Friday, January 31, 2020
1959 Postcard to CJ & GHU -Dec.13
[postmarked Dec 13 1959]
Had a wonderful weekend here but the birthday umbrella came in mighty handy & will have plenty to fill in "My Trip" book. Thanks alot. Girls & John were looking forward to weekend with the Johnson. Love to all, Harold & Jean
Thursday, January 30, 2020
1979 Catherine's Letter -Dec.10
Monday, December 10, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,
Hi! Wendy is taking a nap, Gerry has gone to the co-op and I have the laundry in the drier so there are a few spare moments here.
We got our reservations changed so that we will now be arriving in Phoenix at 7:30 on the 26th. I'm sorry we won't be there for Christmas Day but the 26th is pretty close. We know how tough it is for Roberta to wait even until Christmas Day to open her presents so we won't expect you to wait for us.
We have ordered a microwave through the co-op as a Christmas present to ourselves. They will take it out of Gerry's pay month by month after he starts back to work. It is a Sharp with a revolving tray or whatever inside. We checked it out in Consumer Reports and it seemed to be OK. Our other option was GE but it costs more and didn't rate as well by Consumer Reports. It is to arrive next Monday -- the same day we leave so we will look forward to using it when we return.
This week should go quickly for us. We are leaving for Milwaukie [Oregon] right after I get done with bowling on Wednesday to spend the night at the Motel 6 in Lake Oswego. We will be seeing some new territory around Portland at any rate. Gerry's appointment is at 8:00. Then Thursday night Gerry has Elks and I have installation of new officers at the UMW. Friday we are planning to do our last minute errands and get the house cleaned up so we can take it easy over the weekend and get ready to leave on Monday. Tomorrow night Ron & Georgette (who lived across from us in the green apartments) have invited us over for dinner. I guess we will be celebrating Gerry's birthday on Sunday. Also on Sunday is Breakfast with Santa at the church and also the Elks Christmas Party for the children during the afternoon.
I have about ⅔ of our Christmas Cards done. I bought some more stamps at the post office today and filled out the form so they will hold our mail while we are gone. Hopefully I can get the cards done in the next few days.
Well, it is almost time for the clothes to come out of the drier so I better close. I'll be talking to you soon.
Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
1979 Roberta's Letter -Dec.11
Tuesday Morning
Dear Family,Was sure great to talk to you all on Sunday and tell you the good news . . . tho I'm sure it was hard to understand with little background. I'll enclose some pictures today of the model and also where our unit is -- as far as progress. Both of these pictures look like the place is all garage. Also will enclose a floor plan -- but anxious for you all to see the place in person. Please either bring the pictures back with you or mail back so Marion can take them to Illinois.
Haven't heard from Robbie since his surprise call on Friday night. He got some sort of special deal on the ticket -- $300 round-trip vs the usual $500 fare. I'll let you know his plans when I find out.
Yesterday -- but actually the idea started on Saturday. Just near our booth at the craft sale was a florist shop that was advertising for a delivery person between the 17th and 24th. I went in to ask and was told that the pay was $3.25 and that you would have to furnish your own car and gas. That made me lose my interest quickly.
So yesterday I was over to Skaggs buying some stuff for people at the nursing home -- which is often a headache because they want a beautiful card for 25 cents -- often tell me to keep the change. (from the quarter) This Skaggs is at Dobson and Southern -- across from the Community College. Next door to Skaggs was a florist shop so I went in there and asked the manager if he was in need of delivery help (tho there was no sign up.) And he was -- will provide the van and gas -- wanted to know when I could start. Since I needed this week to study for next Monday's exam told him on Friday of this week. So I'm to work Friday and Saturday and then next week. Will pay $3.25 an hour -- tax free. Not a bad deal. Really a nice guy -- oriental. Should Rob come -- he can go with me delivering.
Thought yesterday's test was a brain teaser Only four questions -- one being "What is old and what is aging?" Next Monday's test will be the worse of the lot. It will consist of 100 multiple choice questions. The type graded by computer.
The craft sale was really petty disappointing. The lady that organized it had the best deal going. She got $10 per space from 137 people. Very little advertising -- except the free kind in the newspapers. Most people just walked around and wanted to know how you make such a thing. I gave out no trade secrets. Wanting to know where you got this or that. Really turned me off. But yesterday Dorothy took a centerpiece to work -- and sold that one plus got orders for two more. Also took a macrame Christmas tree -- and sold three of them. Marion also took centerpiece to school and sold one -- with maybes on a few more.
Today we are taking four big boxes of clothes to a second-hand store in Scottsdale that will buy clothes. Should be interesting to see how much we get out of them. I kept back most of the size 34 pants. Needless to say most of these clothes are Marion's. Don't worry -- I'm not getting rid of any of my good suits Mother.
Mary Virginia -- remember the plastic type beads that you melt on those metal type frames -- I forget the name of it. They look like stain-glass if you use your imagination. Should you not want to use them -- please bring them out with you. I've got ideas for them.
The Matthews sent me a nice little card. Told me to come over more. Anytime I need a ride to let them know and that they would come over after me. Had a nice card and note from Elizabeth Johnson.
We sure have had some nice weather out here. Up to 80 during the heat of the day. Sunday I was out riding my bike with just short sleeves on. We ride over everyday to check on the house. Yesterday the insulation went in. They work on them in units of six -- so its interesting to see what has been done in the other units.
Better get going. Sure was (is) nice having been excused from two of my exams. As they were comprehensive. Only six people in one class got excused and about 8 in the other. The one prof. said a little something about everyone that was being excused -- he said I was the silent -- then he said absorber in the class . . . .
Daddy -- One of the projects at the nursing home need lots of jingle bells -- do you have such at the factory? For a craft project - not needed before Christmas.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
1969 Catherine's letter to Serena -Dec.9
December 9, 1969
Tuesday noon
Dear Serena,Hi! I was glad to get your card with the German influence even though it seems a bit early to start celebrating my birthday.
I only have 7 more days of school until I take off for my Christmas travels. Wow! But I have to finish my art paper, take a German test and one in Art, write a bunch of Christmas cards . . . . I'm sure not running low on things to do.
I got a letter today from you all which was mailed on December 6 so the service is pretty quick. It's too bad you have to keep going to the orthodontist. I hope somebody ate a nutted-cheese sandwich for me. Tell Mother thanks for the necklace. I'm sorry I forgot to mention it earlier. I haven't had a chance to wear it yet, my pullover sweaters don't do anything for it. There wasn't much strain between the Semmlers and me at all. At least if there was I wasn't aware of it. I sent them a post card when I got back from Amsterdam thanking them for my visit.
I think I mentioned earlier about the Dutchman (Dr.) who gave us a ride coming home from Amsterdam and took us out to dinner in return for the hospitality he had received in America. I got a letter from him yesterday. He'll feed us and show us around if we come to Rotterdam so we're hoping to go in February. I haven't used my Eurail Pass yet. It will start on Dec. 19 and will be good until midnight March 18.
Although it snows or rains about everyday here, yesterday it stuck to the ground for the first time and I remembered I had brought my boots along. I'm glad I remembered as packed inside were some socks I had forgotten about. So now maybe I can buy the dictionary with the money Grandma sent me. I hate to buy it though as then I have to take it home and I don't need more to carry. Plans are already being made for traveling in March and flying back to U.S.
This afternoon I'm going downtown to get new heels put on my shoes. And then I'll probably go to "Die Brücke" and work some.
The cake we made for Klause turned out ok but nothing extra. It was a box mix and although similar to U.S. (made by Kraft foods) it was heavier -- it didn't rise. They don't have birthday candles here either so we stuck in 4 big candles.
Is Roberta still working at Donut Shop? How is Mary? When do you get out of school?
