really hurt.  So I had it put on May 1st.  Marion told me Friday that you all had sent her $ to get a windshield with.  So I will go ahead and have another put on -- and hope that it lasts much longer.

It's now Tuesday P.M.  I'm much better -- but still sore -- black and blue places on legs and some on the arm.

Thanks so much for your birthday card -- it came this afternoon.  Also one from Grandma and Ruth.  Serena called and it was good to talk to her.  Don't think I mentioned that Catherine called on Sunday.  Wendy Jean got on the phone and can now say Roberta and Happy Birthday.  Needless to say I was very impressed.

Tonight was that board meeting at the Church.  It was very disorganized . . . .  Took almost two hours for us to figure out nothing -- except that there would be no meeting until August.  Monday night I went to a banquet at the senior center honoring the Mealtime Asst. Program.  It was really good.  Both the dinner and the program.

Tomorrow night is my last class at ASU for this semester.  Actually everything was to be handed in last week -- so I'm not sure what all we will be doing then.  Sure hope I'm ready to do aerobics on Thursday.  Next week it will be over.

Friday -- last Friday -- was the Mother's Day party at work -- I missed it but the men carried it off in fine order.  Had alot of comments about how nice it was.  An 86 year old man sang the song "Mother Machree"-- spelling -- solo -- without music.  Guess it was quite good.  Anne -- my boss went out -- and made the announcement that I had had an accident -- she said some of the people started crying -- that she was sorry she had even mentioned it.

I picked up my bike Monday night.  Rode it out yesterday -- no problem . . . .

Need to be going . . . thanks again for the birthday card . . . and the 2nd windshield . . . .


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