Friday, October 15, 2021

1981 Family Letter -Oct.26


Sunday, October 26, 1981

Dear Family:

It's nice to be back in New Vienna after the fast pace of New York City.  We do enjoy the foreign restaurants for Tuesday night we went to a Philippine place which also had a half hour "native program" and no jet lag in getting back to the hotel.  Wednesday evening was Cuban night and we had a serving of Paella, which we still recall with enjoyment from the time we had the dish in Dakar ten years ago.  With all of ten minutes to spare we went to see "Annie", which brought back childhood recollections of the comic strip of "Orphan Annie".  As Grandma commented that was "years ago".  (Dad really did like this play!  It was C* [?] approved.

Yes, this was a business trip, the present conditions do not make things look too bright.  One wonders about people's sanity, for so many customers seem to like getting discounts off a high price rather than a non-discounted lower price in the first place.  That there are always these buyers who expect the free use of the ocean condo at the height of the season and/or all other versions of this theme.  We did buy Mongold's gate building this week, which will give us some good floor space for shipping and receiving.

Thursday we visited Theodore Roosevelt's birth place in NYC -- a 25' wide brownstone with 4 floors.  Really had a personal tour there and made us both want to read more about his life.  At least we have a common thread on October 27th.  Ha.  Especially interesting after reading the condensed Mornings on Horseback in Book Digest.  Friday evening we were included in a group of 16 to help celebrate Mildred Terrell's 75th birthday at a surprise birthday party at the Golden Lamb, which had been arranged by her daughter in Germany.  It was a full evening and she does fit the characterization of 75 years young.  Remember getting my dog -- about fifty years ago -- from Mildred.  It was a combination of Toast and Roast but only a couple really roasted her, but smoothed it over well.

After this was over the girls (MV, MY and another friend of theirs) and I went to Columbus to a Women Anew meeting or rather weekend which was very inspiring at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus.  Previous meetings had been held another place but they had outgrown it.  We got home rather tired but MV right away had to practice to sing tonight at the church which we will no doubt attend.

We forgot to tell you all that we had a note when we got back from Oregon about Chancey Hinerman passing away -- he had had a stroke in August and passed away Sep. 15 -- he had been so lost without Sarah -- his letters and phone calls were rambling but we had enjoyed his friendship and humor.  They only had the one adopted daughter who is living in Atlanta.

Anxious to hear more about Roberta's move.  Sorry we missed your phone call last Friday but MY gave us the message that you will be moving Nov. 4 -- I may have given you her address butif not it is 3521 West Vogel, Phoenix AZ.  She says that they have moved most of the things in their pick-up and plan to have the professional movers do the rest -- sure hope a buyer soon shows up for their nice house on N. 61st Place.  Serena was going to try riding her bike again as her legs were feeling better.  Didn't get to see John and Carol.

The Morgans have had a busy time with the Elk's Anniversary celebrations.  Those Rocky Mountain oysters we had were memorable.  Wish we could see Wendy at Halloween time in her mask and with trick-or-treaters.  

Carol's grandparents were celebrating their 50th anniversary today -- wanted to send them a card but didn't want to spoil the surprise you all had planned.  How did it go?

With much love to all of you. . . .

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