I better bundle up and start toward town or I won't get everything done.
P.S. Please write again soon even if you don't have a birthday card to send.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Sunday, December 7 [1969]
Dear Mother, Dad, Serena, John and Mary,Hi! I hope this doesn't come too late, but Mother:
My thoughts will be with you on Thursday.
I've been getting kind of behind in letter writing lately. John and Serena should both be getting letters soon as you are high on my list.
The biggest news is that Flo Sheehy (my good friend in Kalamazoo) had a baby girl and although she was a month and a half premature both mother and daughter are doing well.
I got some money from Grandma for Christmas. Immediately thought of the dictionary and Mütti even quicker thought of boots but as of right now I still have the money.
We've gotten some of our train reservations although one train from Basel to Luzerne was already filled up. Hopefully we can get a later train on the same day. Alan figured out that we will be traveling 9250 km or 5700 miles on the trains. Three weeks of trains and more trains!
Thursday afternoon Ann and I made more Rice Krispie-Marshmallow things to take to school. Our cooking talents are overwhelming! They don't have birthday cakes here, or anything that tastes like birthday cake because fresh stuff like that isn't healthy or something. There is an abundance of Küchen that is much like coffee cake. Usually only eaten around here on Saturday or Sunday with Koffee. Klause (our 15-year-old brother) had his nameday yesterday and we're going to make a real birthday cake for him tomorrow.
Yesterday was St. Nicolous (sp?) day and he came around on Friday night to make sure the children have been good this year. If they haven't they get taken away in his bag. I'm still here and he left me a bag of nuts and cookies so I guess my behavior has been acceptable.
Today I went with Mütti and Vatti first to Paderborn where Mütti's younger sister and her family live. (She has two sisters, 31 and 21 -- she is 41). They have daughters 10 and 8 and a son 6. I had a good time playing and talking with them except sometimes they would get excited and start spurting out Deutsch faster than I could take it in. The 10 year old has started this year to learn English. Then we went to Stukenbrock a little ways north of P. That is where Mütti's parents live.
I have been invited to a wedding in Erlangen on January 10 but I'm not sure who is getting married so I'll send you details later.
I read today where the first 25 & 50 pf Woolworth Store was opened in Berlin in 1927.
Good night. Gee, here it is about midnight and you guys are just eating supper. I'm glad it's midnight here though because in another hour or so I'll be tired enough to go to sleep.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
1979 Roberta's Letter -Dec.6
Thursday Morning
[Dec. 6, 1979]
Dear Family,I'm sure glad yesterday is over!!! Had two tests and should I have gotten an A in both I'll be excused from the final which will be coming up next week. So really put out the effort to do good on both!!! One was something like 100 questions -- mixed between true false, multiple choice, and matching. It was hard! The other had three questions and we only had to answer two of them. Tomorrow I should know the results of both of them -- hopefully.
Did you all watch the movie last night -- "Aunt Mary"? It was pretty good. I spent the evening watching the movie and stuffing and hand sewing the JOY letters. Anxious to see how well we do this weekend . . . at the craft sale. Mom, remember all the stuffing we bought at the fabric store last year -- can you believe that it is all gone. Seemed like alot at the time, huh?
We have also been busy in many ways. It's a long story but I'll try to keep it short -- plus you all will be able to hear and see it out here. Marion for a long time has been wanting to get away from the two-story set-up as we have here. Her back doesn't make the steps enjoyable. Also seems to think -- and it is true -- that this neighborhood is getting too run down -- too many rental units and the people so-so.
Thanksgiving Sunday Marion went out with the Mandezes to look at house models. They all like that sort of thing and I stayed home and studied. But when they got back Marion wanted me to go over and see this model. We went -- and then we were back everyday the next week. No, I think we missed one day. Then this last Saturday Marion put down "ernest money" for one that came back just the day before in the first phase of this development. (Thus $3,000 less) than the next development.
This development is just south of here -- north of Baseline and between Alma School and Extension. Not far from where the Mandezes live. It is what is called patio homes. They are all one floor -- two-door garage -- no two car covered garage -- with door. Really nice. Rooms much bigger -- at least they look that way without furniture!!! Plus small back yard. It too has swimming pool, tennis courts, and common area. Association fees -- like here -- take care of all that stuff. Only trouble is that unit will be ready (so they say) by January 15th -- and that means that this place will have to be sold.
On Monday we had a real estate man come out and now have a sign up "For Sale." Actually we had talked to two other real estate outfits. This one that has the house would bargain on the commission. Only 2% if it was an "in-house" sale and 5% if they put it on Multiple Listings. Marion went with the 5% multiple listing -- since she is in a rush to get it sold. So that means that the house had to be really cleaned -- and now to keep it that way. Which is really hard -- Marion is really into the wreath making etc. After this weekend she says she will quit. So far have had one couple through the place. But real estate man says after it gets in the Multiple Listing -- then should be action. That will be next Monday.
This development is going to be 96 units altogether. 48 in one section and 48 in the other. The one that came back is just the model -- and even the outside elevation is just what Marion wanted. The location is good -- right on the street -- (back yard) and two in from where you pull into the development. Hard to explain -- but you all will be able to see it in person in not too long.
We plan to take a bunch of Marion's clothes to a second-hand store that buys outright this next week or two. Marion is really hot to get rid of stuff. I was wondering if Mary Virginia might be interested in some of Marion's levi jeans -- almost all of them have never been worn. They are mostly size 34 -- mens. Some 36s. Nice . . . the kind Mary Virginia should like. I'd be glad to save them back if you think you are interested. Just let me know.
Thanks for calling on Saturday. That Wickenburg is a neat place. It dawned on me later when I had been through there. It was with Grandma and Aunt Mary coming here from California. Just keep me posted as to dates if you can. I've already made arrangements for dear Buffy with the Stuffs. It would probably be better on Buffy if they could come over here and sleep -- but I think it would be ok with him to go over there. Remember the last time poor Buffy had to go to the dog motel -- and what a mess he was. Mary Virginia you should remember that well.
On Christmas day the Garretts are in charge of a Christmas (of course) service at the church. Also thre are services the night before. It is again fine for you all to stay here. Only thing is that if it hasn't been sold yet -- we have to keep the place uncluttered -- so it looks bigger. Real Estate man says this time of year sort of slow.
Catherine and Gerry called me Saturday Night. They were sure excited that their reservations had come through to take the train. Gerry really talked alot about how much reassurance you all gave him when he was in the hospital -- and afterwards -- now. How much it meant to him. They called about 11:00 -- I was sound asleep. spent the first few minutes trying to wake up. Even Miss Wendy got on the phone and said something -- not sure what I just know she is going to be a doctor. Maybe a dentist -- I think they must make good money.
I sure don't hear from John and Carol much. John must really be busy I'm sure. Is he still working those crazy hours??? Glad that Mary Virginia got to go up and visit with them for the weekend.
Mary Virginia we sure appreciate your letters. Your singing schedule looks pretty full. Do you think you might be interested in some concerts out here? I know several nursing homes that would love to have you sing for them. And with your volume you would have no trouble with them not hearing you. I enjoy putting my loud voice to use . . . tho not in singing.
Have you applied to Westtown?? And when should you hear back from them??? I think that would be a good school -- I understand there you don't have to do "office-work" -- the tern at FBS for cleaning.
This last week we have not been collecting cans -- oh, I still pick them up if I see them but no out campaign. Between the craft sale and end-of-the-semester stuff to do we are both busy. Then it takes some time to make this house look uncluttered.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
1979 Catherine's Letter -Dec.3
Monday, December 3, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,
Hi! Well sorry that this letter has been so long getting written. Even though things are calmer around here there still always seems to be something that needs attention. And the Christmas cards are ready to be worked on in the next week now also.
