Sunday, January 19, 2020

1989 Roberta's Letter -Nov.27

6:45 AM
Hi Folks --

We (Beethoven & I) are up early -- I'm planning on going walking this AM -- walk begins at Metro Center at 7:45 AM.  Saturday morning I started out to the walk & ended up at the Flea Market -- downtown at 40th Street / Van Buren.  It was much more fun shopping there than at a shopping center!  We will have to go there -- it's like taking a course in marketing & psychology combined!

The Ballet was very good -- all seats were 2nd row -- in the middle -- the building was quite beautiful!  We got there in plenty of time -- there was an art exhibit w/ a buffet line of cheeses, crackers, fruit & vegetables -- FREE!  Miss Wendy got her $'s worth out of it!

Driving back we drove by a very exclusive neighborhood -- where all the cactuses etc had white Christmas lights, small ones all over.  The big colored lights seem to be out of vogue this year!

I took down Mary Virginia's recital (VCR) to Joe -- when we talked to him he had enjoyed seeing it.  Sid taped America's Most Wanted last night since we were gone -- so we watched it late last night.  There had been 2 captures of fugitives from last week's program -- 1 was "caught" 2 hours after the airing of the show!  Good Work!

Could you all bring some elastic or rubber string -- like is used for paddle balls.  I got Beethoven some toys on elastic string & he enjoys them very much!  What he likes most is clocks -- especially watching the 2nd hand move!  Hope this finds you all well with no flu symptoms.

Much Love,

Did you listen to the call-in T'Giving program on Focus on the Family?

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