Saturday, January 25, 2020

1979 Catherine's Letter -Dec.3

Monday, December 3, 1979

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  Well sorry that this letter has been so long getting written.  Even though things are calmer around here there still always seems to be something that needs attention.  And the Christmas cards are ready to be worked on in the next week now also.

We are thrilled about our forthcoming vacation and glad that you are able to come to San Diego.  We certainly appreciate your paying for our transportation - we think Amtrak should be an exciting experience for all of us - especially with our bedroom!  We'll let you know how the reality compares with our expectations.  In a few minutes we are going downtown and will check at the bus station regarding taking the bus to Klamath Falls to meet the train.  If we decide that won't be satisfactory we have a friend (the former parts manager at the co-op) who lives near  K.F. and we could probably leave the truck at their house.  We are really looking forward to having a good time and to seeing all of you at Christmas.

We did make it to church yesterday - we walked, or course, and stayed for a potluck loyalty dinner afterwards where the budget committee made their 1980 presentation and passed out the pledge cards.  I had hoped to take a tongue but the store didn't have any when I went on Saturday so we took macaroni salad instead.  Speaking of salad we went to a new German restaurant in Bend last week when Gerry went to the Doctor and was it good.  it was buffet and offered around 50 varieties of salad and maybe 30 choices for main dishes and accompanying dishes.  It was really good.  $3.95 for lunch and $6.95 in the evening when they serve prime rib and several other entrees to round out the dinner.

Wendy is getting very anxious to leave - she is putting on her jacket right now - so I better bring this to a quick close.  The last few days have been in the 50's after a week where the temperature stayed below freezing so it is a little nicer to be outside.  Wendy likes to go but the minute she thinks we are headed home again she gets upset.  Yesterday she threw a tantrum at church because she didn't want to come home.

Well, I'll try to write again soon.  Hope you are all well and thanks again for helping us with our vacation!

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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