We are thrilled about our forthcoming vacation and glad that you are able to come to San Diego. We certainly appreciate your paying for our transportation - we think Amtrak should be an exciting experience for all of us - especially with our bedroom! We'll let you know how the reality compares with our expectations. In a few minutes we are going downtown and will check at the bus station regarding taking the bus to Klamath Falls to meet the train. If we decide that won't be satisfactory we have a friend (the former parts manager at the co-op) who lives near K.F. and we could probably leave the truck at their house. We are really looking forward to having a good time and to seeing all of you at Christmas.
We did make it to church yesterday - we walked, or course, and stayed for a potluck loyalty dinner afterwards where the budget committee made their 1980 presentation and passed out the pledge cards. I had hoped to take a tongue but the store didn't have any when I went on Saturday so we took macaroni salad instead. Speaking of salad we went to a new German restaurant in Bend last week when Gerry went to the Doctor and was it good. it was buffet and offered around 50 varieties of salad and maybe 30 choices for main dishes and accompanying dishes. It was really good. $3.95 for lunch and $6.95 in the evening when they serve prime rib and several other entrees to round out the dinner.
Wendy is getting very anxious to leave - she is putting on her jacket right now - so I better bring this to a quick close. The last few days have been in the 50's after a week where the temperature stayed below freezing so it is a little nicer to be outside. Wendy likes to go but the minute she thinks we are headed home again she gets upset. Yesterday she threw a tantrum at church because she didn't want to come home.
Well, I'll try to write again soon. Hope you are all well and thanks again for helping us with our vacation!
Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,
Hi! Well sorry that this letter has been so long getting written. Even though things are calmer around here there still always seems to be something that needs attention. And the Christmas cards are ready to be worked on in the next week now also.
We are thrilled about our forthcoming vacation and glad that you are able to come to San Diego. We certainly appreciate your paying for our transportation - we think Amtrak should be an exciting experience for all of us - especially with our bedroom! We'll let you know how the reality compares with our expectations. In a few minutes we are going downtown and will check at the bus station regarding taking the bus to Klamath Falls to meet the train. If we decide that won't be satisfactory we have a friend (the former parts manager at the co-op) who lives near K.F. and we could probably leave the truck at their house. We are really looking forward to having a good time and to seeing all of you at Christmas.
We did make it to church yesterday - we walked, or course, and stayed for a potluck loyalty dinner afterwards where the budget committee made their 1980 presentation and passed out the pledge cards. I had hoped to take a tongue but the store didn't have any when I went on Saturday so we took macaroni salad instead. Speaking of salad we went to a new German restaurant in Bend last week when Gerry went to the Doctor and was it good. it was buffet and offered around 50 varieties of salad and maybe 30 choices for main dishes and accompanying dishes. It was really good. $3.95 for lunch and $6.95 in the evening when they serve prime rib and several other entrees to round out the dinner.
Wendy is getting very anxious to leave - she is putting on her jacket right now - so I better bring this to a quick close. The last few days have been in the 50's after a week where the temperature stayed below freezing so it is a little nicer to be outside. Wendy likes to go but the minute she thinks we are headed home again she gets upset. Yesterday she threw a tantrum at church because she didn't want to come home.
Well, I'll try to write again soon. Hope you are all well and thanks again for helping us with our vacation!
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Friday, January 24, 2020
1969 Catherine's Letter -Dec.2
Münster, Tuesday
December 2, 1969
Dear Mother, Dad, Roberta, Serena, John and Mary,Hi! I was glad to get yor letter today including the one from Grandma and the clippings.
I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Our banquet went pretty well. The hotel manager's wife is a 24-year-old American from Kettering, Ohio, so she knew a little about traditional Thanksgiving dinners. The parents all seemed to enjoy themselves. We supplied a little entertainment, singing, etc.
The big news is that we finally have our itinerary finished for Christmas. We have to go to the Bahnhof (train station) and reserve all our first class tickets yet and also write to the youth hostels for reservations and on the 19th we take off. Since we are required to check every 48 hours for messages I will give you the addresses:
[See details on the scanned letter for the details which include Lucerne, Switzerland; Vienna, Austria; Rome and Florence Italy; Nice, France; Ibiza, Spain; Madrid, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal.]
And then on Sunday [Jan.11, 1970] we'll be back home. The AE stands for American Express Office. It took us a couple hours to get all the train schedules figured out and getting over to Ibiza by boat.
I was really glad to get the pen. It sure makes writing alot more pleasant. I haven't written hardly any letters the last few days. Not only do I have other things to do but I just haven't been in a letter writing mood. If you'd like a few statistics I received 45 letters in November, 11 of which were from you all, Joe or Grandma. That compares with 34 letters in October with 8 from you all & Joe. In October I spent 360.5 DM and in November 238.56. The difference is about one week in Berlin.
I've been working at "Die Brücke" about 3 afternoons a week. I enjoy working there as Frau Völlmer helps me with German, I can more or less choose what I want to do, and it gives me a chance to ride my Fahrrad [bicycle]-- as otherwise it is too cold to budge out of the house. It is now pitch dark between 4:15 and 4:30 PM.
The department stores downtown have pretty big grocery stores but mostly there are alot of stores about twice the size of Sweeney's with about the same variety of stuff. there are also lots of specialty shops -- butcher, bakery. Most close between 12 and 3 every day and all of Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. The closest thing to an American 5 and 10¢ store is a Woolworths, which is exactly like Woolworth's in the U.S. except the prices are in German. Also for some strange reason the sales clerks speak German.
I've been getting old Herald-Tribunes from "die Brücke" so now although I'm always about 5 days behind I have some idea what is going on in the world I really like the paper.
Gee, I hope I have a stamp to mail this. Write soon and send me your christmas plans!
Love, Catherine
Thursday, January 23, 2020
1979 Family Letter -Dec.2
Sunday --
Dec. 2, 1979
Dearest Family --Really had trouble getting the date or rather year right and it will soon be 1980 so had better start practicing. My typing in general needs worked on after seeing Roberta's typed papers and letters as well as Catherine's. A very worthwhile subject to take in school.
Was glad to get a letter from Catherine on Monday, John on Wednesday and Roberta yesteray. The latter was a good 30¢ worth with all the descriptions of senior citizen facilities -- makes one want to move into that area to take advantage of what will be for us before too long. Very interesting and well written. It's amazing how that field has opened up in just the last few eyars.
Thanks, John, too for the map and new direction to the school in Gahanna where Mary Virginia is to take the test this coming Saturday. She hadn't received anything at all from the testing service and thought that perhaps that they hadn't received her letter. When nothing came in the mail on Friday morning I called and they said that it was in the mail and to come anyway if she shouldn't get her ticket but it came that afternoon - having been mailed the day before - a little close considering that they had said she would hear two weeks before hand. Anyway we are all set to go and looking forward to being with John and Carol later that day - the test lasts til 12:30 so don't look for us til mid-afternoon at the very earliest but will definitely be there by (Will let Dad fill in that blank to be on the safe side.)
Enjoyed talking to Serena and glad to hear that she is enjoying her work in the Loyola library. We called her after her second day of work (found that she will be working on Tuesday evenings so she had just gotten in). Wonder what the procedure is there when a library book isn't turned in or found turned in -- that seemed rather drastic at ASU -- especially not to get to use the reserve section of the library either - glad that it all straightened out in your favor, Roberta. Do hope that you make definite plans over Christmas, Serena - just sorry that you won't be going to Arizona this year like last. Are you thinking about visiting Noni in Madison Wisconsin or friends in Kansas City? Also let us know what you have in mind for adding to your dinner ware - if you would like something in that line or something else or perhaps with fear of breakage it would be best to get it there or bring it over later. We would very much like to get to Chicago during the packaging show and see you at the same time if it can be worked out that way and perhaps we could get the John Hancock apt. which would be near your work as well. The Salisburys are thinking of going to southwest Texas to visit Tom and his family as they are to be located there for awhile. And if they leave right after Christmas Dad doesn't feel like he should be away at the busiest time of the year - first weeks of January - we had originally planned to come back that way.
