Tuesday, January 21, 2020

1979 Catherine's Letter to John -Nov.20,Dec.3

Thursday, November 20, 1979

Dear John and Carol,

Hi!  Thanks for your letter.  As I'm sure you heard through the weekly "newsletter" from New Vienna, Gerry (Wendy turned the space bar just as I was typing that) has been in the hospital.  He has been home now since Thursday and he is doing pretty well.  The Dr. wants him to be up and around and to walk about a mile four times a day.  He can stand up all he wants but is only to sit for meals as sitting could be detrimental to his back healing.  He will be able to go back to work between the middle of January and the middle of February.

Monday, December 3, 1979

Well, I shall try again with this letter.  We are all excited as we were finally able to get reservations on Amtrak to go to San Diego at Christmas time and I guess the family is planning to come there for a few days also.  It will take about 24 hours to get from Klamath Falls to S.D. with a change in L.A.  We have reserved a bedroom for the Klamath Falls to L.A. and back part of the trip.  It is a good deal cheaper even with the sleeper than it would have been to fly.  On the airlines they wanted full fare for both of us plus ⅔ for Wendy but we are getting family plan on the train.  We leave here the 17th and come back on the 2nd.  It will be nice vacation for us.  We figure we can do our Christmas shopping when we get there so we won't have to take as much stuff with us -- plus there a a few more stores in the San Diego (especially Pick & Save variety) than in the Madras area.

Gerry got his first workman's comp. check on Saturday.  He has to go see two Dr.'s in the Portland area for the Workman's Comp. people.  The first appointment is at 8:00 a.m. next Thursday about four hours drive away.  We may go the day before and stay all night rather than drive in the middle of the night.  Or maybe we'll take the bus.

Due to financial reasons we probably won't be sending you a present for Christmas -- I hope this fits into your plans not to send us one.  I am just in the process of starting to get the Christmas cards done.  I love to get cards but they are rather a pain to send out.

Sorry this letter took so long.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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