So glad that the Morgans were able to get train reservations from Klamath Falls to San Diego and looking forward to seeing them one place or another for as long as possible. At least you and especially Gerry will be ablae to move around and the roomette should be real nice for all of you. that is something we have wanted to do for a long time. But either the time or the routing wan't the most convenient. Out west thet rains are supposed to be much better too.
The bazaar was held yesterday from 9 to 6:30 which was much too long a day when most of the business was in the morning but they did make close to $1400. We had both lunch and supper there and brought (bought too) home enough food for another couple of meals as the weather turned bad and they had very few people for supper in the evening. Some woman bought three of the macrames, Roberta (I don't know who) and they reduced the afghans from $35 to $25 but have two others beside that to take to the bank along with quite a few other things. Mrs. Thornburg didn't want her's reduced so it was touchy marking down yours they said. They are pretty but New Vienna isn't willing to pay as much as they do in the larger cities.
I asked Mrs. Thornburg to make some big bags to fit on Grandma's wheel-chair and told her just how I wanted them - had planned to give them to her for Christmas. But she made in a hurry and gave them to her (real dinky ones) before she left for Florida. I asked her what I owed her and she said she wanted to do that for her -- Was kind of disgusted in some ways for I had wanted that . . . . [bottom line of page cut off]
We had a card from the honeymooners from Ft. Myers, Fla. I don't think we mentioned what a nice wedding Melba and Orville had the night before Thanksgiving. Peggy was her only attendant (Marvin walked down the aisle with her) John Harner stood up with his Dad and Stan, Jr. married them with the help of Rev. Wise. It was a small wedding - mostly relatives and friends and a reception was held afterwards in the new fellowship room behind the sanctuary. Had to go down and then up the back stairs to get there but a real happy occasion. The next day the bridal couple had Thanksgiving Dinner for the immediate family (forgot to mention that Elaine and Isabel were at the guest book and the former and Opal took care of the reception. Mrs. Young, Melba's mother and brother were also on hand both days. Then the next day they (Melba and Orville) took off for Florida and she mentioned that they had rented a house for at least a few days ON THE WEST coast of Florida. She entertains the UMW next Dec. 11 so don't think they'll stay too long - Does that remind you of anyone else that has meetings interfere with personal plans?
Yesterday was the auction of the personal property of the New Vienna Mill, on which Wells has bought the real estate as it joins right up with us on the west side. We also got the old Farm Bureau Bldg. (N.V.'s first depot [?? don't remember hearing that before]) so we hope we can make this space into some usable storage space. The mill bldg. is like the catacombs in the two subbasements. There are cats everywhere -- you can guess why. Anyway, that will be a project for 1980 to make the buildings more usable.
Grandma left Tuesday morning for WPB and called us that night that all went well on the trip. Winter arrived the next day with our first skiff of snow and has been down in the teens, tho I guess compared to Chicago southern Ohio must seem like the tropics -- right, Serena?
Rev. Reece passed away - had been in the ministry 57 years . . . . He had a rich life having been associated in the Friends activities all over the world. We always will remember how fast he walked and his enthusiasm. He is to be buried in Richmond, Ind. and they are having memorial services for him here next Sunday (Dec. 9). Fairview will be looking for a new minister -- they were lucky to have a man of Rev. Reece's caliber for so long. His wife died 9 years ago -- about a year and a half after they moved here.
We attended another square dancing practice session tonight which helps immensely as they go much slower and review all you have learned recently. The Pratts haven't attended these sessions as that is the only day (Sunday) when they have time to go Christmas shopping together. Hope you all will excuse us for not thinking of this reasoning.
Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday afternoon, Carol and John.
Catherine and Gerry - we think it might be easier on Gerry to fly from San Diego to Phoenix. We would be most willing to go after you all but it is a 400 mile trip and would be much quicker and less rough on Gerry to fly. If yo can get reservations both coming to Phoenix and back, please go ahead and do so. Dad did call the Flying E Ranch in Wickenburg, Arizona and talked them into holding rooms again Dec. 28 and 29 for one room and Dec. 28-31 for another two rooms but they are adamant about two to a room. Wendy would be OK with you because of her age. This place is *** (excellent) in the Mobil Tour Book and is on the American Plan with family style meals. Hopefully it will be a pleasant experience for all of us. Do let us know about your preference for getting from S.D. to Phoenix and back, and if flying, is your choice, let us know your schedule. Our schedule is to leave here Dec. 20, arrive Mesa that Saturday evening and head back to NV around Jan 3rd or 2nd.
With much love from . . . .
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
1969 Catherine's Letter to John -Dec.1
Münster, Germany December 1, 1969
Dear John,Hi! I was really glad to get your letter and also the stamps. They will be nice to give Vatti for Christmas. I'm sure he would appreciate canceled stamps too so if you have any from jack letters you might send them. So far I have spent 10.35 DM (~$3.00) on stamps for you and I'm sure there are plenty I haven't sent you yet. Maybe I can get you some over Christmas from some other countries. I will be traveling through Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. It's a good thing we have three weeks to do it in.
Sunday morning I went to the Evangelistic Church which is about as far away from home as the Methodist Church is in New Vienna. Unfortunately I was a little late as I didn't go until 11:00 and the services began at 9:45. I was in time for Sunday School but it is only for kids your age or younger. I did go back in the evening for a special Advent music service. It was nice except I should have sat nearer the candles (the only source of heat). It's pretty bad when you sit in your coat and gloves and are still cold.
In the schools here children must decide when they are 10 years old whether they want to go to the University. If they do they go to one school which lasts until they are 20 before they start in the university. Otherwise they go to a vocational or special trade school and are finished at 17 or 18. Before starting the Univ. they study German (of course), 7 years of English, 4 years of both French and Latin, and also math, science, and history. Sounds like fun doesn't it?
Tell Serena I will be answering her letter soon. I was also glad to hear from Mrs. Walker again. My love to everyone.
Love, Catherine
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
1979 Catherine's Letter to John -Nov.20,Dec.3
Thursday, November 20, 1979
Dear John and Carol,
Hi! Thanks for your letter. As I'm sure you heard through the weekly "newsletter" from New Vienna, Gerry (Wendy turned the space bar just as I was typing that) has been in the hospital. He has been home now since Thursday and he is doing pretty well. The Dr. wants him to be up and around and to walk about a mile four times a day. He can stand up all he wants but is only to sit for meals as sitting could be detrimental to his back healing. He will be able to go back to work between the middle of January and the middle of February.
Monday, December 3, 1979
Well, I shall try again with this letter. We are all excited as we were finally able to get reservations on Amtrak to go to San Diego at Christmas time and I guess the family is planning to come there for a few days also. It will take about 24 hours to get from Klamath Falls to S.D. with a change in L.A. We have reserved a bedroom for the Klamath Falls to L.A. and back part of the trip. It is a good deal cheaper even with the sleeper than it would have been to fly. On the airlines they wanted full fare for both of us plus ⅔ for Wendy but we are getting family plan on the train. We leave here the 17th and come back on the 2nd. It will be nice vacation for us. We figure we can do our Christmas shopping when we get there so we won't have to take as much stuff with us -- plus there a a few more stores in the San Diego (especially Pick & Save variety) than in the Madras area.
Gerry got his first workman's comp. check on Saturday. He has to go see two Dr.'s in the Portland area for the Workman's Comp. people. The first appointment is at 8:00 a.m. next Thursday about four hours drive away. We may go the day before and stay all night rather than drive in the middle of the night. Or maybe we'll take the bus.
Due to financial reasons we probably won't be sending you a present for Christmas -- I hope this fits into your plans not to send us one. I am just in the process of starting to get the Christmas cards done. I love to get cards but they are rather a pain to send out.
Sorry this letter took so long.
Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Monday, January 20, 2020
Sunday, January 19, 2020
1989 Roberta's Letter -Nov.27
6:45 AM
Hi Folks --We (Beethoven & I) are up early -- I'm planning on going walking this AM -- walk begins at Metro Center at 7:45 AM. Saturday morning I started out to the walk & ended up at the Flea Market -- downtown at 40th Street / Van Buren. It was much more fun shopping there than at a shopping center! We will have to go there -- it's like taking a course in marketing & psychology combined!
The Ballet was very good -- all seats were 2nd row -- in the middle -- the building was quite beautiful! We got there in plenty of time -- there was an art exhibit w/ a buffet line of cheeses, crackers, fruit & vegetables -- FREE! Miss Wendy got her $'s worth out of it!
Driving back we drove by a very exclusive neighborhood -- where all the cactuses etc had white Christmas lights, small ones all over. The big colored lights seem to be out of vogue this year!
I took down Mary Virginia's recital (VCR) to Joe -- when we talked to him he had enjoyed seeing it. Sid taped America's Most Wanted last night since we were gone -- so we watched it late last night. There had been 2 captures of fugitives from last week's program -- 1 was "caught" 2 hours after the airing of the show! Good Work!
Could you all bring some elastic or rubber string -- like is used for paddle balls. I got Beethoven some toys on elastic string & he enjoys them very much! What he likes most is clocks -- especially watching the 2nd hand move! Hope this finds you all well with no flu symptoms.
Much Love,
Did you listen to the call-in T'Giving program on Focus on the Family?
Saturday, January 18, 2020
1979 Roberta's Letter -Nov.27
Tuesday Evening
6:00 P.M.
Dear Family,See now that these wide margins will have to go . . . I just use them when I type something for school. I am enclosing some of the articles that I just got finished over the Thanksgiving Weekend. Perhaps you will recognize the name of Patterson Terrace -- the apartment building we went through just before it was finished. I was really impressed with the place. Something that didn't get into the report is that as of January 1st they are opening up an 80 bed intermediate facility. . . this means that they can be more selective as to who and what condition they take people in.
Remember Cora . . . the lady that I fed down at the Royal Nursing Home? She liked Buffy soo much. She died last Sunday in her sleep. Just the last few weeks she had been very bad. Didn't recognize me . . . had to be fed by a turkey baster type of affair.
I've sure had my trouble with teeth this fall. First these doctors out here can't just look, they have to have all these x-rays -- which rub me the wrong way. Last Wednesday I had the worst of the lot pulled. It didn't hurt all that much and I was able to eat like normal. I followed all the instructions . . . no hot drinks, don't rinse your mouth for 24 hours, etc. Got along fine till Sunday. Then I had a hurt like I had never had before. Monday was a busy day but did get into the dentist today. In the meantime since Sunday I had been popping heavy duty aspirin, keeping hot washcloths on that side of my face. So today I found out that I had a (or rather have a) dry socket. Dentist says that can hurt more than any tooth ache. Guess I lost the blood clot on Sunday so air got in something like that. He packed my tooth today -- or rather where the tooth had been -- said to try to get in every day this week for packing. At least the guy had the decency not to charge me today. I've already helped him pay his monthly payment on that x-ray machine.
So how are you all? I'm anxious to get the news of Thanksgiving holidays. What a shame that John and Carol couldn't stay longer. Thought today about Grandma going to Florida. Today would have been a good day to arrive in the valley of the sun -- here -- 75º out today. Really nice. First day in a long time that I've not worn the thermal underwear . . . though unlike Aunt Mary when she went to Europe, I did buy two pairs.
Have you all finalized any Christmas plan yet??? Please do keep me posted as to your plans. Marion will be gone here from the 24th of December to the 7th of January.
I didn't mention it in my last letter, was in too big of an hurry to get it in the mail. But along with the Honda place I was fighting the ASU library. I had turned in about five books and then about a week later I got a notice that one of the books were overdo [sic] . . . or rather yet to be handed in. I did a search around here, but I was sure I had already turned it in. After the book was three days overdo, I could not use my library card -- either to check out books or to get books out of the reserve library -- which is where most of my time is spent for one of my classes. I got nowhere until I went and spoke to the heard of the library. I told him I wanted it on his mind, that I had turned the book in (they were supposedly looking for it) and due to the fact that I could not use the reserve library I could easily fail one of my classes. So the man wrote me out a little note saying that I could use the books on reserve. Three days later I got a computer print-out postcard in the mail saying that my book had been found. If they had not found it, I would have been responsible for paying the price of the book, plus $10.00. The school would have been able to hold back grades, etc until this would have been paid. I'm just glad they found it. I took the card into the head guy, showed him, and thanked him for his courtesy . . . .
Mary Virginia, I can now sing along with you on several of the songs on the tape you sent us. Knew you would be happy to know that. Marion really likes the tape . . . so you know what that means . . . we hear it alot. She says sure beats country music. Also anytime you want to send us another tape that would be fine.
Dad, those are good articles that you sent . . . both in the last letter and in the envelope that came with just the articles in it. speaking of articles . . . there is an article in the CSM that I got today I want to send to John. Headlines something like: "Going to New York City -- take a tour of Brooklyn."
Marion is really busy making wreaths. The only trouble is that she does so much standing and bending over when she makes them that sometimes when done for the evening she can hardly stand up. Have I told you all that we have rented out a space (8 by 10) at an arts and crafts fair the 8th of December. Hoping to make alot of bucks. My extra bucks seems to be going into my mouth. Dentists seems to think that alot more work is yet to be done, but with bad gums and loose teeth I'm not anxious to put alot of money into it all.
Wish I had more time to be making things up for the sale, but between school and dentists don't get too much done.
Now Wednesday Morning. Three out of my four classes today were cancelled due to a conference in Yuma -- State Park and Recreation Conference. So instead of classes have more work to do as each of the teachers gave us something to keep us busy. I'm just glad that I got the four visits made and already written up.
Don't think that I have kept you all up on the big to-do at ASU as to the football coach that got fired. There have been so many lawsuits. The biggest one being the one where the fired coach is suing (sp?) the Athletic Director for loss of income, dignity, all that stuff for 40 million dollars. Between all this and the Iranian troubles I think the newscasters out here have trouble getting everything said.
We were over to the Fiesta Mall last night. Marion's sister couldn't find a coat in Idaho Falls she liked so she wanted Marion to look. Marion found it -- or hope that she found one that Rachel wil like. Of course when we did find it, was the wrong size, so had it brought over to Mesa from another store. Lots of winter visitor type of people sitting on the benches in the middle of the mall. Mall was all decorated in the Christmas mood. Really looked quite nice.
Can business is definitely down. We haven't spent the time on it as we did before . . . spending more time on sellable arts and crafts. Also with the weather so much cooler people are not drinking as much. Last few weeks we have been taking cans once a week. Usually have about 80-85 pounds. So that still more than pays for gas -- plus some in reserve.
Oh, meant to tell you all earlier that Jackie Phelon called me last Wednesday night. She had already bought two tickets (for herself and son Michael) to come here for the holiday weekend. First I had heard from her for a long time. Guess she would have gotten here about 9:00 Thursday A.M. I simply said, "Gee, Jackie -- you should have told me ahead of time, I've got a busy weekend planned with these visits I have to make for school. She said that was fine, hat money was shaky, and maybe she better not come. Marion heard the conversation and she couldn't believe it. Such a character Jackie is!!!
What is new from the Morgans and Serena??? Do keep me posted as to your Christmas plans.
Mother, how did the bazaar go at the church? Remind me to tell you about how the bazaar was run that we took so much stuff out to. (and thank goodness brought so little back.)
Better get going . . . .
Friday, January 17, 2020
1969 Catherine's Letter -Nov.26
Münster, Wednesday
November 26, 1969
Dear Mother, Daddy, Serena, John, and Mary,Hi! Please excuse the time lapse between letters but after spending the weekend in Amsterdam it has taken me awhile to get readjusted to ordinary life. Amsterdam was really fantastic. Rosie, Dick Hall (he's from Kalamazoo) and I hitchhiked. Rosie and I got picked up within 5 minutes and got a ride straight to Amsterdam so we were there about 3:30 Friday afternoon. (We left at noon right after school.) Dick joined us at the youth hostel about two hours later. The hostel was similar to the larger ones in the states and swarming with kids -- mostly American and Canadian. I really enjoyed Amsterdam only too bad we didn't have longer. We squeezed in a boat tour of canals, two museums, the Flea Market, and lots of walking.
To go back a little further in history thanks for the wallet and the cash. The Semmler's were very nice and made me feel right at home. The daughter Yulla (sp?) and her friend met us at the station. She will study nursing in Münster next year. They send you their greetings and said they enjoyed meeting you although they were a little surprised that you trusted gifts with people you hardly knew. They live in a four room apartment and asked me lots of questions about America, our house, car, etc.
It's time to go to school now, more later.
Hi again! I thought maybe I'd get a letter from you all today but I didn't. I can't complain because this is an answer to the last two I've gotten from you. Here it is Thanksgiving Eve and I'm answering a letter which you wrote on Halloween! Dad, my money seems to be disappearing painlessly enough so I doubt if I will find it necessary to make any phone calls.
I mailed your Christmas package yesterday so I hope you get it by Easter. HA! It will be interesting to see how long it does take without airmail. By chance if it does arrive before Christmas, please take the gifts out of the box as I went to extra effort to wrap them! As for me, please don't send me anything as I would just have to bring it home. There are a couple things I'd like but they can wait until March. There is one thing I'd like now and that is the diary (see enclosure). If it isn't possible or worth the trouble to send one just let me know and I can look for one over here. For my Christmas in March here are some things you can think about (that also applies for my birthday) an atlas, a new set of sheets for school, another quarter at Kalamazoo, a trip to Colorado, a big German dictionary (Cassell's or Brockhouse I think are the best) if I decide to take more German after I get back.
Ann and I made Rice Krispie-Marshmallow balls this afternoon. We found rice krispies at the third store we went to (most stores have only corn flakes) but we had to hunt everywhere for marshmallows. We're taking them to school tomorrow as a sort of Thanksgiving celebration. Tomorrow night is the big banquet for our families -- I think we're even going to have Turkey.
I've been putting in a few hours a week working at "Die Brücke" library. I enjoy it even though as Frau Vollmer (the librarian) says, it is mostly donkey work.
Well, keep me posted on your Christmas plans (the chances are about 99999 in 1000000 won't be on my christmas travel itinerary this year.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
1979 Family Letter -Nov.26
Monday morning -
November 26, 1979
Dearest Family:We're getting this started later than usual but hope to get it in the mail just as we usually do -- either this morning or this afternoon. We did miss having all of you here with us for Thanksgiving but so glad to have those that were able to come. Friday morning the home population came back to two with M.V. and Serena leaving with John and Carol, with Serena catching a bus in Columbus for Chicago and M.V. spending the weekend with the family in Newark.
Serena was justifiably elated in securing a reference librarian job with Loyola University in Chicago and which has some nice fringe benefits like reduced tuition, etc., etc. After her typing job she is more appreciative than ever.
We had talked earlier about going to Cincy for Friday and went on down to Shakertown, KY, also called Pleasant Hill, which is an area of restoration that the Shakers started in 1820 and ended some fifty years ago. The environment is like that of 100 years ago, with some of the modern basics -- like indoor plumbing and electricity thrown in. The rooms are located in the old Shaker bldgs each one having a separate door and stairway for each sex. The meals were delicious -- serving each table family style and then a buffet for breakfast which was unbelievable . . . fresh pineapple and melon cut artistically, grapefruit, all kind of juices, eggs, grits, ham, bacon, cereal, several cooked fruits plus several different kinds of muffins, etc. (Pumpkin were best!)
En route back to N.V. we went thru Harrodsburg - the first settlement in KY and Wilmore, where Asbury College is located (How times have changed since we were there, Catherine in 1965 (?). It was a nice mini-vacation -- even more so when one realizes that we spent less on the trip than we would have as patients in the Wilmington medicare for the same time.
Sunday we have invited the Tom Woodruffs from Sabina to go with us to Dayton to a regional square dancing get together. What a crowd -- it took concentration for us novices to remember who was in our square Some of these people there really go off the deep end in buying clothes for square dancing. Pratts didn't go.
M.V. got in on the bus Sunday evening from Columbus along with the Elroyd Colliers who were returning home from Cleveland. She enjoyed her visit with the Newark Uibles. She seems to be going thru an era of talking forever on the telephone to her friends (local calls), so if you do try to call us do not be discouraged.
Grandma is all set for her departure to Lake Worth tomorrow. In fact this evening when I was in, she had everything ready to go . . . she sets a good example for all of as far as organization.
We are glad that Gerry is coming along fine . . . that is a good hike from your place to the Church (a mile plus?). We do plan to be in Arizona by Christmas and stay for about a week. Does Marion plan to be gone over the holidays, Roberta? You will notice in those Wall St. articles that they do not give the Phoenix area a high rating as far as a good retirement area, because of the smog, but then no place is perfect. On the western trip we are uncertain about dates because of M.V.'s school schedule, but because of Esther leaving the last week of December to visit their son in Texas I do not want to be gone too long. Hopefully this will all fit into Roberta's busy schedule. Unleaded gas at the discount station is 98.4 and in N.V. around $1.05 a gallon.
[Love, etc.]
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
1979 Roberta's Letter to MV -Nov.24
Saturday AM
Hi Mary Va --Thanks for the letters & tape!! Really good -- & no wonder seems you are getting in lots of practice sessions for this group & that!!!
NO - we don't have a recent picture of you -- please send!! OH -- ask Marion for one of her school pictures -- she had 1 taken this year -- really a serious one!!
How was Thanksgiving? Did you do the dishes? The Matthews invited me over -- I went -- it was nice but both of them (Mr. & Mrs.) are in poor shape! Lisa -- their daughter fixed most of the meal -- w/her Mother's supervision!
We had a Thanksgiving breakfast at Stubbs -- Dorothy & family had been invited out to eat & she said she wouldn't have known what it felt like not to cook. Marion fixed Bacon, Sausage -- thank goodness not pancakes -- Remember? I fixed the O.J.
What are the latest plans for Christmas? When do you think you will make the Ariz scene? OH! it's been freezing here -- at night -- thermal underwear sure feels good --.
Hi to all
Thanks for tape!
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
1969 Catherine's postcard to GHU -Nov.25
![]() |
Caption: Münster Prinzipalmarkt und Lambertikirche (main shopping area and church) |
November 25,1969
Dear Grandma,
Hi! I hope you are all settled in Florida by now. It has turned quite cold here but no snow. Over this last weekend I went with two other kids to Amsterdam. We went through two museums, took a boat ride which covered only a small part of the 80 miles of canal inside the city, and met lots of Americans. We also had some interesting experiences hitchhiking. I doubt if I will be able to meet Joe at Christmas as I'm going down through southern Germany to Switz., Austria, Italy, and then southern coast of Spain along the Mediterranean. We're having a party for our German parents Thursday evening as they don't have Thanksgiving and we have to go to school as usual.
My love to you & all the Hortons,
Monday, January 13, 2020
1989 Roberta's Letter -Nov.20
Dear Folks,Hi! We had a great weekend in Tucson -- it's one of our favorite places to go -- so happy to have the excuse to be there!
Ate out w/ Joe -- Chinese food -- Saturday for supper -- then drove back to PHX -- didn't get here till 11:30 PM! Miss Wendy & I did the New Times Walk Sunday AM -- I had to pick her up at 6:45 AM - so that was a short night! We both did the 5K walk fine -- then enjoyed walking around the tables -- to get free samples -- etc! Later we watched the 10K Runners come in -- some of them looked very BEAT!
Sid & I got the word (Saturday at 11:30 PM) that the Annual County inspection would be Monday AM - TODAY -- so the paperwork was all gone over w/ a "Fine tooth comb" -- you know w/ the county -- if it's not documented -- it's NOT DONE! Sid is a #1 expert in documentation! The troops (4) came -- one goes over all the nursing notes/ files, medicine, etc. One goes over all the contact details -- time cards, moves, food orders, etc. -- two go over all the resident files -- orientations, check beds, toilets, etc. Actually it is all quite overwhelming! We all look forward to breathing a sign of relief when it's over & then of course dread it already for the next time! Right now they have all gone for lunch & were supposed to have been back about 40 minutes ago!
We go to the Nutcracker Ballet this Sunday -- I was able to get discounted tickets -- through a friend whose husband works for the schools. I got 16 tickets & could have used more! Great value at $6.40 each! The Ballet is down at the new Chandler Pavilion for the Arts -- it's a brand new building & suppose to be like Lincoln Center -- esp. at night. Our tickets are for the 5:30 pm performance -- we will be back in good time! Gloria from Mesa is taking 3 people & then 12 of us from "westside" are going -- including Miss Wendy Jean. Both Sid & I will drive -- good thing we have (2) family sedans! One of the residents said that riding in the town car was like riding on a couch!
I hope the box arrived safe and sound! There is an Arts & Crafts show this Saturday I hope to go to! Did stop in at 2 in Tucson -- professional -- type -- very expensive! But very nice! The stores don't like the competition from these upscale Arts & Crafts sales! These stores are worried about a green ($$) Christmas!
Now Monday pm -- the troops (w/ their briefcases) will be back tomorrow -- hope all of you have a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, January 12, 2020
1979 Catherine's Letter -Nov.20
Tuesday, November 20, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,
Hi! Thanks for all the letters, cards and telephone calls during the past few weeks. I should have some time now to get caught up on my correspondence.
Gerry is doing real well. He is walking about four miles a day - in four separate walks per the Dr's orders. Sunday we walked to church and I sat in the back row so Gerry could stand up behind me. The monthly coffee hour was also last Sunday so we got to talk to quite a few people. This coming Sunday we are going to be greeters. The Christmas bazaar was on Saturday. I worked from 10-12. I think they made a fair amount of money although I haven't heard the exact amount. A big crowd came right at the beginning but it had thinned out by 11.
Both the Eakins (the older couple who live across the street) and my friend, Cheryl, brought us over dinner on Thursday. Between the two of them we had enough to last us through Saturday. Then on Friday someone else brought us a dozen homemade rolls which we had with our eggplant parmesan on Sunday. I froze part of them to save for Thanksgiving. We are going to buy cornish game hens for Thanksgiving since a turkey would be much too big for us and we would still be eating it for Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, we have been discussing coming south and we think the best thing for us would be to fly to San Diego a few days before Christmas, then bring DeeDee to Arizona right after Christmas for a few days. Then we would return to Oregon and she would return to San Diego. We aren't expecting you to finance the whole trip for us. Does this sound like it would fit into your plans? I'll have to call the travel agent in the next few days and see what we can work out.
I took Wendy to the Dr. last Friday as she was coughing and had a runny nose. They took an x-ray of her chest and said one lung was congested so she has been taking medicine again. She finishes taking the antibiotics today and she really isn't any better than she was on Friday. I don't know if I'll have to take her back in or renew the prescription or what.
What are you doing for Christmas cards this year? I have some of those post card type but still need to get some regular ones. It is about time to be getting them done.
Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Saturday, January 11, 2020
1949 Linn Zook postcard -Nov.19
[Postmarked Nov. 19, 1949]
Dear Harold, (and family natch)
I'm slow as usual I guess. Sorry I haven't answered your card sooner but I will try to concentrate for the next minute anyway!! I'm afraid we'll miss connections in Sandusky. Since one of my days at the hospital is on Saturday I don't get to Sandusky until about 8:30 in the evening. If, you should be there that late let me know for I would like to see you. And if you're in Cleveland again you know where I live.
Katy must be becoming quite a girl. I'm afraid we'll have to get acquainted all over again when I see her again.
Doc, what everyone needs is a "kigmy" if you've missed out on the Kigmies have someone who reads Lil Abner bring you up to date. I'm missing those FREE meals at Lakeview Terrace. Why don't you move back to Cleveland. Just think doc, you can open up a branch office to make the strings for the yo-yo's. By the way I'm fully expecting you to send me a yo-yo for Christmas --Linn
Friday, January 10, 2020
1979 Roberta's Letter -Nov.18
Sunday Morning
6:00 A.M.
Nov. 18th [1979]
Dear Family,Thanks for calling last night, tho sorry for the lack of correspondence on this end. The last few weeks have really been very hectic, but on Thursday bought ten gov't postals if that situation should come up in the future.
The program yesterday at school really came off great!!! But oh so much work was involved. In the morning was three hours of square-dancing. At the end of that time a square dance prof. group did a little deal. That was really good and no wonder when they say that for every minute of show they have to practice 10 hours at least. They were in their costumes and all. Mother do you have your costume yet??? Also in the morning were all kinds of mixer games -- some very good ideas I now have in my head should anyone ever need them. When you got your name tag on the back was the group that you would be in . .. as far as the games go. Also on the front in each corner you had to put the answers to these questions: Favorite book or story, what you would say to President Carter if you met him, your hobbies, and what animal would you be if you were to be an animal. In the afternoon there were more game type things, but the last few hours were spent making straw -- or is it hay?? The stuff was green . . . wreathes. Also Christmas posters to make . . . cut out cardboard in the shape of the size wreath you want, then get the straw all around it, then wire all the way around to secure the straw with the cardboard. Really looked nice with ribbon and all. Posters were made out of tissue paper and poster paper . . . all colors so very pretty.
I'm not sure this morning how much I said about this Catholic Church Bazaar. We found out about it two weeks ago when I called someone about it. Tho before I called I had been told that it would be sometime in December. It just so happened that the day I called was the day to come and get your consignment number, if you wanted to bring things over to sell. So we went over that day (it was two weeks ago Saturday -- yesterday) Got our number and all the rules of the game. We were given price tags to put on each item. Each price tag was to have on it: our consignment number, item number, and price. Line for each deal. Also had forms with carbon paper to write down these three things on a list. Then last Saturday when we went to take the stuff (except the wreaths) they checked out our list, kept one, and gave us back one. I took the wreaths out on Thursday. As everything last week to be handed in were suppose to be in boxes with lids. They were asking that the stuff that could not be boxed up as such be brought in on Thursday.
The actual bazaar was on Friday from 5 to 9 and also yesterday from 9 to 11 . . . in the morning. We went out Friday night about ten after five, and there was a huge line . . . like at least 200 people waiting to get in. I've never seen anything like it. They also had a barbecue -- hot dog, potato chips, and drink for 60 cents. Or Hamburger and same for 90 cents, or ribs and same for $2.50. But the lines were not . . . when we first got there at the food place . . . but people waiting to get in the bazaar. The bazaar was held right in the sanctuary, it was a huge place, with so much stuff. All very nicely displayed. I forgot to mention that as you walk in the door you are handed a large paper bag and also a box lid type of thing to put your purchases in. It seemed so well organized.
Marion took out nine wreaths, and six of those were sold. Also one other we thought was sold, as we saw it behind the cashier's table but come to find out some woman had them put it back, and said she would be back with more money, and never came back. But Marion was quite happy that six sold. Also we had out there six macrame Christmas trees . . . and all but the one yellow one sold. We had out six joys (remember the stuffed letters) and all but one of them sold. Had eight of the wash-cloth/soap candles and four of them sold. Sold $311 -- all together. But they get 20% of that. Which I sure don't begrudge them of since they did all that work. You just would not have believed that crowd when we did get in on Friday night there was hardly any place to walk. Made you linger more as you went along, to see everything. Would you believe that Marion and I did not buy anything there!!! Both watching our pennies!!!
The last two weeks I've really had my run-ins with businesses. First off I had my bike out to the Honda dealers for a tune-up and check over. Brakes needed adjusted the whole bit. Cost $19 which I took out of can money. I was very happy for all the work they did on the bike. But . . . when I took the bike out the one turning signal on the back had been bent all the way off thus breaking the bracket . . . or rather was bent off the bracket. Little sweet juvenile delinquents that live around here. They did it once before and took it back down to where I bought the turning signals and the guy just had to replace the bracket. So the turning signal was hanging on by the wires, still working, and I asked the Honda people to -- if they could -- fix the bracket. When I got there to pick up the bike on my bill said "turning signal must be replaced" so I questioned the guy who I paid and he said that the turning signal would have been thrown out -- if it didn't work. I suppose the boy thought that I wouldn't question Honda's great decisions. Which of course I did since I knew that the turning signal actually worked. The next morning I went out (thank goodness it's only about 1 and ½ mile from here) and on the way to school) and spoke to the Service manage and he says to me that it probably fell off during the test ride and therefore was not their fault. I showed him the wire, and it was a definite cut. Having gotten any answers yet I stopped on my way home from school to talk with the owner of the dealership. Of course he says he would have to check it out.
I was to call him in half hour. So I started my calls to him. And the story was always that he was out to lunch or supper or who knows where and would be back in 20 minutes. Finally I got a hold of him. He said that the service dept manager told him that it was not thrown out, but put in the back basket, and of course it was not their fault that it wasn't there when I came to pick up the bike. I made him listen to the three stories that I had been told. That I suggested he find himself in the customer's shoes for a change. I was to find out from him the next morning what he would do -- even tho -- in his words -- that it was not their fault.
I was really hot about it. I called up the Better Business Bureau, the radio station that they advertise on. The next day was the same story -- I couldn't talk to the manager -- he sure does take long lunches and suppers. Finally I decided I would go back out -- and there he was. I told him everything that I had already done, all the stories I had heard from them, and I had just began my war with them. He got on the phone and fast and got a turning signal for me -- but I had to go way East to have it put on. I said fine but I want $10 for all my running around and the aggravation of it all. I got it. When I say East -- I mean East Mesa. Now its back to normal -- all four signals -- and the bike really does run good. But Mesa Honda will never work on my bike again.
With the thermal underware ( isn't it underwear?) -- I should hope to ride my bike back and fourth this winter. On really bad days I can always go to school with Micki and Marion can pick me up. Also I've met several others from near here that I could ride back and fourth with.
I am signed up for classes next semester. It is 16 hours -- Don't have the exact names in front of me now -- but one of the classes is out of the nursing college -- Aging and Mental Health. I went over to talk to them and they said it was fine that I didn't have any background as far as courses in nursing. Two of the courses are Recreation courses -- one in camp organization and Admn. and one in Recreation for special populations -- handicapped, aged, etc. Will cover alot of the laws, etc. for them. Another class is Social gerontology, and Psych -- life development and aged or something like that. As far as my schedule goes, it sure makes me appreciate this semesters more. I'll be going mornings Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays along with Tuesday from 3:00 to 8:00 (two classes) and a class on Monday Night from 5:00 to 8:30.
Must go . . . will be writing again soon . . .
Thursday, January 09, 2020
1979 Family Letter -Nov.18
Sunday evening -
November 19, 1979
Dearest Family --
Today has been really pretty - not too cold but sunny and bright. We had a few granules of snow in the air Thursday but since it has been real nice. Some of the leaves are still on the trees but most of them are down except our red maples at the side of the house but they are beginning to fall.
Glad to talk to Gerry and Catherine Thursday night and know Gerry had gotten home that day and I am sure that was a happy occasion. He is coming along fine but not to do much riding in the car but is to do some walking which lets him get out and around Madras and check things at the Jefferson Cooperative. I am sure it will be a long couple of months until he is able to be back at work but at least it isn't the busiest time then. Imagine Wendy is most happy to have both her parents at home again and will be glad to have her Daddy around more.
We got worried that Roberta might have had another bee sting as it had been at least ten days since we had heard from her and that is most unusual but glad to report that all is well and she had a card on the way and a letter in the typewriter she hadn't finished from almost a week before. She had been busy getting ready for a busy day with the senior citizens -- square dancing and games, etc. so that much is out of the way and now she says she has volunteered to drive a van with wheel chair accommodations to take a group to church each Sunday so won't be going to her usual church.
Glad to talk to Serena a week ago Saturday and she has been busy but found time to attend the Methodist Church nearby though aren't too many young people in the group. We never did get to talk to Debbie but hope that her hand is healing or arm or whatever got cut. Dad did find a flat tire on the Dodge and has gotten it fixed and winterized (car, that is). We really feel like plutocrats with three cars available but of course Mary Virginia is hoping that one might be available for her when she has her own license.
We are looking forward to having John and Carol here for Thanksgiving and sorry that they won't be with us longer or will get to go to the Co-Getters dinner in Cincinnati. Also Mimi Baines called and said that her parents are coming so they won't be here for dinner here but glad that she is having her family.
Mary Virginia has been busy singing - last Tuesday evening at the Mother & Daughter Tea at the church and this morning in church -- Virginia Hildebrant asked her to sing "Bless This House" and Denise Stewart came over from Sabina to play for her.
Dad had Every Member Canvas this afternoon so we took Grandma over to the Wooden Spoon for lunch. Made the mistake of saying that we couldn't open the freezer door without something falling out so she thought we should have eaten at home. She is getting ready to leave a week from Tuesday for Lake Worth so is finishing up and could probably leave tomorrow if necessary.
She had a card from Aunt Mary and they have been busy, getting Joe off and moving things around for Grandma to arrive for the winter.
Our church commitment Sunday went well - John Bambers and I had 3 members in the Wilmington area to call upon, so were gone about 3 hours. The EC Band Boosters had a mountain music program at the NV gym also this afternoon to make money for the possible Washington D.C. trip next Spring.
M.V. was on the honor roll this past six weeks period so miracles do happen. Read in the current district church news where Rev. Schamaun is now going to the First Methodist Church in Lima, from Plain City where they have been for the past 7 years. Wonder if his 2nd marriage was an inspiration for Melba Fawley?? That wedding will be this Wednesday at the Church then the honeymooners are going to Florida for a week. While I am rambling around Elroyd Collier started at the bank 25 years ago, he plans to retire next Spring. We are gong to take them to Wilm. Wed. A.M. to get a bus for Cleveland to visit their son and wife for the weekend.
[Love, etc.]
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